# wxRuby3 wxWidgets interface director
# Copyright (c) M.J.N. Corino, The Netherlands

module WXRuby3

  class Director

    class Event < Director

      def setup
        if spec.module_name == 'wxEvent'
          spec.items << 'wxCommandEvent'
          # To allow instance variables to be attached to custom subclasses of
          # Wx::Event written in Ruby in a GC-safe, thread-safe way, wrap a
          # custom C++ subclass of wxEvent as Ruby's Wx::Event.
          # Note that this subclass only applies to Event objects created on the
          # Ruby side - for the large majority of normal event handling, objects
          # are created C++ side then given a shallow, transient wrapper for
          # their use in Ruby - see wxRuby_WrapWxEventInRuby in swig/wx.i.
          # make Ruby director and wrappers use custom implementation
          spec.use_class_implementation('wxEvent', 'wxRubyEvent')
          spec.extend_interface('wxEvent', 'wxEvent(wxEventType commandType = wxEVT_NULL, int id = 0, int prop_level = wxEVENT_PROPAGATE_NONE)')
          spec.ignore %w[wxEvent::GetEventUserData]
          spec.ignore 'wxEvent::wxEvent(int,wxEventType)'
          spec.no_proxy 'wxEvent::Clone'
          spec.regard 'wxEvent::Clone', regard_doc: false # need updated doc
          # need this to force alloc func
          spec.make_concrete 'wxEvent'
          # type mapping for result #clone
          spec.map 'wxEvent*' => 'Wx::Event' do
            map_out code: <<~__CODE
              $result = wxRuby_WrapClonedWxEvent($1);
          spec.add_header_code <<~__HEREDOC
            static VALUE Evt_Type_Map = NULL;
            static VALUE wxRuby_WrapClonedWxEvent(wxEvent* wx_evt)
              wxString class_name( wx_evt->GetClassInfo()->GetClassName() );
              if (class_name == "wxEvent" || class_name == "wxCommandEvent")
                // special clones for Ruby derived events are already managed and tracked
                return SWIG_RubyInstanceFor((void *)wx_evt);

              // otherwise

              // Get the mapping of event types to classes
              if ( ! Evt_Type_Map )
                Evt_Type_Map = wxRuby_GetEventTypeClassMap ();
              // Then, look up the event type in this hash (MUCH faster than calling
              // EvtHandler.evt_class_for_type method)
              VALUE rb_event_type_id =  INT2NUM( wx_evt->GetEventType() );
              VALUE rb_event_class = rb_hash_aref(Evt_Type_Map, rb_event_type_id);

              if ( NIL_P(rb_event_class) )
                rb_event_class = wxRuby_GetDefaultEventClass();
                rb_warning("Unmapped event type %i (%s)", wx_evt->GetEventType(), (const char *)class_name.mb_str());

              // Wrap as owned object as this is a user code factory function.
              swig_type_info*  type = wxRuby_GetSwigTypeForClass(rb_event_class);
              swig_class* class_info = (swig_class*)type->clientdata;
              // Create a new (owned) Ruby event object 
              VALUE rb_evt = Data_Wrap_Struct(class_info->klass, VOIDFUNC(class_info->mark), 
              // track new event object
              SWIG_RubyAddTracking(wx_evt, rb_evt);
              // do not forget to mark the instance with the mangled swig type name
              rb_iv_set(rb_evt, "@__swigtype__", rb_str_new2(type->name));
            #if __WXRB_DEBUG__
              if (wxRuby_TraceLevel()>1)
                std::wcout << "* wxRuby_WrapClonedWxEvent - wrapped cloned event " << wx_evt << "{" << type->name << "}" << std::endl;
              return rb_evt;

            // Custom subclass implementation. Provide a constructor, destructor and
            // clone functions to allow proper linking to a Ruby object.
            class WXRUBY_EXPORT wxRubyEvent : public wxEvent
              wxRubyEvent(wxEventType commandType = wxEVT_NULL, 
                          int id = 0,
                          int prop_level = wxEVENT_PROPAGATE_NONE) : 
                wxEvent(id, commandType) {  m_propagationLevel = prop_level; }
              wxRubyEvent(const wxRubyEvent& ev) :
                wxEvent(ev) { }
              // When the C++ side event is destroyed, unlink from the Ruby object
              // and remove that object from the tracking hash so it can be
              // collected by GC.
              virtual ~wxRubyEvent() {
              // Will be called when add_pending_event is used to queue an event
              // (often when using Threads), because a clone is queued. So copy the
              // Wx C++ event, create a shallow (dup) of the Ruby event object, and
              // add to the tracking hash so that it is GC-protected
              virtual wxEvent* Clone() const {
                wxRubyEvent* wx_ev = new wxRubyEvent( *this );
                VALUE r_obj = SWIG_RubyInstanceFor((void *)this);
                VALUE r_obj_dup = rb_obj_clone(r_obj);
                DATA_PTR(r_obj_dup) = wx_ev;
                wxRuby_AddTracking( (void*)wx_ev, r_obj_dup );
                return wx_ev;
          spec.add_extend_code 'wxEvent', <<~__HEREDOC
            // This class method provides a guaranteed-unique event id that can be
            // used for custom event types.
            static VALUE new_user_event_type()
              // make sure to get an id offset from the user events base so we can use that to
              // to check for user defined events  
              static int s_lastUsedUserEventType = wxEVT_USER_FIRST;

