# demo to test keypresses # press any key and see the value that ncurses or our routines catch. # Press alt and control combinations and Function keys # Ideally each key should return only one value. Sometimes, some TERM setting # or terminal emulator may not give correct values or may give different values # from what we are expecting. # Exit using 'q'. require 'logger' require 'rbcurse' require 'rbcurse/core/widgets/rtextview' if $0 == __FILE__ include RubyCurses include RubyCurses::Utils begin # Initialize curses VER::start_ncurses # this is initializing colors via ColorMap.setup $log = Logger.new((File.join(ENV["LOGDIR"] || "./" ,"rbc13.log"))) $log.level = Logger::DEBUG @window = VER::Window.root_window catch(:close) do colors = Ncurses.COLORS $log.debug "START #{colors} colors ---------" @form = Form.new @window r = 1; c = 30; # please use a hash to pass these values, avoid this old style # i want to move away from it as it comlpicates code texta = TextView.new @form do name "mytext" row r col c width 60 height 15 #editable false focusable false title "[ Keypresses ]" #title_attrib (Ncurses::A_REVERSE | Ncurses::A_BOLD) title_attrib (Ncurses::A_BOLD) end help = "q to quit. Check keys. F1..10, C-a..z, Alt a-zA-Z0-9, C-left,rt, Sh-F5..10 .: #{$0}" help1 = "Press in quick succession: 1) M-[, w and (2) M-[, M-w. (3) M-Sh-O, w." RubyCurses::Label.new @form, {'text' => help, "row" => 21, "col" => 2, "color" => "yellow"} RubyCurses::Label.new @form, {'text' => help1, "row" => 22, "col" => 2, "color" => "green"} @form.repaint @window.wrefresh Ncurses::Panel.update_panels while((ch = @window.getchar()) != 999 ) str = keycode_tos ch $log.debug "#{ch} got (#{str})" texta << "#{ch} got (#{str})" texta.goto_end texta.repaint @form.repaint @window.wrefresh break if ch == ?\q.getbyte(0) end end rescue => ex ensure @window.destroy if !@window.nil? VER::stop_ncurses p ex if ex p(ex.backtrace.join("\n")) if ex $log.debug( ex) if ex $log.debug(ex.backtrace.join("\n")) if ex end end