# This class handels SQLite3-specific behaviour. class Baza::Driver::Sqlite3 < Baza::BaseSqlDriver AutoAutoloader.autoload_sub_classes(self, __FILE__) attr_reader :mutex_statement_reader def self.args [{ label: "Path", name: "path" }] end # Helper to enable automatic registering of database using Baza::Db.from_object def self.from_object(args) if args[:object].class.name == "SQLite3::Database" return { type: :success, args: { type: :sqlite3, conn: args[:object] } } end end # Constructor. This should not be called manually. def initialize(db) super @path = @db.opts[:path] if @db.opts[:path] @mutex_statement_reader = Mutex.new if @db.opts[:conn] @conn = @db.opts[:conn] else raise "No path was given." unless @path require "sqlite3" unless ::Object.const_defined?(:SQLite3) @conn = ::SQLite3::Database.open(@path) @conn.type_translation = false # Type translation is always done in the C ext for SQLite3 end end def enable_foreign_key_support return true if @foreign_key_support_enabled @db.query("PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON") @foreign_key_support_enabled = true true end def foreign_key_support? false end # Executes a query against the driver. def query(sql) @mutex_statement_reader.synchronize do return Baza::Driver::Sqlite3::Result.new(self, @conn.prepare(sql)) end end def query_ubuf(sql) Baza::Driver::Sqlite3::UnbufferedResult.new(self, @conn.prepare(sql)) end # Escapes a string to be safe to used in a query. def escape(string) # This code is taken directly from the documentation so we dont have to rely on the SQLite3::Database class. This way it can also be used with JRuby and IronRuby... # http://sqlite-ruby.rubyforge.org/classes/SQLite/Database.html string.to_s.gsub(/'/, "''") end # Closes the connection to the database. def close @mutex_statement_reader.synchronize { @conn.close } end # Starts a transaction, yields the database and commits. def transaction @conn.transaction { yield @db } end def supports_multiple_databases? false end end