/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ /* * Copyright 2020 Couchbase, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace couchbase { struct origin { std::string username; std::string password; std::string hostname; [[nodiscard]] const std::string& get_username() const { return username; } [[nodiscard]] const std::string& get_password() const { return password; } [[nodiscard]] std::pair get_address() const { return { hostname, "11210" }; } }; class cluster { public: explicit cluster(asio::io_context& ctx) : id_(uuid::random()) , ctx_(ctx) , work_(asio::make_work_guard(ctx_)) , session_(std::make_shared(id_, ctx_)) , session_manager_(std::make_shared(id_, ctx_)) { } ~cluster() { work_.reset(); } template void open(const couchbase::origin& origin, Handler&& handler) { auto address = origin.get_address(); origin_ = origin; session_->bootstrap(address.first, address.second, origin.get_username(), origin.get_password(), [this, handler = std::forward(handler)](std::error_code ec, configuration config) mutable { session_manager_->set_configuration(config); handler(ec); }); } template void close(Handler&& handler) { asio::post(asio::bind_executor(ctx_, [this, handler = std::forward(handler)]() { session_->stop(); for (auto& bucket : buckets_) { bucket.second->close(); } handler(); })); } template void open_bucket(const std::string& bucket_name, Handler&& handler) { if (!session_->has_config()) { return handler(std::make_error_code(error::common_errc::invalid_argument)); } configuration config = session_->config(); auto& node = config.nodes.front(); auto new_session = std::make_shared(id_, ctx_, bucket_name); new_session->bootstrap( node.hostname, std::to_string(*node.services_plain.key_value), origin_.get_username(), origin_.get_password(), [this, name = bucket_name, new_session, h = std::forward(handler)](std::error_code ec, configuration cfg) mutable { if (!ec) { if (!session_->supports_gcccp()) { session_manager_->set_configuration(cfg); } auto b = std::make_shared(ctx_, name, cfg); size_t this_index = new_session->index(); b->set_node(this_index, new_session); if (cfg.nodes.size() > 1) { for (const auto& n : cfg.nodes) { if (n.index != this_index) { auto s = std::make_shared(id_, ctx_, name); b->set_node(n.index, s); s->bootstrap(n.hostname, std::to_string(*n.services_plain.key_value), origin_.get_username(), origin_.get_password(), [s, i = n.index, b](std::error_code err, configuration /*config*/) { if (err) { spdlog::warn("unable to bootstrap node: {}", err.message()); b->remove_node(i); } }); } } } buckets_.emplace(name, std::move(b)); } h(ec); }); } template void execute(Request request, Handler&& handler) { auto bucket = buckets_.find(request.id.bucket); if (bucket == buckets_.end()) { return handler(operations::make_response(std::make_error_code(error::common_errc::bucket_not_found), request, {})); } return bucket->second->execute(request, std::forward(handler)); } template void execute_http(Request request, Handler&& handler) { auto session = session_manager_->check_out(Request::type, origin_.username, origin_.password); if (!session) { return handler(operations::make_response(std::make_error_code(error::common_errc::service_not_available), request, {})); } auto cmd = std::make_shared>(ctx_, std::move(request)); cmd->send_to(session, [this, session, handler = std::forward(handler)](typename Request::response_type resp) mutable { handler(std::move(resp)); session_manager_->check_in(Request::type, session); }); } private: uuid::uuid_t id_; asio::io_context& ctx_; asio::executor_work_guard work_; std::shared_ptr session_; std::shared_ptr session_manager_; std::map> buckets_; origin origin_; }; } // namespace couchbase