describe("Ext.dom.Element", function() { var domEl, element; afterEach(function() { if (element) { element.remove(); } if (domEl && domEl.parentNode === document.body) { document.body.removeChild(domEl); } }); describe("instantiation", function() { beforeEach(function() { domEl = document.createElement("div"); Ext.getBody().appendChild(domEl); }); it("should set dom element id if it hasn't already one", function() { element = new Ext.dom.Element(domEl); expect(; }); it("should not set dom element id if it has already one", function() { var id =; = id; element = new Ext.dom.Element(domEl); expect(; }); it("should set dom property to dom element", function() { element = new Ext.dom.Element(domEl); expect(element.dom).toBe(domEl); }); it("should set id property to dom id", function() { var id =; = id; element = new Ext.dom.Element(domEl); expect(; }); it("should not set dom or id property if first argument is undefined", function() { element = new Ext.dom.Element(); expect(; expect(element.dom).toBeUndefined(); }); it("should find a dom element if a string corresponding to it's id is passed as first argument", function() { var id =; = id; element = new Ext.dom.Element(id); expect(element.dom).toBe(domEl); }); }); function describeMethods(){ describe("set", function() { it("should call Ext.core.DomHelper.applyStyles if object passed as first argument has style property", function() { var style = {width:'100px'}; spyOn(Ext.core.DomHelper, "applyStyles"); element.set({style: style}); expect(Ext.core.DomHelper.applyStyles).toHaveBeenCalledWith(element.dom, style); }); it("should set dom element className if object passed as first argument has cls property", function() { var cls = "x-test-class"; element.set({cls: cls}); expect(element.dom.className).toEqual(cls); }); it("should use setAttribute by default", function() { spyOn(element.dom, "setAttribute"); element.set({align: "center"}); expect(element.dom.setAttribute).toHaveBeenCalledWith("align", "center"); }); it("should be able to use expandos", function() { spyOn(element.dom, "setAttribute"); element.set({align: "center"}, false); expect(element.dom.align).toEqual("center"); }); }); describe("is", function() { it("Returns true if this element matches the passed simple selector", function() { element.set({cls: "x-test-class"}); expect("div.x-test-class")).toBe(true); }); }); describe("focus", function() { it("should focus dom element", function() { spyOn(element.dom, "focus"); element.focus(); expect(element.dom.focus).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("should be able to defer dom element focus", function() { spyOn(element.dom, "focus"); element.focus(1); waitsFor(function(){ return element.dom.focus.calls.length === 1; }, "element.dom.focus was never called"); runs(function() { expect(element.dom.focus).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); it("should ignore any exception", function() { element.dom.focus = function() { throw "error"; }; expect(element.focus).not.toThrow("error"); }); }); describe("blur", function() { it("should blur dom element", function() { spyOn(element.dom, "blur"); element.blur(); expect(element.dom.blur).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("should ignore any exception", function() { element.dom.blur = function() { throw "error"; }; expect(element.blur).not.toThrow("error"); }); }); describe("getValue", function() { beforeEach(function() { element.dom.value = "10"; }); it("should return the dom value", function() { expect(element.getValue()).toEqual("10"); }); it("should return the dom value as Number", function() { expect(element.getValue(true)).toEqual(10); }); }); describe("listeners", function() { var options; beforeEach(function() { options = {delay: 10}; }); describe("addListener", function() { it("should call Ext.EventManager.on", function() { spyOn(Ext.EventManager, "on"); element.addListener("click", Ext.emptyFn, fakeScope, options); expect(Ext.EventManager.on).toHaveBeenCalledWith(element, "click", Ext.emptyFn, fakeScope, options); }); }); describe("removeListener", function() { it("should call