# Copyright (c) 2023 M.J.N. Corino, The Netherlands # # This software is released under the MIT license. ### # wxRuby3 buildtools configuration ### require_relative './unixish' if ENV['RI_DEVKIT'].nil? begin require 'devkit' rescue LoadError STDERR.puts "Missing a fully installed & configured Ruby devkit. Make sure to install the Ruby devkit with MSYS2 and MINGW toolchains." exit(1) end end module WXRuby3 module Config module Platform def self.included(base) base.class_eval do include Config::UnixLike attr_reader :rescomp alias :base_ldflags :ldflags def ldflags(target) "-Wl,-soname,#{File.basename(target)} #{base_ldflags(target)}" end def debug_command(*args) args.unshift(nix_path(FileUtils::RUBY)) args.unshift('--args') args.unshift('gdb') args.join(' ') end # override accessor to guarantee win path def wx_setup_h if @wx_setup_h.index('/') @wx_setup_h = win_path(@wx_setup_h) end @wx_setup_h end def dll_mask "{#{dll_ext},dll}" end def do_link(pkg) # have to use option file for objects to link on windows because command line gets too long ftmp = Tempfile.new('object') ftmp.puts pkg.all_obj_files.collect { |o| File.join('..', o) }.join(' ') ftmp.close # close but do not unlink objs = "@#{ftmp.path}" depsh = pkg.dep_libnames.collect { |dl| "#{dl}.#{dll_ext}" }.join(' ') sh "cd lib && #{WXRuby3.config.ld} #{WXRuby3.config.ldflags(pkg.lib_target)} #{objs} #{depsh} " + "#{WXRuby3.config.libs} #{WXRuby3.config.link_output_flag}#{pkg.lib_target}" ftmp.unlink # cleanup end private def wx_make bash('make && make install') end def wx_generate_xml chdir(File.join(ext_path, 'wxWidgets', 'docs', 'doxygen')) do sh({ 'WX_SKIP_DOXYGEN_VERSION_CHECK' => '1' }, 'regen.bat xml') end end def respawn_rake(argv = ARGV) Kernel.exec('rake', *argv) end def expand(cmd) super("bash -c \"#{cmd}\"") end def bash(*cmd, **kwargs) env = ::Hash === cmd.first ? cmd.shift : nil opts = ::Hash === cmd.last ? cmd.pop : nil cmd = ['bash', '-c', cmd.join(' ')] cmd.unshift(env) if env super(*cmd, **kwargs) end def nix_path(winpath) (winpath.nil? || winpath.empty?) ? '' : `cygpath -a -u #{winpath}`.strip end # Allow specification of custom wxWidgets build (mostly useful for # static wxRuby3 builds) def win_path(nixpath) (nixpath.nil? || nixpath.empty?) ? '' : `cygpath -a -w #{nixpath}`.strip end def get_wx_path nix_path(super) end end end def init_platform init_unix_platform if @wx_version # need to convert these to windows paths @wx_cppflags.each { |flags| flags.gsub!(/-I(\S+)/) { |s| "-I#{win_path($1)}" } } @wx_libs.each { |libflag| libflag.gsub!(/-L(\S+)/) { |s| "-L#{win_path($1)}" } } @extra_cflags.concat %w[-Wno-unused-function -Wno-conversion-null -Wno-maybe-uninitialized] @extra_cflags << ' -Wno-deprecated-declarations' unless @no_deprecated # create a .dll binary @extra_ldflags << '-shared' @ruby_ldflags.each { |flags| flags.sub!(' $(DEFFILE)', '') } # cleanup for older RubyInstaller versions @ruby_ldflags.each { |flags| flags.gsub!(/-s(\s|\Z)/, '') } if @debug_build # do not strip debug symbols for debug build @ruby_ldflags << '-s' if @release_build # strip debug symbols for release build @ruby_cppflags << RB_CONFIG['debugflags'] if @debug_build @ruby_cppflags.each { |flags| flags.gsub!(/-O\d/, '-O0') } if @debug_build # disable optimizations for debug build unless @wx_path.empty? exec_pfx = win_path(wx_config("--exec-prefix")) libdirs = [File.join(exec_pfx, 'bin')] libdirs << win_path(File.join(ENV['MSYSTEM_PREFIX'], 'bin')) @exec_env['RUBY_DLL_PATH'] = "#{ENV['RUBY_DLL_PATH']};#{dest_dir};#{libdirs.join(';')}" end @rescomp = wx_config('--rescomp').gsub(/--include-dir\s+(\S+)/) { |s| "--include-dir #{win_path($1)}" } @rescomp << " --include-dir #{@ext_path}" @rescomp << ' --define __WXMSW__ --define wxUSE_DPI_AWARE_MANIFEST=2 --define wxUSE_RC_MANIFEST=1 --define ISOLATION_AWARE_ENABLED' @rescomp << ' --define WXUSINGDLL' @extra_cflags << '-DISOLATION_AWARE_ENABLED' if @wx_version >= '3.3.0' @extra_cflags << '-D_UNICODE' << '-DUNICODE' end end end private :init_platform end end end