# frozen_string_literal: true module ActiveRecord module ConnectionAdapters module SQLServer module DatabaseStatements READ_QUERY = ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::AbstractAdapter.build_read_query_regexp(:begin, :commit, :dbcc, :explain, :save, :select, :set, :rollback, :waitfor, :use) # :nodoc: private_constant :READ_QUERY def write_query?(sql) # :nodoc: !READ_QUERY.match?(sql) rescue ArgumentError # Invalid encoding !READ_QUERY.match?(sql.b) end def raw_execute(sql, name, async: false, allow_retry: false, materialize_transactions: true) result = nil log(sql, name, async: async) do with_raw_connection(allow_retry: allow_retry, materialize_transactions: materialize_transactions) do |conn| result = if id_insert_table_name = query_requires_identity_insert?(sql) with_identity_insert_enabled(id_insert_table_name, conn) { internal_raw_execute(sql, conn, perform_do: true) } else internal_raw_execute(sql, conn, perform_do: true) end verified! end end result end def internal_exec_query(sql, name = "SQL", binds = [], prepare: false, async: false) result = nil sql = transform_query(sql) check_if_write_query(sql) mark_transaction_written_if_write(sql) unless without_prepared_statement?(binds) types, params = sp_executesql_types_and_parameters(binds) sql = sp_executesql_sql(sql, types, params, name) end log(sql, name, binds, async: async) do with_raw_connection do |conn| if id_insert_table_name = query_requires_identity_insert?(sql) with_identity_insert_enabled(id_insert_table_name, conn) do result = internal_exec_sql_query(sql, conn) end else result = internal_exec_sql_query(sql, conn) end verified! end end result end def internal_exec_sql_query(sql, conn) handle = internal_raw_execute(sql, conn) handle_to_names_and_values(handle, ar_result: true) ensure finish_statement_handle(handle) end def exec_delete(sql, name, binds) sql = sql.dup << "; SELECT @@ROWCOUNT AS AffectedRows" super(sql, name, binds).rows.first.first end def exec_update(sql, name, binds) sql = sql.dup << "; SELECT @@ROWCOUNT AS AffectedRows" super(sql, name, binds).rows.first.first end def begin_db_transaction internal_execute("BEGIN TRANSACTION", "TRANSACTION", allow_retry: true, materialize_transactions: false) end def transaction_isolation_levels super.merge snapshot: "SNAPSHOT" end def begin_isolated_db_transaction(isolation) set_transaction_isolation_level(transaction_isolation_levels.fetch(isolation)) begin_db_transaction end def set_transaction_isolation_level(isolation_level) internal_execute("SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL #{isolation_level}", "TRANSACTION", allow_retry: true, materialize_transactions: false) end def commit_db_transaction internal_execute("COMMIT TRANSACTION", "TRANSACTION", allow_retry: false, materialize_transactions: true) end def exec_rollback_db_transaction internal_execute("IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 ROLLBACK TRANSACTION", "TRANSACTION", allow_retry: false, materialize_transactions: true) end def case_sensitive_comparison(attribute, value) column = column_for_attribute(attribute) if column.collation && !column.case_sensitive? attribute.eq(Arel::Nodes::Bin.new(value)) else super end end # We should propose this change to Rails team def insert_fixtures_set(fixture_set, tables_to_delete = []) fixture_inserts = [] fixture_set.each do |table_name, fixtures| fixtures.each_slice(insert_rows_length) do |batch| fixture_inserts << build_fixture_sql(batch, table_name) end end table_deletes = tables_to_delete.map { |table| "DELETE FROM #{quote_table_name table}" } total_sqls = Array.wrap(table_deletes + fixture_inserts) disable_referential_integrity do transaction(requires_new: true) do total_sqls.each do |sql| execute sql, "Fixtures Load" yield if block_given? end end end end def can_perform_case_insensitive_comparison_for?