Ext.EventManager.un", function() { spyOn(Ext.EventManager, "un"); element.removeListener("click", Ext.emptyFn, fakeScope); expect(Ext.EventManager.un).toHaveBeenCalledWith(element, "click", Ext.emptyFn, fakeScope); }); }); describe("removeAllListener", function() { it("should call Ext.EventManager.removeAll", function() { spyOn(Ext.EventManager, "removeAll"); element.removeAllListeners(); expect(Ext.EventManager.removeAll).toHaveBeenCalledWith(element.dom); }); }); describe("purgeAllListener", function() { it("should call Ext.EventManager.purgeElement", function() { spyOn(Ext.EventManager, "purgeElement"); element.purgeAllListeners(); expect(Ext.EventManager.purgeElement).toHaveBeenCalledWith(element); }); }); }); describe("addUnits", function() { it("should return an empty string if size passed is an empty string", function() { expect(element.addUnits("")).toEqual(""); }); it("should return auto if size passed is 'auto' string", function() { expect(element.addUnits("auto")).toEqual("auto"); }); it("should return an empty string if size passed is undefined", function() { expect(element.addUnits(undefined)).toEqual(""); }); it("should return an empty string if size passed is null", function() { expect(element.addUnits(null)).toEqual(""); }); }); describe("remove", function() { beforeEach(function() { spyOn(Ext, "removeNode").andCallThrough(); element.remove(); }); it("should remove dom property", function() { expect(element.dom).toBeUndefined(); }); it("should call Ext.removeNode", function() { expect(Ext.removeNode).toHaveBeenCalledWith(domEl); }); }); describe("hover", function() { var overFn, outFn, options; beforeEach(function() { overFn = function() { return 1; }; outFn = function() { return 2; }; options = { foo: true }; spyOn(element, "on"); }); describe("mouseenter event", function() { it("should add a listener on mouseenter", function() { element.hover(overFn, outFn, fakeScope, options); expect(element.on).toHaveBeenCalledWith("mouseenter", overFn, fakeScope, options); }); it("should set scope to element.dom if it is not passed in arguments", function() { element.hover(overFn, outFn, null, options); expect(element.on).toHaveBeenCalledWith("mouseenter", overFn, element.dom, options); }); }); describe("mouseleave event", function() { it("should add a listener on mouseleave", function() { element.hover(overFn, outFn, fakeScope, options); expect(element.on).toHaveBeenCalledWith("mouseleave", outFn, fakeScope, options); }); it("should set scope to element.dom if it is not passed in arguments", function() { element.hover(overFn, outFn, null, options); expect(element.on).toHaveBeenCalledWith("mouseleave", outFn, element.dom, options); }); }); }); describe("contains", function() { /** * TODO: Removed tests for now, need to reinstate once the refactoring is done. */ }); describe("getAttributeNs", function() { it("should call element getAttribute", function() { spyOn(element, "getAttribute"); element.getAttributeNS("ns1", "align"); expect(element.getAttribute).toHaveBeenCalledWith("align", "ns1"); }); }); describe("getAttribute", function() { var element2, element3; beforeEach(function() { element2 = Ext.getBody().createChild({tag: "div"}); if (element.dom.setAttribute) { element.dom.setAttribute("qtip", "bar"); element2.dom.setAttribute("ext:qtip", "foo"); } else { element.dom["qtip"] = "bar"; element2.dom["ext:qtip"] = "foo"; } if (element.dom.setAttributeNS) { element3 = Ext.getBody().createChild({tag: "div"}); element3.dom.setAttributeNS("ext", "qtip", "foobar"); } }); afterEach(function() { if (element2) { element2.remove(); } if (element3) { element3.remove(); } }); describe("without namespace", function() { it("should return the attribute value if it exists", function() { expect(element.getAttribute("qtip")).toEqual("bar"); }); it("should return null if the attribute does not exist", function() { expect(element.getAttribute("nothing")).toBeNull(); }); }); describe("with namespace", function() { it("should return null on a non-namespaced attribute", function() { expect(element.getAttribute("qtip", "ext")).toBeNull(); }); it("should return null if the attribute belong to another