module ByStar module ByYear # NOTE: We would define this as this: # # def by_year(, options={}) # # But, there's a potential situation where people want to just pass options. # Like this: # # Post.by_year(:field => "published_at") # # And so, we support any number of arguments and just parse them as necessary. # By doing it this way, we can support *both* this: # # Post.by_year(2012, :field => "published_at") # # And this: # # Post.by_year(:field => "published_at") # # This is because the time variable is going to be defaulting to the current time. def by_year(*args) options = args.extract_options!.symbolize_keys! time = args.first || send("by_year_#{time_klass(time)}", time, options) end private def by_year_Time(time, options={}) between(time.beginning_of_year, time.end_of_year, options) end def by_year_Date(date, options={}) by_year_Time(date.to_time, options) end def by_year_String_or_Fixnum(year, options={}) by_year_Time("#{work_out_year(year)}-01-01".to_time, options) end alias_method :by_year_String, :by_year_String_or_Fixnum alias_method :by_year_Fixnum, :by_year_String_or_Fixnum def work_out_year(value) case value.to_i when 0..39 2000 + value when 40..99 1900 + value when nil else # We may be passed something that's not a straight out integer # These things include: BigDecimals, Floats and Strings. value.to_i end end end end