(column) column.type == :string && (!column.collation || column.case_sensitive?) end private :can_perform_case_insensitive_comparison_for? def default_insert_value(column) if column.is_identity? table_name = quote(quote_table_name(column.table_name)) Arel.sql("IDENT_CURRENT(#{table_name}) + IDENT_INCR(#{table_name})") else super end end private :default_insert_value def build_insert_sql(insert) # :nodoc: sql = +"INSERT #{insert.into}" if returning = insert.send(:insert_all).returning returning_sql = if returning.is_a?(String) returning else returning.map { |column| "INSERTED.#{quote_column_name(column)}" }.join(", ") end sql << " OUTPUT #{returning_sql}" end sql << " #{insert.values_list}" sql end # === SQLServer Specific ======================================== # def execute_procedure(proc_name, *variables) vars = if variables.any? && variables.first.is_a?(Hash) variables.first.map { |k, v| "@#{k} = #{quote(v)}" } else variables.map { |v| quote(v) } end.join(", ") sql = "EXEC #{proc_name} #{vars}".strip log(sql, "Execute Procedure") do with_raw_connection do |conn| result = internal_raw_execute(sql, conn) verified! options = { as: :hash, cache_rows: true, timezone: ActiveRecord.default_timezone || :utc } result.each(options) do |row| r = row.with_indifferent_access yield(r) if block_given? end result.each.map { |row| row.is_a?(Hash) ? row.with_indifferent_access : row } end end end def with_identity_insert_enabled(table_name, conn) table_name = quote_table_name(table_name) set_identity_insert(table_name, conn, true) yield ensure set_identity_insert(table_name, conn, false) end def use_database(database = nil) return if sqlserver_azure? name = SQLServer::Utils.extract_identifiers(database || @connection_parameters[:database]).quoted execute("USE #{name}", "SCHEMA") unless name.blank? end def user_options return {} if sqlserver_azure? rows = select_rows("DBCC USEROPTIONS WITH NO_INFOMSGS", "SCHEMA") rows = rows.first if rows.size == 2 && rows.last.empty? rows.reduce(HashWithIndifferentAccess.new) do |values, row| if row.instance_of? Hash set_option = row.values[0].gsub(/\s+/, "_") user_value = row.values[1] elsif row.instance_of? Array set_option = row[0].gsub(/\s+/, "_") user_value = row[1] end values[set_option] = user_value values end end def user_options_dateformat if sqlserver_azure? select_value "SELECT [dateformat] FROM [sys].[syslanguages] WHERE [langid] = @@LANGID", "SCHEMA" else user_options["dateformat"] end end def user_options_isolation_level if sqlserver_azure? sql = %(SELECT CASE [transaction_isolation_level] WHEN 0 THEN NULL WHEN 1 THEN 'READ UNCOMMITTED' WHEN 2 THEN 'READ COMMITTED' WHEN 3 THEN 'REPEATABLE READ' WHEN 4 THEN 'SERIALIZABLE' WHEN 5 THEN 'SNAPSHOT' END AS [isolation_level] FROM [sys].[dm_exec_sessions] WHERE [session_id] = @@SPID).squish select_value sql, "SCHEMA" else user_options["isolation_level"] end end def user_options_language if sqlserver_azure? select_value "SELECT @@LANGUAGE AS [language]", "SCHEMA" else user_options["language"] end end def newid_function select_value "SELECT NEWID()" end def newsequentialid_function select_value "SELECT NEWSEQUENTIALID()" end protected def sql_for_insert(sql, pk, binds, returning) if pk.nil? table_name = query_requires_identity_insert?(sql) pk = primary_key(table_name) end sql = if pk && use_output_inserted? && !database_prefix_remote_server? table_name ||= get_table_name(sql) exclude_output_inserted = exclude_output_inserted_table_name?(table_name, sql) if exclude_output_inserted quoted_pk = SQLServer::Utils.extract_identifiers(pk).quoted id_sql_type = exclude_output_inserted.is_a?(TrueClass) ? "bigint" : exclude_output_inserted <<~SQL.squish DECLARE @ssaIdInsertTable table (#{quoted_pk} #{id_sql_type}); #{sql.dup.insert sql.index(/ (DEFAULT )?VALUES/i), " OUTPUT INSERTED.#{quoted_pk} INTO @ssaIdInsertTable"} SELECT CAST(#{quoted_pk} AS #{id_sql_type}) FROM @ssaIdInsertTable SQL else returning_columns = returning || Array(pk) if returning_columns.any? returning_columns_statements = returning_columns.map { |c| " INSERTED.