# # Fluent # # Copyright (C) 2011 FURUHASHI Sadayuki # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # module Fluent class ConfigError < StandardError end class ConfigParseError < ConfigError end module Config class Element < Hash def initialize(name, arg, attrs, elements, used=[]) @name = name @arg = arg @elements = elements super() attrs.each {|k,v| self[k] = v } @used = used end attr_accessor :name, :arg, :elements, :used def add_element(name, arg='') e = Element.new(name, arg, {}, []) @elements << e e end def +(o) Element.new(@name.dup, @arg.dup, o.merge(self), @elements+o.elements, @used+o.used) end def has_key?(key) @used << key super end def [](key) @used << key super end def check_not_fetched(&block) each_key {|key| unless @used.include?(key) block.call(key, self) end } @elements.each {|e| e.check_not_fetched(&block) } end def to_s(nest = 0) indent = " "*nest nindent = " "*(nest+1) out = "" if @arg.empty? out << "#{indent}<#{@name}>\n" else out << "#{indent}<#{@name} #{@arg}>\n" end each_pair {|k,v| out << "#{nindent}#{k} #{v}\n" } @elements.each {|e| out << e.to_s(nest+1) } out << "#{indent}\n" out end end def self.read(path) Parser.read(path) end def self.parse(str, fname, basepath=Dir.pwd) Parser.parse(str, fname, basepath) end def self.new(name='') Element.new('', '', {}, []) end def self.size_value(str) case str.to_s when /([0-9]+)k/i $~[1].to_i * 1024 when /([0-9]+)m/i $~[1].to_i * (1024**2) when /([0-9]+)g/i $~[1].to_i * (1024**3) when /([0-9]+)t/i $~[1].to_i * (1024**4) else str.to_i end end def self.time_value(str) case str.to_s when /([0-9]+)s/ $~[1].to_i when /([0-9]+)m/ $~[1].to_i * 60 when /([0-9]+)h/ $~[1].to_i * 60*60 when /([0-9]+)d/ $~[1].to_i * 24*60*60 else str.to_f end end def self.bool_value(str) case str.to_s when 'true', 'yes' true when 'false', 'no' false else nil end end private class Parser def self.read(path) path = File.expand_path(path) File.open(path) {|io| parse(io, File.basename(path), File.dirname(path)) } end def self.parse(io, fname, basepath=Dir.pwd) attrs, elems = Parser.new(basepath, io.each_line, fname).parse!(true) Element.new('ROOT', '', attrs, elems) end def initialize(basepath, iterator, fname, i=0) @basepath = basepath @iterator = iterator @i = i @fname = fname end def parse!(allow_include, elem_name=nil, attrs={}, elems=[]) while line = @iterator.next @i += 1 line.lstrip! line.gsub!(/\s*(?:\#.*)?$/,'') if line.empty? next elsif m = /^\<([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\s*(.+?)?\>$/.match(line) e_name = m[1] e_arg = m[2] || "" e_attrs, e_elems = parse!(false, e_name) elems << Element.new(e_name, e_arg, e_attrs, e_elems) elsif line == "" break elsif m = /^([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\s*(.*)$/.match(line) key = m[1] value = m[2] if allow_include && key == 'include' process_include(attrs, elems, value) else attrs[key] = value end next else raise ConfigParseError, "parse error at #{@fname} line #{@i}" end end return attrs, elems rescue StopIteration return attrs, elems end def process_include(attrs, elems, uri) u = URI.parse(uri) if u.scheme == 'file' || u.path == uri # file path path = u.path if path[0] != ?/ pattern = File.expand_path("#{@basepath}/#{path}") else pattern = path end Dir.glob(pattern).each {|path| basepath = File.dirname(path) fname = File.basename(path) File.open(path) {|f| Parser.new(basepath, f.each_line, fname).parse!(true, nil, attrs, elems) } } else basepath = '/' fname = path require 'open-uri' open(uri) {|f| Parser.new(basepath, f.each_line, fname).parse!(true, nil, attrs, elems) } end rescue SystemCallError raise ConfigParseError, "include error at #{@fname} line #{@i}: #{$!.to_s}" end end end module Configurable attr_reader :config def self.included(mod) mod.extend(ClassMethods) end def initialize self.class.config_defaults.each_pair {|name,defval| varname = :"@#{name}" instance_variable_set(varname, defval) } end def configure(conf) @config = conf self.class.config_params.each_pair {|name,(block,opts)| varname = :"@#{name}" if val = conf[name.to_s] val = self.instance_exec(val, opts, name, &block) instance_variable_set(varname, val) end unless instance_variable_defined?(varname) $log.error "config error in:\n#{conf}" raise ConfigError, "'#{name}' parameter is required" end } end module ClassMethods def config_param(name, *args, &block) name = name.to_sym opts = {} args.each {|a| if a.is_a?(Symbol) opts[:type] = a elsif a.is_a?(Hash) opts.merge!(a) else raise ArgumentError, "wrong number of arguments (#{1+args.length} for #{block ? 2 : 3})" end } type = opts[:type] if block && type raise ArgumentError, "wrong number of arguments (#{1+args.length} for #{block ? 2 : 3})" end block ||= case type when :string, nil Proc.new {|val| val } when :integer Proc.new {|val| val.to_i } when :float Proc.new {|val| val.to_f } when :size Proc.new {|val| Config.size_value(val) } when :bool Proc.new {|val| Config.bool_value(val) } when :time Proc.new {|val| Config.time_value(val) } else raise ArgumentError, "unknown config_param type `#{type}'" end params = config_params_set params.delete(name) params[name] = [block, opts] if opts.has_key?(:default) config_set_default(name, opts[:default]) end attr_accessor name end def config_set_default(name, defval) name = name.to_sym defaults = config_defaults_set defaults.delete(name) defaults[name] = defval nil end def config_params singleton_value(:_config_params) end def config_defaults singleton_value(:_config_defaults) end private def config_params_set singleton_value_set(:_config_params) end def config_defaults_set singleton_value_set(:_config_defaults) end def singleton_value_set(name) if methods(false).include?(name) __send__(name) else val = {} define_singleton_method(name) { val } val end end def singleton_value(name) val = {} ancestors.reverse_each {|c| if c.methods(false).include?(name) val.merge!(c.__send__(name)) end } val end end end module PluginId def configure(conf) @id = conf['id'] super end def require_id unless @id raise ConfigError, "'id' parameter is required" end @id end def plugin_id @id ? @id : "object:#{object_id.to_s(16)}" end end end