require 'clerq' require 'thor' require 'tmpdir' require_relative 'lib/colonize_repo' include Clerq::Repositories include Clerq::Entities include Clerq::Services # This thor file sample was created with purpose to show some examples # of using Pandoc for clerq reposiory publishing and even import souce # documents into a clerq repository ... `thor clerq:doc:grab`, `thor clerq:doc:publish` class ClerqDoc < Thor include Thor::Actions namespace 'clerq:doc'.to_sym no_commands { def eqid!(node) counter = {} node.to_a.drop(1).each do |n| index = counter[n.parent] || 1 counter[n.parent] = index + 1 id = index.to_s.rjust(2, '0') id = '.' + id unless n.parent == node = id end end } # Why does one need to grab the document? # it started in MS Word but the author decieded to pкoceed in Clerq # it is the source for the clerq project, SRS based on Vision? # something else? # TODO provide -q/--query QUERY_STRING parameter # TODO how about importing images? desc 'grab FILENAME', 'Grab document and populate the clerq repository' def grab(filename) mdown = File.join(Dir.tmpdir, '') optns = [].tap{|o| o << '--wrap=none' o << '--atx-headers' o << "#{filename}" o << "-o #{mdown}" }.join(' ') `pandoc #{optns}` on_error_callback = lambda {|err| puts err} puts "Reading '#{mdown}'..." # TODO handle query parameter arry = ReadNode.(mdown, on_error_callback) node = '00', title: File.basename(mdown, '.md')) arry.each{|n| node << n} eqid!(node) puts "Colonizing this repository..." dir_counter = 0 src_counter = 0 on_create_dir = lambda {|dir| puts "Created '#{dir}' directory"; dir_counter += 1 } on_create_src = lambda {|src| puts "Created '#{src}' file"; src_counter += 1 } Dir.chdir(Clerq.src) { ColonizeRepo.(node, on_create_dir, on_create_src) } msg = [].tap do |memo| memo << "#{dir_counter} #{dir_counter == 1 ? 'directory' : 'directories'}" if dir_counter > 0 memo << "#{src_counter} #{src_counter == 1 ? 'file' : 'files'}" if src_counter > 0 end.join(' and ') say "#{node.to_a.size} nodes from '#{filename}' imported to the repositroy. #{msg} created in the repository." end desc 'publish', 'Publishing final deliverables' def publish invoke :docx invoke :html end desc 'html', 'Publish final deliverable in Html' def html source = File.join(Clerq.bin, Clerq.document + ".md") target = File.join(Clerq.bin, Clerq.document + ".html") optns = [].tap{|o| o << '-s --toc --toc-depth 3' o << "--resource-path #{Clerq.bin}" o << "\"#{source}\"" o << "-o \"#{target}\"" }.join(" ") `clerq build -t` `pandoc #{optns}` say "\"#{target}\" created!" end desc 'docx', 'Publish final deliverable in Docx' def docx source = File.join(Clerq.bin, Clerq.document + ".md") target = File.join(Clerq.bin, Clerq.document + ".docx") sample = File.join(Clerq.bin, 'custom-reference.docx') unless File.exist?(sample) # produce a custom reference.docx `pandoc -o #{sample} --print-default-data-file reference.docx` end optns = [].tap{|o| o << '-s --toc --toc-depth 3' o << '--from markdown+table_captions+implicit_figures' o << "--reference-doc #{sample}" o << "--resource-path #{Clerq.bin}" o << "\"#{source}\"" o << "-o \"#{target}\"" }.join(" ") `clerq build -t` `pandoc #{optns}` say "\"#{target}\" created!" end end