module VER module Methods module Completion # TODO: use the tag names at the location to customize completion choices # the textmate bundles have quite some stuff for that. def smart_tab context = get('insert - 1 chars', 'insert + 1 chars') if context =~ /^\S\W/ if @complete_last_used complete_again else complete_word end else indent = ' ' * VER.options.shiftwidth insert :insert, indent end end def complete_again send(@complete_last_used) if @complete_last_used end def complete_tm return unless load_preferences require 'set' require 'tempfile' @complete_last_used = :complete_tm from, to = 'insert - 1 chars wordstart', 'insert - 1 chars wordend' complete{ [from, to, tm_completions(from, to)] } end def tm_completions(from, to) tags = completions = [] @preferences.each do |key, value| name, scope, settings, uuid = value.values_at('name', 'scope', 'settings', 'uuid') scopes =\s*,\s*|\s+/)) next unless completion_command = settings['completionCommand'] next unless scope_compare(tags, scopes) current_word = get(from, to).strip ENV['TM_CURRENT_WORD'] = current_word tmp ='ver/complete_tm') tmp.print(completion_command) tmp.close begin FileUtils.chmod(0700, tmp.path) result = `exec '#{tmp.path}'` completions = result.scan(/[^\r\n]+/) ensure tmp.close! end end completions rescue => ex VER.error(ex) end def scope_compare(tags, scopes) scopes.all?{|scope| tags.any?{|tag| scope.start_with?(tag) }} end def complete_line @complete_last_used = :complete_line from, to = 'insert linestart', 'insert lineend' lines = line_completions(from, to) complete{ [from, to, lines] } end def line_completions(from, to) line = get(from, to).to_s.strip return [] if line.empty? needle = Regexp.escape(line) search_all(/^.*#{needle}.*$/).map{|match, *_| match }.uniq end def complete_file @complete_last_used = :complete_file complete continue: true do file_completions('insert linestart', 'insert') end end def file_completions(from, to) y = index(from).y line = get(from, to) return [] unless match = line.match(/(?<pre>.*?)(?<path>\/[^\s"'{}()\[\]]*)(?<post>.*?)/) from, to = match.offset(:path) path = match[:path] path.sub!(/\/*$/, '/') if list = Dir["#{path}*"].uniq - [path]! do |item| item << '/' if item.sub(path, '/') end return "#{y}.#{to - 1}", "#{y}.#{to}", list end def complete_word @complete_last_used = :complete_word y, x = index('insert').split x = (x - 1).abs from, to = index("#{y}.#{x} wordstart"), index("#{y}.#{x} wordend") words = word_completions(from, to) complete{ [from, to, words] } end def word_completions(from, to) prefix = get(from, to).strip return [] if prefix.empty? prefix = Regexp.escape(prefix) found = search_all(/(^|\W)(#{prefix}[\w-]*)/). sort_by{|match, mf, mt| [, mf).delta(from), match] }. map{|match, *_| match.strip[/[\w-]+/] }.uniq found.delete prefix found end def complete_aspell @complete_last_used = :complete_aspell complete do pos = index('insert - 1 chars') from, to = pos.wordstart, pos.wordend [from, to, aspell_completions(from, to)] end end def aspell_completions(from, to) word = get(from, to) if result = aspell_execute(word)[word] result[:suggestions] else [word] end end ASPELL_PARSE = /^& (.*?) (\d+) (\d+): (.*)$/ def aspell_execute(word) require 'open3' results = {} Open3.popen3("aspell pipe") do |stdin, stdout, stderr| stdin.print("^#{word}") stdin.close result = result.scan(ASPELL_PARSE) do |original, count, offset, suggestions| results[original] = { count: count.to_i, offset: offset.to_i, suggestions: suggestions.split(/\s*,\s*/), } end end return results end def complete(options = {}, &block) edit_separator, options, &block) end end end end