#include "shape.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "reflex/exception.h" #include "reflex/debug.h" #include "selector.h" #include "view.h" #include "world.h" #include "body.h" #include "fixture.h" namespace Reflex { static const Style* get_style (const Shape* shape) { assert(shape); const View* owner = shape->owner(); if (!owner) return NULL; return &View_get_style(owner); } static bool is_default_shape (const Shape* shape) { assert(shape); const View* owner = shape->owner(); if (!owner) return false; return shape == owner->shape(); } static const Color* get_fill (const Shape* shape) { assert(shape); const Style* style = get_style(shape); if (!style) return NULL; return is_default_shape(shape) ? &style->background_fill() : &style->foreground_fill(); } static coord get_stroke_width (const Shape* shape) { assert(shape); const Style* style = get_style(shape); if (!style) return 0; return is_default_shape(shape) ? style->background_stroke_width() : style->foreground_stroke_width(); } static bool has_fill (const Shape* shape) { assert(shape); const Color* fill = get_fill(shape); return fill && *fill; } static bool has_stroke_width (const Shape* shape) { assert(shape); return get_stroke_width(shape) > 0; } static bool triangulate (Polygon::TrianglePointList* triangles, const Polygon& polygon) { class TriangulatablePolygon : public Polygon { public: using Polygon::triangulate; }; return ((const TriangulatablePolygon&) polygon).triangulate(triangles); } class FixtureBuilder { public: FixtureBuilder (Shape* shape, const b2Shape* head = NULL) : shape(shape), head(NULL), tail(NULL) { assert(shape); if (head) add(head); } void add (const b2Shape* b2shape) { assert(b2shape); Body* body = View_get_body(shape->owner()); if (!body) invalid_state_error(__FILE__, __LINE__); append(new Fixture(body, b2shape, shape)); } Fixture* fixtures () const { return head; } private: Shape* shape; Fixture *head, *tail; void append (Fixture* fixture) { if (!fixture) return; if (tail) tail->set_next(fixture); else { assert(!head && !tail); head = tail = fixture; } while (tail && tail->next()) tail = tail->next(); } };// FixtureBuilder static Fixture* create_empty_fixture (Shape* shape) { assert(shape); b2CircleShape b2shape; return FixtureBuilder(shape, &b2shape).fixtures(); } static Fixture* create_solid_fixtures (Shape* shape, const Polygon& polygon, float ppm) { assert(shape); Polygon::TrianglePointList triangles; if (!triangulate(&triangles, polygon)) return NULL; assert((triangles.size() % 3) == 0); if (triangles.empty()) return NULL; std::vector b2points; b2points.reserve(triangles.size()); for (const auto& point : triangles) b2points.emplace_back(to_b2vec2(point, ppm)); FixtureBuilder builder(shape); for (size_t i = 0; i < b2points.size(); i += 3) { b2PolygonShape b2shape; b2shape.Set(&b2points[i], 3); if (b2shape.m_count != 3) continue;// skip too small triangle builder.add(&b2shape); } return builder.fixtures(); } static void add_polyline ( FixtureBuilder* builder, const Polyline& polyline, float ppm, std::vector* buffer) { assert(builder && buffer); buffer->clear(); buffer->reserve(polyline.size()); for (const auto& point : polyline) buffer->emplace_back(to_b2vec2(point, ppm)); b2ChainShape b2shape; if (polyline.loop()) b2shape.CreateLoop(&(*buffer)[0], (int32) buffer->size()); else { b2shape.CreateChain( &(*buffer)[0], (int32) buffer->size(), (*buffer)[0], (*buffer)[buffer->size() - 1]); } builder->add(&b2shape); } static Fixture* create_line_fixtures (Shape* shape, const Polygon& polygon, float ppm) { assert(shape); FixtureBuilder builder(shape); std::vector b2points; for (const auto& polyline : polygon) add_polyline(&builder, polyline, ppm, &b2points); return builder.fixtures(); } struct Shape::Data { enum Flags { UPDATE_POLYGON = Xot::bit(0), DEFAULT_FLAGS = UPDATE_POLYGON };// Flags View* owner = NULL; uint flags = DEFAULT_FLAGS; Polygon polygon; SelectorPtr pselector; std::unique_ptr pframe; std::unique_ptr pfixtures; virtual ~Data () { } virtual void set_frame (const