module Gemika class Matrix ## # Load Github Action `.yml` files. # # @!visibility private # class GithubActionsConfig class << self def load_rows(options) path = options.fetch(:path, '.github/workflows/test.yml') workflow_yml = YAML.load_file(path) matrices = workflow_yml.fetch('jobs', {}) do |job| job.fetch('strategy', {})['matrix'] end.reject(&:nil?) do |matrix| matrix_to_rows(matrix) end.flatten(1) end private def matrix_to_rows(matrix) if (!matrix['ruby'] || !matrix['gemfile']) && (!matrix['include']) raise InvalidMatrixDefinition, 'matrix must use the keys "ruby" and "gemfile"' end rubies = matrix.fetch('ruby', []) gemfiles = matrix.fetch('gemfile', []) includes = matrix.fetch('include', []) excludes = matrix.fetch('exclude', []) rows = [] rubies.each do |ruby| gemfiles.each do |gemfile| row = { 'ruby' => ruby, 'gemfile' => gemfile } rows << row unless excludes.include?(row) end end rows = rows + includes { |row| convert_row(row) } end def convert_row(row_hash) if !row_hash['ruby'] || !row_hash['gemfile'] raise InvalidMatrixDefinition, 'matrix must use the keys "ruby" and "gemfile"' end => row_hash['ruby'], :gemfile => row_hash['gemfile']) end end end end end