require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../lib/sequel') context "A new Database" do setup do @db = => 2, :logger => 3) end specify "should receive options" do @db.opts.should == {1 => 2, :logger => 3} end specify "should set the logger from opts[:logger]" do @db.logger.should == 3 end specify "should create a connection pool" do @db.pool.should be_a_kind_of(Sequel::ConnectionPool) @db.pool.max_size.should == 4 => 10).pool.max_size.should == 10 end specify "should pass the supplied block to the connection pool" do cc = nil d = {1234} d.synchronize {|c| cc = c} cc.should == 1234 end end context "Database#connect" do specify "should raise NotImplementedError" do proc {}.should raise_error(NotImplementedError) end end context "Database#uri" do setup do @c = do set_adapter_scheme :mau end @db = Sequel('mau://user:pass@localhost:9876/maumau') end specify "should return the connection URI for the database" do @db.uri.should == 'mau://user:pass@localhost:9876/maumau' end end context "Database.adapter_scheme" do specify "should return the database schema" do Sequel::Database.adapter_scheme.should be_nil @c = do set_adapter_scheme :mau end @c.adapter_scheme.should == :mau end end context "Database#dataset" do setup do @db = @ds = @db.dataset end specify "should provide a blank dataset through #dataset" do @ds.should be_a_kind_of(Sequel::Dataset) @ds.opts.should == {} @ds.db.should be(@db) end specify "should provide a #from dataset" do d = @db.from(:mau) d.should be_a_kind_of(Sequel::Dataset) d.sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM mau' e = @db[:miu] e.should be_a_kind_of(Sequel::Dataset) e.sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM miu' end specify "should provide a #select dataset" do d =, :b, :c).from(:mau) d.should be_a_kind_of(Sequel::Dataset) d.sql.should == 'SELECT a, b, c FROM mau' end end context "Database#execute" do specify "should raise NotImplementedError" do proc {'blah blah')}.should raise_error(NotImplementedError) proc { << 'blah blah'}.should raise_error(NotImplementedError) end end context "Database#<<" do setup do @c = do define_method(:execute) {|sql| sql} end @db ={}) end specify "should pass the supplied sql to #execute" do (@db << "DELETE FROM items").should == "DELETE FROM items" end specify "should accept an array and convert it to SQL" do a = %[ -- CREATE TABLE items (a integer, /*b integer*/ b text, c integer); DROP TABLE old_items; ].split($/) (@db << a).should == "CREATE TABLE items (a integer, b text, c integer); DROP TABLE old_items;" end specify "should remove comments and whitespace from strings as well" do s = %[ -- CREATE TABLE items (a integer, /*b integer*/ b text, c integer); \r\n DROP TABLE old_items; ] (@db << s).should == "CREATE TABLE items (a integer, b text, c integer); DROP TABLE old_items;" end end context "Database#synchronize" do setup do @db = => 1) @db.pool.connection_proc = proc {12345} end specify "should wrap the supplied block in pool.hold" do stop = false c1, c2 = nil t1 = {@db.synchronize {|c| c1 = c; while !stop;sleep 0.1;end}} while !c1;end c1.should == 12345 t2 = {@db.synchronize {|c| c2 = c}} sleep 0.2 @db.pool.available_connections.should be_empty c2.should be_nil stop = true t1.join sleep 0.1 c2.should == 12345 t2.join end end context "Database#test_connection" do setup do @db = @test = nil @db.pool.connection_proc = proc {@test = rand(100)} end specify "should call pool#hold" do @db.test_connection @test.should_not be_nil end specify "should return true if successful" do @db.test_connection.should be_true end end class DummyDataset < Sequel::Dataset def first raise if @opts[:from] == [:a] true end end class DummyDatabase < Sequel::Database attr_reader :sql def execute(sql); @sql = sql; end def transaction; yield; end def dataset end end context "Database#create_table" do setup do @db = end specify "should construct proper SQL" do @db.create_table :test do primary_key :id, :integer, :null => false column :name, :text index :name, :unique => true end @db.sql.should == 'CREATE TABLE test (id integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, name text);CREATE UNIQUE INDEX test_name_index ON test (name);' end end class Dummy2Database < Sequel::Database attr_reader :sql def execute(sql); @sql = sql; end def transaction; yield; end end context "Database#drop_table" do setup do @db = end specify "should construct proper SQL" do @db.drop_table :test @db.sql.should == 'DROP TABLE test;' end specify "should accept multiple table names" do @db.drop_table :a, :bb, :ccc @db.sql.should == 'DROP TABLE a;DROP TABLE bb;DROP TABLE ccc;' end end context "Database#table_exists?" do setup do @db = @db.stub!