#{SQLServer::Utils.extract_identifiers(c).quoted}" } sql.dup.insert sql.index(/ (DEFAULT )?VALUES/i), " OUTPUT" + returning_columns_statements.join(",") else sql end end else "#{sql}; SELECT CAST(SCOPE_IDENTITY() AS bigint) AS Ident" end [sql, binds] end # === SQLServer Specific ======================================== # def set_identity_insert(table_name, conn, enable) internal_raw_execute("SET IDENTITY_INSERT #{table_name} #{enable ? 'ON' : 'OFF'}", conn , perform_do: true) rescue Exception raise ActiveRecordError, "IDENTITY_INSERT could not be turned #{enable ? 'ON' : 'OFF'} for table #{table_name}" end # === SQLServer Specific (Executing) ============================ # def sp_executesql_types_and_parameters(binds) types, params = [], [] binds.each_with_index do |attr, index| attr = attr.value if attr.is_a?(Arel::Nodes::BindParam) types << "@#{index} #{sp_executesql_sql_type(attr)}" params << sp_executesql_sql_param(attr) end [types, params] end def sp_executesql_sql_type(attr) return "nvarchar(max)".freeze if attr.is_a?(Symbol) return attr.type.sqlserver_type if attr.type.respond_to?(:sqlserver_type) case value = attr.value_for_database when Numeric value > 2_147_483_647 ? "bigint".freeze : "int".freeze else "nvarchar(max)".freeze end end def sp_executesql_sql_param(attr) return quote(attr) if attr.is_a?(Symbol) case value = attr.value_for_database when Type::Binary::Data, ActiveRecord::Type::SQLServer::Data quote(value) else quote(type_cast(value)) end end def sp_executesql_sql(sql, types, params, name) if name == "EXPLAIN" params.each.with_index do |param, index| substitute_at_finder = /(@#{index})(?=(?:[^']|'[^']*')*$)/ # Finds unquoted @n values. sql = sql.sub substitute_at_finder, param.to_s end else types = quote(types.join(", ")) params = params.map.with_index { |p, i| "@#{i} = #{p}" }.join(", ") # Only p is needed, but with @i helps explain regexp. sql = "EXEC sp_executesql #{quote(sql)}" sql += ", #{types}, #{params}" unless params.empty? end sql.freeze end # === SQLServer Specific (Identity Inserts) ===================== # def use_output_inserted? self.class.use_output_inserted end def exclude_output_inserted_table_names? !self.class.exclude_output_inserted_table_names.empty? end def exclude_output_inserted_table_name?(table_name, sql) return false unless exclude_output_inserted_table_names? table_name ||= get_table_name(sql) return false unless table_name self.class.exclude_output_inserted_table_names[table_name] end def query_requires_identity_insert?(sql) return false unless insert_sql?(sql) raw_table_name = get_raw_table_name(sql) id_column = identity_columns(raw_table_name).first id_column && sql =~ /^\s*(INSERT|EXEC sp_executesql N'INSERT)[^(]+\([^)]*\b(#{id_column.name})\b,?[^)]*\)/i ? SQLServer::Utils.extract_identifiers(raw_table_name).quoted : false end def insert_sql?(sql) !(sql =~ /\A\s*(INSERT|EXEC sp_executesql N'INSERT)/i).nil? end def identity_columns(table_name) schema_cache.columns(table_name).select(&:is_identity?) end # === SQLServer Specific (Selecting) ============================ # def _raw_select(sql, conn) handle = internal_raw_execute(sql, conn) handle_to_names_and_values(handle, fetch: :rows) ensure finish_statement_handle(handle) end def handle_to_names_and_values(handle, options = {}) query_options = {}.tap do |qo| qo[:timezone] = ActiveRecord.default_timezone || :utc qo[:as] = (options[:ar_result] || options[:fetch] == :rows) ? :array : :hash end results = handle.each(query_options) columns = lowercase_schema_reflection ? handle.fields.map { |c| c.downcase } : handle.fields options[:ar_result] ? ActiveRecord::Result.new(columns, results) : results end def finish_statement_handle(handle) handle.cancel if handle handle end # TinyTDS returns false instead of raising an exception if connection fails. # Getting around this by raising an exception ourselves while PR # https://github.com/rails-sqlserver/tiny_tds/pull/469 is not released. def internal_raw_execute(sql, conn, perform_do: false) result = conn.execute(sql).tap do |_result| raise TinyTds::Error, "failed to execute statement" if _result.is_a?(FalseClass) end perform_do ? result.do : result end end end end end