Bounds& frame) { if (pframe && *pframe == frame) return; if (pframe) *pframe = frame; else pframe.reset(new Bounds(frame)); update_polygon_later(); } virtual Bounds get_frame () const { if (pframe) return *pframe; else if (owner) return owner->frame().dup().move_to(0, 0); else return 0; } virtual bool has_frame () const { return (bool) pframe; } void update_polygon_later () { if (!owner) return; Xot::add_flag(&flags, UPDATE_POLYGON); View_update_shapes(owner); } void update_polygon (Shape* shape, bool force = false) { assert(shape); bool update = Xot::check_and_remove_flag(&flags, UPDATE_POLYGON); if (!update && !force) return; if (!owner || !View_is_active(*owner)) polygon = Polygon(); else { Polygon poly = get_polygon_for_shape(); if (!force && poly.self == polygon.self) return; polygon = poly;//clip_polygon(poly); } update_fixtures(shape); } Polygon clip_polygon (const Polygon& polygon) { if (!pframe || !polygon) return polygon; return polygon & Rays::create_rect(0, 0, pframe->width, pframe->height); } void update_fixtures (Shape* shape) { if (pfixtures) { std::unique_ptr old_fix = std::move(pfixtures); Fixture_copy_attributes(&fixtures(shape), *old_fix); } else if (has_body()) fixtures(shape); } Fixture& fixtures (Shape* shape) { assert(shape); if (!pfixtures) { Fixture* fix; if (has_body()) { fix = create_fixtures(shape); if (!fix) fix = create_empty_fixture(shape); } else fix = Fixture_create_temporary(); assert(fix); pfixtures.reset(fix); } return *pfixtures; } bool has_body () const { Body* body = View_get_body(owner, false); return body && !Body_is_temporary(*body); } virtual Fixture* create_fixtures (Shape* shape) { if (!owner) invalid_state_error(__FILE__, __LINE__); // if the view has been added to the window but on_update() has not yet // been called, update_polygon() has also never been called. update_polygon(shape); Polygon polygon = get_polygon_for_fixtures(); if (!polygon || polygon.empty()) return NULL; float ppm = owner->meter2pixel(); if (has_fill(shape)) return create_solid_fixtures(shape, polygon, ppm); else if (has_stroke_width(shape)) { Polygon hole; if (!polygon.expand(&hole, -get_stroke_width(shape))) return NULL; return create_solid_fixtures(shape, polygon - hole, ppm); } else return create_line_fixtures(shape, polygon, ppm); } virtual Polygon get_polygon_for_shape () const = 0; virtual Polygon get_polygon_for_fixtures () const { return polygon; } };// Shape::Data bool Shape_set_owner (Shape* shape, View* owner) { if (!shape) argument_error(__FILE__, __LINE__); Shape::Data* self = shape->self.get(); if (owner == self->owner) return false; if (owner && self->owner) invalid_state_error(__FILE__, __LINE__); self->owner = owner; return true; } bool Shape_has_frame (const Shape& shape) { return shape.self->has_frame(); } void Shape_update (Shape* shape, bool force) { if (!shape) argument_error(__FILE__, __LINE__); shape->self->update_polygon(shape, force); } void Shape_call_contact_event (Shape* shape, ContactEvent* event) { if (!shape || !event) argument_error(__FILE__, __LINE__); shape->on_contact(event); switch (event->action()) { case ContactEvent::BEGIN: shape->on_contact_begin(event); break; case ContactEvent::END: shape->on_contact_end(event); break; default: break; } if (event->is_blocked()) return; View_call_contact_event(shape->owner(), event); } Shape::Shape (Data* data, const char* name) : self(data) { if (name) set_name(name); } Shape::~Shape () { } View* Shape::owner () { return self->owner; } const View* Shape::owner () const { return const_cast(this)->owner(); } void Shape::set_frame (coord x, coord y, coord width, coord height) { set_frame(Bounds(x, y, width, height)); } void Shape::set_frame (const Bounds& frame) { self->set_frame(frame); } Bounds Shape::frame () const { return self->get_frame(); } void Shape::set_density (float density) { if (density == this->density()) return; self->fixtures(this).set_density(density); } float Shape::density () const { const Fixture* f = self->pfixtures.get(); return f ? f->density() : 0; } void