## 0.1.4 (2019-11-18) - ICKUNLINK, as ICKDEL but uses Redis UNLINK for O(1) time. - Clear recommendation not to use backwash unless clearly needed. - Assuming a full cset, it can more than double the cost of ICKEXCHANGE. - Performance optimizations in Redis Lua code. - 13%-25% faster for large reservations on large Icks ## 0.1.3 (2019-06-07) - Support for redis >= 4.0.0 added. - Breaking changes at redis v4.0.0 addressed. - Support for ruby < 2.2.2 dropped. - Support for ruby 2.6 added. - Update ruby microversions tested in .travis.yml. - Gemfile, Appraisals, and .travis.yml set to test with redis gems from 3.0 through 4.1. ## 0.1.2 (2019-02-27) - Expanded .travis.yml to cover more ruby versions. - Change Lua scripts so all Redis keys are passed as explicit args. - The pset and cset keys are now computed from the main key in Ruby. - This supports certain forms of Redis cluster syncing. ## 0.1.1 (2018-06-18) - Fix bug in `backwash`: cset scores not converted to number before comparison with pset scores. - redis-ick.gemspec reworked only to include runtime dependencies. - Gemfile, Appraisals, and .travis.yml set to test with redis gem 3.0 to 3.3. ## 0.1.0 (2018-03-20) - Added ickexchange which combines ickcommit+ickreserve. - Introduced backwash to ickreserve and ickexchange. - Expanded .travis.yml to cover more rvm versions. - Shrink Rubocop coverage to exclude `Style/*`. - Moves version history out into CHANGELOG.md. ## 0.0.5 (2017-09-20) - Rework ickstats so it no longer angers Twemproxy, per https://github.com/ProsperWorks/redis-ick/issues/3, by producing a nested Array response. ## 0.0.4 (2017-09-12) - Imported text from original design doc to README.md, polish. - Rubocop polish and defiance. - Development dependency on [redis-key_hash](https://github.com/ProsperWorks/redis-key_hash) to test prescriptive hash claims. - Identified limits of prescriptive hash robustness. ## 0.0.3 (2017-08-29) - Got .travis.yml working with a live redis-server. - Runtime dependency on redis-script_manager for Ick._eval. - Initial Rubocop integration. - Misc cleanup. ## 0.0.2 (2017-08-29) - Broke out into Prosperworks/redis-ick, make public. ## 0.0.1 (prehistory) - Still in Prosperworks/ALI/vendor/gems/redis-ick.