# Akephalos
Akephalos is a full-stack headless browser for integration testing with
Capybara. It is built on top of [HtmlUnit](http://htmlunit.sourceforge.net),
a GUI-less browser for the Java platform, but can be run on both JRuby and
MRI with no need for JRuby to be installed on the system.

## Installation

    gem install akephalos

## Setup

Configuring akephalos is as simple as requiring it and setting Capybara's
javascript driver:

    require 'akephalos'
    Capybara.javascript_driver = :akephalos

## Basic Usage

Akephalos provides a driver for Capybara, so using Akephalos is no
different than using Selenium or Rack::Test. For a full usage guide, check
out Capybara's DSL [documentation](http://github.com/jnicklas/capybara). It
makes no assumptions about the testing framework being used, and works with
RSpec, Cucumber, and Test::Unit.

Here's some sample RSpec code:

    describe "Home Page" do
      before { visit "/" }
      context "searching" do
        before do
          fill_in "Search", :with => "akephalos"
          click_button "Go"
        it "returns results" { page.should have_css("#results") }
        it "includes the search term" { page.should have_content("akephalos") }

## More

* [bin/akephalos](http://bernerdschaefer.github.com/akephalos/akephalos-bin.html)
  allows you to start an interactive shell or DRb server, as well as perform
  other maintenance features.

* [Filters](http://bernerdschaefer.github.com/akephalos/filters.html) allows
  you to declare mock responses for external resources and services requested
  by the browser.

## Resources

* [API Documentation](http://bernerdschaefer.github.com/akephalos/api)
* [Source code](http://github.com/bernerdschaefer/akephalos) and
  [issues](http://github.com/bernerdschaefer/akephalos/issues) are hosted on