Shape::set_friction (float friction) { if (friction == this->friction()) return; self->fixtures(this).set_friction(friction); } float Shape::friction () const { const Fixture* f = self->pfixtures.get(); return f ? f->friction() : 0; } void Shape::set_restitution (float restitution) { if (restitution == this->restitution()) return; self->fixtures(this).set_restitution(restitution); } float Shape::restitution () const { const Fixture* f = self->pfixtures.get(); return f ? f->restitution() : 0; } void Shape::set_sensor (bool state) { if (state == is_sensor()) return; self->fixtures(this).set_sensor(state); } bool Shape::is_sensor () const { const Fixture* f = self->pfixtures.get(); return f ? f->is_sensor() : false; } void Shape::on_draw (DrawEvent* e) { assert(e && e->painter()); e->painter()->polygon(self->polygon); } void Shape::on_resize (FrameEvent* e) { if (!self->has_frame()) self->update_polygon_later(); } bool Shape::will_contact (Shape* s) { return true; } void Shape::on_contact (ContactEvent* e) { } void Shape::on_contact_begin (ContactEvent* e) { } void Shape::on_contact_end (ContactEvent* e) { } SelectorPtr* Shape::get_selector_ptr () { return &self->pselector; } struct FixedFrameShapeData : public Shape::Data { void set_frame (const Bounds& frame) override { // updating frame for shape has fixed frame is not supported. not_implemented_error(__FILE__, __LINE__); } Bounds get_frame () const override { return get_fixed_frame(); } bool has_frame () const override { return has_fixed_frame(); } virtual Bounds get_fixed_frame () const = 0; virtual bool has_fixed_frame () const = 0; };// FixedFrameShapeData struct PolygonShapeData : public FixedFrameShapeData { Polygon polygon; Polygon get_polygon_for_shape () const override { return polygon; } Bounds get_fixed_frame () const override { return polygon.bounds(); } bool has_fixed_frame () const override { return !polygon.empty(true); } };// PolygonShapeData static PolygonShapeData& get_data (PolygonShape& shape) { return (PolygonShapeData&) *shape.self; } static const PolygonShapeData& get_data (const PolygonShape& shape) { return get_data(const_cast(shape)); } PolygonShape::PolygonShape (const char* name) : Super(new PolygonShapeData, name) { } PolygonShape::~PolygonShape () { } void PolygonShape::set_polygon (const Polygon& polygon) { get_data(*this).polygon = polygon; self->update_polygon_later(); } const Polygon& PolygonShape::polygon () const { return get_data(*this).polygon; } struct LineShapeData : public FixedFrameShapeData { std::vector points; bool loop = false; Polygon get_polygon_for_shape () const override { if (points.empty()) return Polygon(); return Rays::create_line(&points[0], points.size(), loop); } Bounds get_fixed_frame () const override { if (points.empty()) return Bounds(-1, -1, -1); Bounds b(points[0], 0); for (const auto& point : points) b |= point; return b; } bool has_fixed_frame () const override { return !points.empty(); } };// LineShapeData static LineShapeData& get_data (LineShape& shape) { return (LineShapeData&) *shape.self; } static const LineShapeData& get_data (const LineShape& shape) { return get_data(const_cast(shape)); } LineShape::LineShape (const char* name) : Super(new LineShapeData, name) { } LineShape::~LineShape () { } void LineShape::add_point (coord x, coord y, coord z) { add_point(Point(x, y, z)); } void LineShape::add_point (const Point& point) { get_data(*this).points.emplace_back(point); self->update_polygon_later(); } void LineShape::add_points (const Point* points, size_t size) { auto& array = get_data(*this).points; array.insert(array.end(), points, points + size); self->update_polygon_later(); } void LineShape::set_loop (bool loop) { get_data(*this).loop = loop; } bool LineShape::loop () const { return get_data(*this).loop; } struct RectShapeData : public Shape::Data { typedef Shape::Data Super; coord round_left_top = 0; coord round_right_top = 0; coord round_left_bottom = 0; coord round_right_bottom = 0; uint nsegment = 0; Fixture* create_fixtures (Shape* shape) override { Bounds frame = get_frame(); bool rect = frame.size() != 0; if (rect && !has_rounds()) return create_rect_fixture(shape, frame); else if (rect && nsegment <= 1) return create_rect_fixture_without_division(shape, frame); else return Super::create_fixtures(shape); } Fixture* create_rect_fixture (Shape* shape, const Bounds& frame) { assert(shape); if (!owner) invalid_state_error(__FILE__, __LINE__); float ppm = owner->meter2pixel(); coord l = to_b2coord(frame.x, ppm); coord t = to_b2coord(frame.y, ppm); coord r = to_b2coord(frame.x + frame.w, ppm); coord b = to_b2coord(frame.x + frame.h, ppm); b2Vec2 b2points[] = {{l, t}, {l, b}, {r, b}, {r, t}}; b2PolygonShape b2shape; b2shape.Set(&b2points[0], 4); return FixtureBuilder(shape, &b2shape).fixtures(); } Fixture* create_rect_fixture_without_division ( Shape* shape, const Bounds& frame) { assert(shape); if (!owner) invalid_state_error(__FILE__, __LINE__); Polygon polygon = Rays::create_rect( frame.x, frame.y, frame.width, frame.height, round_left_top, round_right_top, round_left_bottom, round_right_bottom, 1); assert(polygon.size() == 1); float ppm = owner->meter2pixel(); const Polyline& polyline = polygon[0]; assert(polyline[0].size() <= 8); b2Vec2 b2points[8]; for (size_t i = 0; i < polyline.size(); ++i) b2points[i] = to_b2vec2(polyline[i], ppm); b2PolygonShape b2shape; b2shape.Set(&b2points[0], polyline.size()); return FixtureBuilder(shape, &b2shape).fixtures(); } Polygon get_polygon_for_shape () const override { return Rays::create_rect( get_frame(), round_left_top, round_right_top, round_left_bottom, round_right_bottom, nsegment); } Polygon get_polygon_for_fixtures () const override { if (nsegment <= 0 && has_rounds()) return Rays::create_rect(get_frame(), 0, 0, 0, 0, 1); else return Super::get_polygon_for_fixtures(); } bool has_rounds () const { return round_left_top != 0 || round_right_top != 0 || round_left_bottom != 0 || round_right_bottom != 0; } };// RectShapeData static RectShapeData& get_data (RectShape& shape) { return (RectShapeData&) *shape.self; } static const RectShapeData& get_data (const RectShape& shape) { return get_data(const_cast(shape)); } RectShape::RectShape (const char* name) : Super(new RectShapeData, name) { } RectShape::~RectShape () { } void RectShape::set_round (coord round) { set_round(round, round, round, round); } void RectShape::set_round ( coord left_top, coord right_top, coord left_bottom, coord right_bottom) { RectShapeData& data = get_data(*this); data.round_left_top = left_top; data.round_right_top = right_top; data.round_left_bottom = left_bottom; data.round_right_bottom = right_bottom; self->update_polygon_later(); } void RectShape::set_round_left_top (coord round) { get_data(*this).round_left_top = round; self->update_polygon_later(); } coord RectShape::round_left_top () const { return get_data(*this).round_left_top; } void RectShape::set_round_right_top (coord round) { get_data(*this).round_right_top = round; self->update_polygon_later(); } coord RectShape::round_right_top () const { return get_data(*this).round_right_top; } void RectShape::set_round_left_bottom (coord round) { get_data(*this).round_left_bottom = round; self->update_polygon_later(); } coord RectShape::round_left_bottom () const { return get_data(*this).round_left_bottom; } void RectShape::set_round_right_bottom (coord round) { get_data(*this).round_right_bottom = round; self->update_polygon_later(); } coord RectShape::round_right_bottom () const { return get_data(*this).round_right_bottom; } void RectShape::set_nsegment (uint nsegment) { get_data(*this).nsegment = nsegment; self->update_polygon_later(); } uint RectShape::nsegment () const { return get_data(*this).nsegment; } struct EllipseShapeData : public Shape::Data { typedef Shape::Data Super; enum { DEFAULT_ANGLE_FROM = 0, DEFAULT_ANGLE_TO = 360, ANGLE_MAX = DEFAULT_ANGLE_TO - DEFAULT_ANGLE_FROM }; Point hole_size; float angle_from = DEFAULT_ANGLE_FROM; float angle_to = DEFAULT_ANGLE_TO; uint nsegment = 0; bool has_hole () const { return