              int event_type_id = ++s_lastUsedUserEventType;
              return INT2NUM(event_type_id);
          # make Ruby director and wrappers use custom implementation
          spec.use_class_implementation('wxCommandEvent', 'wxRubyCommandEvent')
          spec.ignore %w{
          # need this to force alloc func
          spec.make_concrete 'wxCommandEvent'
          spec.add_header_code <<~__HEREDOC
            // Cf wxEvent - has to be written as a C+++ subclass to ensure correct
            // GC/thread protection of Ruby instance variables when user-written
            // event classes are queued.
            // FIXME : intermittent errors with CommandEvent losing the tracked
            // object before handling - though the same code works fine with Wx::Event
            class WXRUBY_EXPORT wxRubyCommandEvent : public wxCommandEvent
              wxRubyCommandEvent(wxEventType commandType = wxEVT_NULL, 
                                 int id = 0) : 
                wxCommandEvent(commandType, id) { }
              wxRubyCommandEvent(const wxRubyCommandEvent& cev) :
                wxCommandEvent(cev) { }
              // When the C++ side event is destroyed, unlink from the Ruby object
              // and remove that object from the tracking hash so it can be
              // collected by GC.
              virtual ~wxRubyCommandEvent() {
              // Will be called when add_pending_event is used to queue an event
              // (often when using Threads), because a clone is queued. So copy the
              // Wx C++ event, create a shallow (dup) of the Ruby event object, and
              // add to the tracking hash so that it is GC-protected
              virtual wxCommandEvent* Clone() const {
                wxRubyCommandEvent* wx_ev = new wxRubyCommandEvent(*this);
                VALUE r_obj = SWIG_RubyInstanceFor((void *)this);
                VALUE r_obj_dup = rb_obj_clone(r_obj);
                DATA_PTR(r_obj_dup) = wx_ev;
                wxRuby_AddTracking( (void*)wx_ev, r_obj_dup );
                return wx_ev;
          spec.add_wrapper_code <<~__HEREDOC
            extern VALUE wxRuby_GetDefaultEventClass() 
              return SwigClassWxEvent.klass;
          spec.ignore 'wxQueueEvent'
          spec.set_only_for 'wxUSE_HOTKEY', 'wxEVT_HOTKEY'
          # make sure this event constant definition exists
          spec.add_swig_code %Q{%constant wxEventType wxEVT_MENU_HIGHLIGHT_ALL = wxEVT_MENU_HIGHLIGHT;}
          # add event type constant missing from interface defs
          spec.add_swig_code %Q{%constant wxEventType wxEVT_NC_PAINT = wxEVT_NC_PAINT;}

      def process(gendoc: false)
        defmod = super
        unless spec.module_name == 'wxEvent'
          spec.items.each do |citem|
            def_item = defmod.find_item(citem)
            if Extractor::ClassDef === def_item
              if def_item.hierarchy.has_key?('wxEvent')
                spec.override_inheritance_chain(citem, {'wxEvent' => 'wxEvent'}, 'wxObject')
              elsif def_item.hierarchy.has_key?('wxCommandEvent')
                spec.override_inheritance_chain(citem, {'wxCommandEvent' => 'wxEvent'}, 'wxEvent', 'wxObject')
              elsif def_item.hierarchy.has_key?('wxGestureEvent')
                spec.override_inheritance_chain(citem, {'wxGestureEvent' => 'wxEvents'}, 'wxEvent', 'wxObject')
              elsif def_item.hierarchy.has_key?('wxNotifyEvent')
                spec.override_inheritance_chain(citem, {'wxNotifyEvent' => 'wxEvents'}, {'wxCommandEvent' => 'wxEvent'}, 'wxEvent', 'wxObject')
              case citem
              when 'wxNotifyEvent', 'wxPaintEvent'
                # keep these abstract in wxRuby
                # need this to force alloc func
    end # class Event

  end # class Director

end # module WXRuby3