require 'rant/rantlib' class Rant::Generators::RubyPackage class << self def rant_gen(app, ch, args, &block) if !args || args.empty? => app, :__caller__ => ch, &block) elsif args.size == 1 pkg_name = case args.first when String: args.first when Symbol: args.first.to_s else app.abort("RubyPackage takes only one additional " + "argument, which should be a string or symbol.") end => app, :__caller__ => ch, :name => pkg_name, &block) else app.abort(app.pos_text(file, ln), "RubyPackage takes only one additional argument, " + "which should be a string or symbol.") end end end # Attributes with a single value. PACKAGE_SINGLE_ATTRS = [ "name", "date", "description", "email", "has_rdoc", "homepage", "platform", "required_ruby_version", "rubyforge_project", "summary", "version", ] # These attributes may be set to a single value, which will be # converted to an array with a single element. PACKAGE_TO_LIST_ATTRS = [ "author", "bindir", "executable", "extension", "files", "rdoc_options", "requires", "test_files", "test_suite", ] PACKAGE_ATTRS = PACKAGE_SINGLE_ATTRS + PACKAGE_TO_LIST_ATTRS EXPLICIT_GEM_MAPPING = { "executable" => "executables", "requires" => "requirements", # add requires => requirements ? } PACKAGE_NO_VAL = PACKAGE_SINGLE_ATTRS.each { |a| eval <<-EOM, binding def #{a}(val = PACKAGE_NO_VAL) if val.equal? PACKAGE_NO_VAL @data["#{a}"] else self.#{a} = val end end def #{a}=(val) @data["#{a}"] = val end EOM } PACKAGE_TO_LIST_ATTRS.each { |a| eval <<-EOM, binding def #{a}(val0 = PACKAGE_NO_VAL, *args) if val0.equal? PACKAGE_NO_VAL @data["#{a}"] else self.#{a} = [val0, *args].flatten end end def #{a}=(val) unless val.nil? || Array === val if val.respond_to? :to_ary val = val.to_ary else val = [val] end end @data["#{a}"] = val end EOM } # A hash containing all package information. attr_reader :data # Directory where packages go to. Defaults to "pkg". attr_accessor :pkg_dir def initialize(opts = {}) @app = opts[:app] or raise ":app argument required" @pkg_dir = "pkg" @pkg_dir_task = nil @gem_task = nil @tar_task = nil @zip_task = nil @package_task = nil name = opts[:name] @ch = opts[:__caller__] || Rant::Lib.parse_caller_elem(caller[0]) unless name # TODO: pos_text @app.warn_msg(@app.pos_text(@ch[:file], @ch[:ln]), "No package name given, using directory name.") # use directory name as project name name = File.split(Dir.pwd)[1] # reset name if it contains a slash or a backslash name = nil if name =~ /\/|\\/ end @data = { "name" => name } yield self if block_given? end def method_missing(sym, *args) super unless args.size == 1 a = sym.to_s if a =~ /^gem_([^=]+)=$/ @data["gem-#$1"] = args.first else super end end def validate_attrs(pkg_type = :general) %w(name files).each { |a| pkg_requires_attr a } case pkg_type when :gem %w(version summary).each { |a| gem_requires_attr a } end end private :validate_attrs def gem_requires_attr(attr_name) unless @data[attr_name] || @data["gem-#{attr_name}"] @app.abort("RubyPackaged defined: " + @app.pos_text(@ch[:file], @ch[:ln]), "gem specification requires `#{attr_name}' attribute") end end def pkg_requires_attr(attr_name) unless @data[attr_name] @app.abort("RubyPackaged defined: " + @app.pos_text(@ch[:file], @ch[:ln]), "`#{attr_name}' attribute required") end end def map_to_gemspec spec mapped_attrs = [] # Map attributes from data to the gem spec as explicitely # specified. EXPLICIT_GEM_MAPPING.each_pair { |attr, gem_attr| setter = "#{gem_attr}=" if @data.key? attr mapped_attrs << attr spec.send setter, @data[attr] end } # Try to map other attributes. @data.each_pair { |attr, val| next if attr =~ /^gem\-./ next if mapped_attrs.include? attr setter = "#{attr}=" if attr == "files" spec.send(setter, val.dup) if val next end spec.send(setter, val) if spec.respond_to? setter } # `gem-' attributes override others for gem spec @data.each_pair { |attr, val| if attr =~ /^gem\-(.