#-*- mode: ruby -*- gemspec :jar => 'jopenssl', :include_jars => true sonatype_url = 'https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/' snapshot_repository :id => 'sonatype', :url => sonatype_url distribution_management do snapshot_repository :id => :ossrh, :url => 'https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots' repository :id => :ossrh, :url => 'https://oss.sonatype.org/service/local/staging/deploy/maven2/' end java_target = '1.6' gen_sources = '${basedir}/target/generated-sources' # hard-coded in AnnotationBinder plugin( 'org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin', '1.3.2' ) do =begin invoker_main = '-Djruby.bytecode.version=${compiler.target}' #invoker_main << ' -classpath ' invoker_main << ' org.jruby.anno.InvokerGenerator' invoker_main << " #{gen_sources}/annotated_classes.txt ${project.build.outputDirectory}" dependency 'org.jruby', 'jruby-core', '${jruby.version}' execute_goal :java, :id => 'invoker-generator', :phase => 'process-classes', :mainClass => 'org.jruby.anno.InvokerGenerator', :classpathScope => 'compile', #:arguments => [ '${gen.sources}/annotated_classes.txt', '${project.build.outputDirectory}' ] do :commandlineArgs => "#{gen_sources}/annotated_classes.txt ${project.build.outputDirectory}", :classpathScope => 'runtime', :additionalClasspathElements => [ '${project.build.outputDirectory}' ], :includeProjectDependencies => false, :includePluginDependencies => true do #systemProperties do # property '-Djruby.bytecode.version=${compiler.target}' #end =end execute_goal :exec, :id => 'invoker-generator', :phase => 'process-classes', :executable => 'java', :classpathScope => 'compile', :arguments => [ "-Djruby.bytecode.version=#{java_target}", '-classpath', xml( '' ), 'org.jruby.anno.InvokerGenerator', "#{gen_sources}/annotated_classes.txt", '${project.build.outputDirectory}' ] end plugin( 'org.codehaus.mojo:build-helper-maven-plugin', '1.9' ) do execute_goal 'add-source', :phase => 'process-classes', :sources => [ gen_sources ] end plugin( :compiler, '3.1', :source => java_target, :target => java_target, :encoding => 'UTF-8', :debug => true, :showWarnings => true, :showDeprecation => true, :generatedSourcesDirectory => gen_sources, :annotationProcessors => [ 'org.jruby.anno.AnnotationBinder' ], :compilerArgs => [ '-XDignore.symbol.file=true' ] ) do #execute_goal :compile, :id => 'annotation-binder', :phase => 'compile', # :generatedSourcesDirectory => gen_sources, #:outputDirectory => gen_sources, # :annotationProcessors => [ 'org.jruby.anno.AnnotationBinder' ], # :proc => 'only', # :compilerReuseStrategy => 'alwaysNew', # :useIncrementalCompilation => false, :fork => true, :verbose => true, # :compilerArgs => [ '-XDignore.symbol.file=true', '-J-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8' ] execute_goal :compile, :id => 'compile-populators', :phase => 'process-classes', :includes => [ 'org/jruby/gen/**/*.java' ], :optimize => true, :compilerArgs => [ '-XDignore.symbol.file=true' ] # NOTE: maybe '-J-Xbootclasspath/p:${unsafe.jar}' ... as well ?! end plugin :clean do execute_goals( 'clean', :id => 'default-clean', :phase => 'clean', 'filesets' => [ { :directory => 'lib', :includes => [ 'jopenssl.jar' ] }, { :directory => 'lib/org' }, { :directory => 'target', :includes => [ '*' ] } ], 'failOnError' => 'false' ) end # NOTE: unfortunately we can not use 1.6.8 to generate invokers ... # although we'd like to compile against 1.6 to make sure all is well jar 'org.jruby:jruby-core', '1.7.17', :scope => :provided # 1.6.8 jar 'junit:junit', '4.11', :scope => :test