namespace", function() { expect(element2.getAttribute("qtip", "nothing")).toBeNull(); }); it("should return the attribute value if it belongs to the namespace", function() { if (element3) { expect(element3.getAttribute("qtip", "ext")).toEqual("foobar"); } }); it("should handle xml namespace", function() { expect(element2.getAttribute("qtip", "ext")).toEqual("foo"); }); }); }); describe("update", function() { beforeEach(function() { element.dom.innerHTML = "hello world"; }); it("should update dom element innerHTML", function() { element.update("foobar"); expect(element.dom).hasHTML("foobar"); }); it("should return element", function() { expect(element.update("foobar")).toBe(element); }); }); describe("prototype aliases", function() { it("should aliases addListener with on", function() { expect(typeof(element.on)).toEqual('function'); }); it("should aliases removeListener with un", function() { expect(typeof(element.un)).toEqual('function'); }); it("should aliases removeAllListeners with clearListeners", function() { expect(typeof(element.clearListeners)).toEqual('function'); }); }); describe("visibilityMode", function(){ it('must be able to setVisibilityMode and getVisibilityMode', function(){ element.setVisibilityMode(Ext.dom.Element.DISPLAY); expect(element.getVisibilityMode()).toBe(Ext.dom.Element.DISPLAY); element.setVisibilityMode(Ext.dom.Element.VISIBILITY); expect(element.getVisibilityMode()).toBe(Ext.dom.Element.VISIBILITY); }); it("should retain visibilityMode on flyweights", function(){; expect(; }); }); describe("visibility", function(){ var child, grandChild, modes = [Ext.dom.Element.DISPLAY, Ext.dom.Element.VISIBILITY]; beforeEach(function() { child = element.createChild({tag: "div"}); if (child) { child.setVisible(true); grandChild = child.createChild({tag: "div"}); if (grandChild) { grandChild.setVisible(true); } } }); afterEach(function() { if (grandChild) { grandChild.remove(); } if (child) { child.remove(); } }); it("should toggle the visibility of the element itself", function(){ for (var i in modes) { element.setVisibilityMode(modes[i]); element.setVisible(false); expect(element.isVisible(false)).toBe(false); element.setVisible(true); expect(element.isVisible(false)).toBe(true); } }); it("should toggle the 'deep' visibility of the grand-child", function(){ for (var i in modes) { element.setVisibilityMode(modes[i]); element.setVisible(false); expect(grandChild.isVisible(true)).toBe(false); element.setVisible(true); expect(grandChild.isVisible(true)).toBe(true); } }); }); } describe('methods', function(){ beforeEach(function() { domEl = document.createElement('div'); document.body.appendChild(domEl); }); describe("new Ext.dom.Element", function(){ beforeEach(function() { element = new Ext.dom.Element(domEl); }); describeMethods(); }); describe("", function(){ beforeEach(function(){ element =; }); describeMethods(); }); }); describe("class methods", function() { var element2, domEl2, id; beforeEach(function() { element = Ext.getBody().createChild({tag: "div"}); domEl = element.dom; id =; domEl2 = document.createElement("div"); = id; document.body.appendChild(domEl2); spyOn(Ext.dom.Element, "addToCache").andCallThrough(); }); afterEach(function() { if (element2) { element2.remove(); } if (domEl2 && domEl2.parentNode === document.body) { document.body.removeChild(domEl2); } }); describe("get", function() { describe("alias", function() { it("should alias Ext.dom.Element.get with Ext.get", function() { spyOn(Ext.dom.Element, 'get'); Ext.get(); expect(Ext.dom.Element.get).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe("passing string id as first argument", function() { describe("with a dom element which is not already encapsulated", function() { it("should return a new Ext.dom.Element", function() { element2 = Ext.get(id); expect(element2 instanceof Ext.dom.Element).toBe(true); }); it("should encapsulate the dom element in the Ext.dom.Element", function() { element2 = Ext.get(id); expect(element2.dom).toBe(domEl2); }); it("should add element to Ext.cache", function() { element2 = Ext.get(id); expect(Ext.dom.Element.addToCache).toHaveBeenCalledWith(element2); }); }); describe("with a dom element which is already encapsulated", function() { it("should return the corresponding Ext.Element", function() { expect(Ext.get(domEl)).toBe(element); }); it("should not add element to Ext.cache if it is already in", function() { Ext.get(domEl); expect(Ext.dom.Element.addToCache).