# # When recording calls to instance methods of File and Dir, a reference to # the instance is passed to the method call being recorded. During the "record" # phase, the target of the call is an instance of "real" File (or Dir). # # During VirtFS activation, The File constant is mapped to VirtFS::vFile, # and a reference to the "real" File class is saved in the VfsRealFile constant. # # When instanitating an instance of the File class, we need to ensure we always # use the "real" File class (as opposed to VirtFS::vFile). However, if we use # the VfsRealFile constant to do this, it results in recording an ambiguous # instance reference to the cassette. This is because: # # VfsRealFile.class.name == File (not VfsRealFile) # File.class.name == File (when not activated) # File.class.name == VirtFS::vFile (when activated) # # This results in failed cassette playback during activation because it won't # be able to find a VirtFS::vFile entry in the cassette. # # Using a proper subclass of the "real" File class solves this problem, because: # CcRealFile.class.name == CcRealFile # module VirtFS::CamcorderFS # rubocop:disable Style/ClassAndModuleChildren class RealFile < VfsRealFile end end