require 'rubygems' require 'sinatra/base' require 'json' require 'syntax/convertors/html' module Cuukie class Server < Sinatra::Base set :features, [] set :build_status, 'undefined' set :start_time, nil set :duration, nil set :stats,'') get '/' do @features = settings.features @build_status = settings.build_status @stats = settings.stats erb :index end post '/before_features' do settings.features.clear settings.build_status = 'undefined' settings.start_time = settings.duration = nil settings.stats ='') end post '/before_feature' do feature = read_from_request feature[:keyword] = '...' feature[:description] = feature[:description].split("\n") feature[:scenarios] = [] feature[:id] = settings.features.size + 1 settings.features << feature 'OK' end post '/feature_name' do current_feature.merge! read_from_request 'OK' end post '/scenario_name' do scenario = read_from_request scenario[:steps] = [] scenario[:id] = "scenario_#{current_feature[:id]}_#{current_feature[:scenarios].size + 1}" scenario[:status] = 'undefined' current_feature[:scenarios] << scenario 'OK' end post '/before_step' do step = read_from_request step[:table] = [] step[:status] = 'undefined' current_scenario[:steps] << step 'OK' end post '/before_table_row' do current_step[:table] << [] 'OK' end post '/table_cell_value' do data = read_from_request current_step[:table].last << data[:value] 'OK' end post '/doc_string' do data = read_from_request current_step[:multiline_string] = data[:multiline_string] 'OK' end post '/exception' do current_step[:exception] = read_from_request 'OK' end post '/after_step_result' do current_step.merge! read_from_request if current_step[:status] == 'failed' current_scenario[:status] = settings.build_status = 'failed' elsif current_step[:status] == 'pending' current_scenario[:status] = 'pending' settings.build_status = 'pending' if settings.build_status == 'undefined' end 'OK' end post '/after_steps' do if current_scenario[:steps].all? {|step| step[:status] == 'skipped' } current_scenario[:status] = 'skipped' end current_scenario[:status] = 'passed' if current_scenario[:status] == 'undefined' 'OK' end post '/after_features' do settings.duration = read_from_request[:duration] settings.build_status = 'passed' if settings.build_status == 'undefined' settings.stats = stats 'OK' end get('/ping') { 'pong!' } delete('/') { exit! } helpers do def code_snippet_for(exception) return '' unless exception[:raw_lines] result = '
        linenum = exception[:first_line]
        html_lines = htmlize(exception[:raw_lines]).split "\n"
        html_lines.each do |html_line|
          line = "#{linenum}#{html_line}"
          line = "#{line}" if linenum == exception[:marked_line]
          result << "#{line}
" linenum += 1 end result << '
' end def time_label settings.duration ? "Duration" : "Running time" end def format_time min, sec = time.to_i.divmod(60) "#{min}':#{sec}''" end end def current_feature settings.features.last end def current_scenario # return a "nil scenario" (that includes a "nil step") if we # don't have a scenario yet. this is useful to eliminate steps # coming from backgrounds (which will be re-sent during the # following scenarios anyway) return { :steps => [{}] } if current_feature[:scenarios].empty? current_feature[:scenarios].last end def current_step current_scenario[:steps].last end def time return settings.duration if settings.duration return 0 unless settings.start_time return - settings.start_time end def stats scenarios = [] settings.features.each {|feature| scenarios.concat feature[:scenarios] } result = {:scenarios =>, :steps =>} result[:scenarios] << pluralize(scenarios.size, "scenario") result[:scenarios] << counts(scenarios) steps = [] scenarios.each {|scenario| steps.concat scenario[:steps] } result[:steps] << pluralize(steps.size, "step") step_count = counts steps result[:steps] << step_count if step_count result end def pluralize(count, what) "#{count} #{what}#{count == 1 ? '' : 's'}" end def counts(elements) counts = ['failed', 'skipped', 'undefined', 'pending', 'passed'].map do |status| selected = elements.find_all {|element| element[:status] == status } selected.any? ? "#{selected.size} #{status}" : nil end.compact counts.any? ? " (#{counts.join(', ')})" : '' end def htmlize(ruby) convertor = Syntax::Convertors::HTML.for_syntax("ruby") convertor.convert(ruby, false) end include Rack::Utils def read_from_request data = JSON.parse result = {} data.each do |k, v| if v.class == String && k !~ /^raw_/ result[k.to_sym] = escape_html(v) else result[k.to_sym] = v end end result end end end if __FILE__ == $0 Cuukie::Server.set :port, ARGV[0] if ARGV[0]! end