hole_size.x != 0 && hole_size.y != 0; } bool has_angle () const { return angle_from != DEFAULT_ANGLE_FROM || angle_to != DEFAULT_ANGLE_TO; } Fixture* create_fixtures (Shape* shape) override { Bounds frame = get_frame(); bool circle = frame.size() != 0 && frame.width == frame.height; if (circle && !has_angle() && !has_hole() && has_fill(shape)) return create_circle_fixture(shape, frame); else return Super::create_fixtures(shape); } Fixture* create_circle_fixture (Shape* shape, const Bounds& frame) { assert(shape); if (!owner) invalid_state_error(__FILE__, __LINE__); float ppm = owner->meter2pixel(); b2CircleShape b2shape; b2shape.m_p = to_b2vec2(frame.center(), ppm); b2shape.m_radius = to_b2coord(frame.width / 2, ppm); return FixtureBuilder(shape, &b2shape).fixtures(); } Polygon get_polygon_for_shape () const override { return Rays::create_ellipse( get_frame(), hole_size, angle_from, angle_to, nsegment); } Polygon get_polygon_for_fixtures () const override { if (nsegment <= 0) { return Rays::create_ellipse( get_frame(), hole_size, angle_from, angle_to, 8); } else return Super::get_polygon_for_fixtures(); } };// EllipseShapeData static EllipseShapeData& get_data (EllipseShape& shape) { return (EllipseShapeData&) *shape.self; } static const EllipseShapeData& get_data (const EllipseShape& shape) { return get_data(const_cast(shape)); } EllipseShape::EllipseShape (const char* name) : Super(new EllipseShapeData, name) { } EllipseShape::~EllipseShape () { } void EllipseShape::set_hole_size (coord width, coord height) { get_data(*this).hole_size.reset(width, height); self->update_polygon_later(); } void EllipseShape::set_hole_size (const Point& hole_size) { set_hole_size(hole_size.x, hole_size.y); } const Point& EllipseShape::hole_size () const { return get_data(*this).hole_size; } void EllipseShape::set_angle_from (float degree) { get_data(*this).angle_from = degree; self->update_polygon_later(); } float EllipseShape::angle_from () const { return get_data(*this).angle_from; } void EllipseShape::set_angle_to (float degree) { get_data(*this).angle_to = degree; self->update_polygon_later(); } float EllipseShape::angle_to () const { return get_data(*this).angle_to; } void EllipseShape::set_nsegment (uint num_of_segments) { get_data(*this).nsegment = num_of_segments; self->update_polygon_later(); } uint EllipseShape::nsegment () const { return get_data(*this).nsegment; } struct WallShapeData : public Shape::Data { uint positions = 0; coord thickness = 0; Polygon get_polygon_for_shape () const override { Bounds frame = get_frame(); Polygon poly; add_wall_polygon(&poly, WallShape::LEFT, frame); add_wall_polygon(&poly, WallShape::TOP, frame); add_wall_polygon(&poly, WallShape::RIGHT, frame); add_wall_polygon(&poly, WallShape::BOTTOM, frame); return poly; } void add_wall_polygon ( Polygon* polygon, WallShape::Position position, const Bounds& frame) const { assert(polygon); if (positions & position) *polygon = *polygon | create_wall_polygon(position, frame, thickness); } static Polygon create_wall_polygon ( WallShape::Position pos, const Bounds& frame, coord thickness) { coord w = frame.width, h = frame.height, t = thickness, tt = thickness * 2; switch (pos) { case WallShape::LEFT: return Rays::create_rect(-t, -t, t, h + tt); case WallShape::TOP: return Rays::create_rect(-t, -t, w + tt, t); case WallShape::RIGHT: return Rays::create_rect( w, -t, t, h + tt); case WallShape::BOTTOM: return Rays::create_rect(-t, h, w + tt, t); default: argument_error(__FILE__, __LINE__, "invalid wall position."); } return Polygon(); } };// WallShapeData static WallShapeData& get_data (WallShape& shape) { return (WallShapeData&) *shape.self; } static const WallShapeData& get_data (const WallShape& shape) { return get_data(const_cast(shape)); } WallShape::WallShape (uint positions, coord thickness) : Super(new WallShapeData) { WallShapeData& data = get_data(*this); data.positions = positions; data.thickness = thickness; } void WallShape::on_draw (DrawEvent* e) { // wall is invisible, so draw nothing } }// Reflex