+)$/ spec.send("#$1=", val) end } end private :map_to_gemspec def pkg_dir_task return if @pkg_dir_task @pkg_dir_task = Rant::Generators::Directory.rant_gen(@app, @ch, [@pkg_dir]) end # Create task for gem building. If tname is a true value, a # shortcut-task will be created. def gem_task(tname = :gem) validate_attrs(:gem) # We first define the task to create the gem, and afterwards # the task to create the pkg directory to ensure that a # pending description is used to describe the gem task. pkg_name = gem_pkg_path if tname # shortcut task @app.task({:__caller__ => @ch, tname => pkg_name}) end # actual gem-creating task @gem_task = @app.file({:__caller__ => @ch, pkg_name => [@pkg_dir] + files}) { |t| # We require rubygems as late as possible to save some # execution cycles if possible ;) begin require 'rubygems' rescue LoadError => e "Couldn't load `rubygems'. " + "Probably RubyGems isn't installed on your system." end Gem.manage_gems # map rdoc options from application vars @data["rdoc_options"] ||= @app.var[:rubydoc_opts] if @data["rdoc_options"] # remove the --op option, otherwise rubygems will # install the rdoc in the wrong directory (at least as # of version 0.8.6 of rubygems) @data["rdoc_options"] = without_rdoc_op_opt(@data["rdoc_options"]) # automatically set "has_rdoc" to true unless it was # explicitely set to false (but if someone sets # options for rdoc, he probably wants to run rdoc...) @data["has_rdoc"] = true if @data["has_rdoc"].nil? end spec = do |s| map_to_gemspec(s) end fn = nil begin fn = rescue Gem::InvalidSpecificationException => e "Invalid Gem specification: " + e.message rescue Gem::Exception => e "Gem error: " + e.message end, @pkg_dir) if @pkg_dir } pkg_dir_task end def tar_task(tname = :tar) validate_attrs # Create tar task first to ensure that a pending description # is used for the tar task and not for the dist dir task. pkg_name = tar_pkg_path pkg_files = files if tname # shortcut task{:__caller__ => @ch, tname => pkg_name}) end # actual tar-creating task "package/tgz" @tar_task = Rant::Generators::Package::Tgz.rant_gen(@app, @ch, ["#@pkg_dir/#{pkg_base_name}", # we use tar.gz extension here for backwards compatibility {:files => pkg_files, :extension => ".tar.gz"}]) end def zip_task(tname = :zip) validate_attrs # Create zip task first to ensure that a pending description # is used for the zip task and not for the dist dir task. pkg_name = zip_pkg_path pkg_files = files if tname # shortcut task @app.task({:__caller__ => @ch, tname => pkg_name}) end # actual zip-creating task "package/zip" @zip_task = Rant::Generators::Package::Zip.rant_gen(@app, @ch, ["#@pkg_dir/#{pkg_base_name}", {:files => pkg_files}]) end # Create a task which runs gem/zip/tar tasks. def package_task(tname = :package) def_tasks = [@gem_task, @tar_task, @zip_task].compact if def_tasks.empty? # take description for overall package task pdesc = @app.pop_desc unless def_available_tasks @app.desc pdesc @app.warn_msg("No tools for packaging available (tar, zip, gem):", "Can't generate task `#{tname}'.") return end @app.desc pdesc end pre = [] pre << tar_pkg_path if @tar_task pre << zip_pkg_path if @zip_task pre << gem_pkg_path if @gem_task @app.task(:__caller__ => @ch, tname => pre) end # Returns true if at least one task was defined. def def_available_tasks self.tar_task(nil) self.zip_task(nil) begin require 'rubygems' self.gem_task(nil) defined = true rescue LoadError end true end def pkg_base_name unless name @app.abort(@app.pos_text(@ch[:file], @ch[:ln]), "`name' required for packaging") end version ? "#{name}-#{version}" : name end def gem_pkg_path pkg_dist_dir + ".gem" end def tar_pkg_name pkg_base_name + ".tar.gz" end def tar_pkg_path pkg_dist_dir + ".tar.gz" end def zip_pkg_name pkg_base_name + ".zip" end def zip_pkg_path pkg_dist_dir + ".zip" end def pkg_dist_dir @pkg_dir ? File.join(@pkg_dir, pkg_base_name) : pkg_base_name end # Remove -o and --op options from rdoc arguments. # Note that this only works if -o isn't part of an argument with # multiple one-letter options! def without_rdoc_op_opt(rdoc_args) last_was_op = false rdoc_args.reject { |arg| if last_was_op last_was_op = false next true end case arg when /^(-o|--op)$/ last_was_op = true true when /^-o./ true else false end } end end # class Rant::Generators::RubyPackage