jruby_plugin! :gem do # when installing dependent gems we want to use the built in openssl # not the one from this lib directory # we compile against jruby-core-1.7.17 and want to keep this out of # the plugin execution here execute_goal :id => 'default-initialize', :addProjectClasspath => false, :libDirectory => 'something-which-does-not-exists' execute_goals :id => 'default-push', :skip => true end # we want to have the snapshots on oss.sonatype.org and the released gems # on maven central plugin :deploy, '2.8.1' do execute_goals( :deploy, :skip => false ) end supported_bc_versions = %w{ 1.51 1.52 1.53 1.54 } # due EC support dropped <= 1.50 default_bc_version = File.expand_path('lib/jopenssl/version.rb', File.dirname(__FILE__)) default_bc_version = default_bc_version[/BOUNCY_CASTLE_VERSION\s?=\s?'(.*?)'/, 1] properties( 'jruby.plugins.version' => '1.0.10', 'jruby.versions' => '1.7.18', 'bc.versions' => default_bc_version, 'invoker.test' => '${bc.versions}', # allow to skip all tests with -Dmaven.test.skip 'invoker.skip' => '${maven.test.skip}', 'runit.dir' => 'src/test/ruby/**/test_*.rb', # use this version of jruby for ALL the jruby-maven-plugins 'jruby.version' => '1.7.18', # dump pom.xml as readonly when running 'rmvn' 'polyglot.dump.pom' => 'pom.xml', 'polyglot.dump.readonly' => true, 'tesla.dump.pom' => 'pom.xml', 'tesla.dump.readonly' => true ) # make sure we have the embedded jars in place before we run runit plugin plugin! :dependency do execute_goal 'copy-dependencies', :phase => 'generate-test-resources', :outputDirectory => '${basedir}/lib', :useRepositoryLayout => true, :includeGroupIds => 'org.bouncycastle' end jruby_plugin(:runit) { execute_goal( :test, :runitDirectory => '${runit.dir}' ) } invoker_run_options = { :id => 'tests-with-different-bc-versions', :projectsDirectory => 'integration', :pomIncludes => [ '*/pom.xml' ], :streamLogs => true, # pass those properties on to the test project :properties => { 'jruby.versions' => '${jruby.versions}', 'jruby.modes' => '${jruby.modes}', 'jruby.openssl.version' => '${project.version}', 'bc.versions' => '${bc.versions}', 'runit.dir' => '${runit.dir}' } } profile :id => 'test-1.6.8' do plugin :invoker, '1.8' do execute_goals( :install, :run, invoker_run_options ) end properties 'jruby.versions' => '1.6.8', 'jruby.modes' => '1.8,1.9', 'bc.versions' => supported_bc_versions.join(',') end profile :id => 'test-1.7.4' do plugin :invoker, '1.8' do execute_goals( :install, :run, invoker_run_options ) end properties 'jruby.versions' => '1.7.4', 'jruby.modes' => '1.8,1.9', 'bc.versions' => supported_bc_versions.join(',') end jruby_1_7_versions = %w{ 1.7.13 1.7.15 1.7.16 1.7.18 1.7.20 1.7.22 1.7.23 } jruby_1_7_versions += %w{ 1.7.24 1.7.25 1.7.26 } jruby_1_7_versions.each { |version| profile :id => "test-#{version}" do plugin :invoker, '1.8' do execute_goals( :install, :run, invoker_run_options ) end properties 'jruby.versions' => version, 'jruby.modes' => '1.8,1.9,2.0', 'bc.versions' => supported_bc_versions.join(',') end } jruby_9_K_versions = %w{ } jruby_9_K_versions.each { |version| profile :id => "test-#{version}" do plugin :invoker, '1.8' do execute_goals( :install, :run, invoker_run_options ) end # NOTE: we're work-around 9K maven-runit version bug (due minitest changes) ! # ... still can not build with 9K : https://github.com/jruby/jruby/issues/3184 properties 'jruby.version' => version, 'jruby.versions' => version, 'bc.versions' => supported_bc_versions.join(',') end } profile :id => 'release' do plugin :gpg, '1.5' do execute_goal :sign, :phase => :verify end end # vim: syntax=Ruby