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); }); describe("passing dom element as first argument", function() { describe("with a dom element which is not already encapsulated", function() { it("should return a new Ext.dom.Element", function() { element2 = Ext.get(domEl2); expect(element2 instanceof Ext.dom.Element).toBe(true); }); it("should encapsulate the dom element in the Ext.dom.Element", function() { element2 = Ext.get(domEl2); expect(element2.dom).toBe(domEl2); }); it("should add element to Ext.cache", function() { element2 = Ext.get(domEl2); expect(Ext.dom.Element.addToCache).toHaveBeenCalledWith(element2); }); }); describe("with a dom element which is already encapsulated", function() { it("should return the corresponding Ext.Element", function() { expect(Ext.get(; }); it("should not add element to Ext.cache if it is already in", function() { Ext.get(; expect(Ext.dom.Element.addToCache).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); }); describe("passing an Ext.dom.Element as first argument", function() { it("should return Ext.dom.Element", function() { expect(Ext.get(element)).toBe(element); }); }); describe("passing a CompositeElement as first argument", function() { var compositeElement; beforeEach(function() { compositeElement ="div"); }); it("should return Ext.dom.Element", function() { expect(Ext.get(compositeElement)).toBe(compositeElement); }); }); describe("passing an array as first argument", function() { it("should call", function() { var arr = [domEl, domEl2]; spyOn(Ext.dom.Element, "select"); Ext.get(arr); expect(; }); }); describe("passing document as first argument", function() { it("should return an Ext.dom.Element", function() { expect(Ext.get(document) instanceof Ext.dom.Element).toBe(true); }); xit("should return a bogus Ext.dom.Element", function() { expect(Ext.get(document).id).not.toBeDefined(); }); it("should return an Ext.dom.Element that encapsulate document", function() { expect(Ext.get(document).dom).toBe(document); }); }); }); xdescribe("garbageCollector", function() { }); describe("fly", function() { var flyWeight; beforeEach(function() { spyOn(Ext, "getDom").andCallThrough(); }); describe("global flyweight", function() { beforeEach(function() { flyWeight =; }); it("should return an Ext.dom.Element.Fly", function() { expect(flyWeight instanceof Ext.dom.AbstractElement.Fly).toBe(true); }); it("should not cache a dom element", function() { expect(Ext.cache[]).toBeUndefined(); }); it("should call Ext.getDom", function() { expect(Ext.getDom).toHaveBeenCalledWith(domEl2); }); it("should create a one time reference", function() { expect(Ext.dom.AbstractElement._flyweights._global).toEqual(flyWeight); }); }); describe("named reusable flyweight", function() { beforeEach(function() { flyWeight =, "myflyweight"); }); it("should return an Ext.dom.Element.Flyweight", function() { expect(flyWeight instanceof Ext.dom.AbstractElement.Fly).toBe(true); }); it("should not cache a dom element", function() { expect(Ext.cache[]).toBeUndefined(); }); it("should call Ext.getDom", function() { expect(Ext.getDom).toHaveBeenCalledWith(domEl2); }); it("should create a one time reference", function() { expect(Ext.dom.AbstractElement._flyweights.myflyweight).toEqual(flyWeight); }); }); }); describe("aliases", function() { it("should aliases Ext.dom.Element.get with Ext.get", function() { spyOn(Ext.dom.Element, 'get'); Ext.get(); expect(Ext.dom.Element.get).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("should aliases Ext.Element fly with", function() { spyOn(Ext.dom.AbstractElement, 'fly');; expect(; }); }); }); describe("getXY", function(){ var unAttached; beforeEach(function(){ unAttached = document.createElement('div'); }); it("should not throw when reading unattached element", function(){; }); }); }, "/src/dom/Element.js");