require File.expand_path('../../spec_helper', __FILE__) # The CocoaPods namespace # module Pod describe Command::Try do describe 'Try' do XCODE_PROJECT = Pod::Command::Try::TRY_TMP_DIR + 'Project.xcodeproj' XCODE_WORKSPACE = Pod::Command::Try::TRY_TMP_DIR + 'Project.xcworkspace' it 'registers it self' do Command.parse(%w(try)) Command::Try end it 'presents the help if no name is provided' do command = Pod::Command.parse(['try']) should.raise CLAide::Help do command.validate! end.message.should.match(/A Pod name or URL is required/) end before do @original_install_method = method = Pod::Command::Try.instance_method(:install_pod) Pod::Command::Try.send(:define_method, :install_pod) do |*args| dir = method.bind(self).call(*args) FileUtils.mkdir_p(dir) dir end end after do Pod::Command::Try.send(:define_method, :install_pod, @original_install_method) end it 'allows the user to try the Pod with the given name' do Config.instance.with_changes(:skip_repo_update => false) do command = Pod::Command.parse(%w(try ARAnalytics)) Installer::PodSourceInstaller.any_instance.expects(:install!) command.expects(:update_specs_repos) command.expects(:pick_demo_project).returns(XCODE_PROJECT) command.expects(:open_project).with(XCODE_PROJECT) end end it 'allows the user to try the Pod with the given Git URL' do require 'cocoapods-downloader/git' Pod::Downloader::Git.any_instance.expects(:download) spec_file = Pod::Command::Try::TRY_TMP_DIR + 'ARAnalytics/ARAnalytics.podspec' Pathname.stubs(:glob).once.returns([spec_file]) stub_spec = stub(:name => 'ARAnalytics') Pod::Specification.stubs(:from_file).with(spec_file).returns(stub_spec) Config.instance.skip_repo_update = false command = Pod::Command.parse(['try', '']) Installer::PodSourceInstaller.any_instance.expects(:install!) command.expects(:update_specs_repos).never command.expects(:pick_demo_project).returns(XCODE_PROJECT) command.expects(:open_project).with(XCODE_PROJECT) end end describe 'Helpers' do before do @sut = Pod::Command.parse(['try']) end it 'returns the spec with the given name' do spec = @sut.spec_with_name('ARAnalytics') == 'ARAnalytics' end describe '#spec_at_url' do it 'returns a spec for an https git repo' do require 'cocoapods-downloader/git' Pod::Downloader::Git.any_instance.expects(:download) spec_file = Pod::Command::Try::TRY_TMP_DIR + 'ARAnalytics/ARAnalytics.podspec' Pathname.stubs(:glob).once.returns([spec_file]) stub_spec = stub Pod::Specification.stubs(:from_file).with(spec_file).returns(stub_spec) spec = @sut.spec_with_url('') spec.should == stub_spec end end it 'installs the pod' do Installer::PodSourceInstaller.any_instance.expects(:install!) spec = stub(:name => 'ARAnalytics') sandbox_root = sandbox = path = @sut.install_pod(spec, sandbox) path.should == sandbox.root + 'ARAnalytics' end describe '#pick_demo_project' do it 'raises if no demo project could be found' do projects = [] Dir.stubs(:glob).returns(projects) should.raise Informative do @sut.pick_demo_project(stub) end.message.should.match(/Unable to find any project/) end it 'picks a demo project' do projects = ['Demo.xcodeproj'] Dir.stubs(:glob).returns(projects) path = @sut.pick_demo_project(stub) path.should == 'Demo.xcodeproj' end it 'is not case sensitive' do projects = ['demo.xcodeproj'] Dir.stubs(:glob).returns(projects) path = @sut.pick_demo_project(stub) path.should == 'demo.xcodeproj' end it 'considers also projects named example' do projects = ['Example.xcodeproj'] Dir.stubs(:glob).returns(projects) path = @sut.pick_demo_project(stub) path.should == 'Example.xcodeproj' end it 'returns the project if only one is found' do projects = ['Lib.xcodeproj'] Dir.stubs(:glob).returns(projects) path = @sut.pick_demo_project(stub) path.should == 'Lib.xcodeproj' end it 'asks the user which project would like to open if not a single suitable one is found' do projects = ['Lib_1.xcodeproj', 'Lib_2.xcodeproj'] Dir.stubs(:glob).returns(projects) UI.stubs(:choose_from_array).returns(0) path = @sut.pick_demo_project(stub(:cleanpath => '')) path.should == 'Lib_1.xcodeproj' end it 'should prefer demo or example workspaces' do Dir.stubs(:glob).returns(['Project Demo.xcodeproj', 'Project Demo.xcworkspace']) path = @sut.pick_demo_project(stub(:cleanpath => '')) path.should == 'Project Demo.xcworkspace' end it 'should not show workspaces inside a project' do Dir.stubs(:glob).returns(['Project Demo.xcodeproj', 'Project Demo.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace']) path = @sut.pick_demo_project(stub(:cleanpath => '')) path.should == 'Project Demo.xcodeproj' end it 'should prefer workspaces over projects with the same name' do Dir.stubs(:glob).returns(['Project Demo.xcodeproj', 'Project Demo.xcworkspace']) path = @sut.pick_demo_project(stub(:cleanpath => '')) path.should == 'Project Demo.xcworkspace' end end describe '#install_podfile' do it 'returns the original project if no Podfile could be found' do Pathname.any_instance.stubs(:exist?).returns(false) proj = XCODE_PROJECT path = @sut.install_podfile(proj) path.should == proj end it 'performs an installation and returns the path of the workspace' do Pathname.any_instance.stubs(:exist?).returns(true) proj = XCODE_PROJECT @sut.expects(:perform_cocoapods_installation) Podfile.stubs(:from_file).returns(stub(:workspace_path => XCODE_WORKSPACE)) path = @sut.install_podfile(proj) path.to_s.should == XCODE_WORKSPACE.to_s end it 'returns the default workspace if one is not set' do Pathname.any_instance.stubs(:exist?).returns(true) proj = XCODE_PROJECT Podfile.stubs(:from_file).returns(stub(:workspace_path => nil)) @sut.expects(:perform_cocoapods_installation).once path = @sut.install_podfile(proj) path.to_s.should == XCODE_WORKSPACE.to_s end end end end end