(:tables).and_return([:a, :b]) @db2 = Sequel::Dataset.stub!(:first).and_return(nil) end specify "should use Database#tables if available" do @db.table_exists?(:a).should be_true @db.table_exists?(:b).should be_true @db.table_exists?(:c).should be_false end specify "should otherise try to select the first record from the table's dataset" do @db2.table_exists?(:a).should be_false @db2.table_exists?(:b).should be_true end end class Dummy3Database < Sequel::Database attr_reader :sql, :transactions def execute(sql); @sql ||= []; @sql << sql; end class DummyConnection def initialize(db); @db = db; end def execute(sql); @db.execute(sql); end end end context "Database#transaction" do setup do @db = @db.pool.connection_proc = proc {} end specify "should wrap the supplied block with BEGIN + COMMIT statements" do @db.transaction {@db.execute 'DROP TABLE test;'} @db.sql.should == ['BEGIN', 'DROP TABLE test;', 'COMMIT'] end specify "should issue ROLLBACK if an exception is raised, and re-raise" do @db.transaction {@db.execute 'DROP TABLE test;'; raise RuntimeError} rescue nil @db.sql.should == ['BEGIN', 'DROP TABLE test;', 'ROLLBACK'] proc {@db.transaction {raise RuntimeError}}.should raise_error(RuntimeError) end specify "should be re-entrant" do stop = false cc = nil t = do @db.transaction {@db.transaction {@db.transaction {|c| cc = c while !stop; sleep 0.1; end }}} end while cc.nil?; sleep 0.1; end cc.should be_a_kind_of(Dummy3Database::DummyConnection) @db.transactions.should == [t] stop = true t.join @db.transactions.should be_empty end end class Sequel::Database def self.get_adapters; @@adapters; end end context "A Database adapter with a scheme" do setup do class CCC < Sequel::Database set_adapter_scheme :ccc end end specify "should be registered in adapters" do Sequel::Database.get_adapters[:ccc].should == CCC end specify "should be instantiated when its scheme is specified" do c = Sequel::Database.connect('ccc://localhost/db') c.should be_a_kind_of(CCC) c.opts[:host].should == 'localhost' c.opts[:database].should == 'db' end specify "should be accessible through Sequel.connect" do c = Sequel.connect 'ccc://localhost/db' c.should be_a_kind_of(CCC) c.opts[:host].should == 'localhost' c.opts[:database].should == 'db' end specify "should be accessible through" do c = 'ccc://localhost/db' c.should be_a_kind_of(CCC) c.opts[:host].should == 'localhost' c.opts[:database].should == 'db' end specify "should be accessible through Sequel()" do c = Sequel('ccc://localhost/db') c.should be_a_kind_of(CCC) c.opts[:host].should == 'localhost' c.opts[:database].should == 'db' end end context "An unknown database scheme" do specify "should raise an exception in Sequel::Database.connect" do proc {Sequel::Database.connect('ddd://localhost/db')}.should raise_error(SequelError) end specify "should raise an exception in Sequel.connect" do proc {Sequel.connect('ddd://localhost/db')}.should raise_error(SequelError) end specify "should raise an exception in" do proc {'ddd://localhost/db')}.should raise_error(SequelError) end end context "Database#uri_to_options" do specify "should convert a URI to an options hash" do h = Sequel::Database.uri_to_options(URI.parse('ttt://uuu:ppp@')) h[:user].should == 'uuu' h[:password].should == 'ppp' h[:host].should == '' h[:port].should == 1234 h[:database].should == 'blah' end end context "A single threaded database" do teardown do Sequel::Database.single_threaded = false end specify "should use a SingleThreadedPool instead of a ConnectionPool" do db = => true) db.pool.should be_a_kind_of(Sequel::SingleThreadedPool) end specify "should be constructable using :single_threaded => true option" do db = => true) db.pool.should be_a_kind_of(Sequel::SingleThreadedPool) end specify "should be constructable using Database.single_threaded = true" do Sequel::Database.single_threaded = true db = db.pool.should be_a_kind_of(Sequel::SingleThreadedPool) end specify "should be constructable using Sequel.single_threaded = true" do Sequel.single_threaded = true db = db.pool.should be_a_kind_of(Sequel::SingleThreadedPool) end end context "A single threaded database" do setup do conn = 1234567 @db = => true) do conn += 1 end end specify "should invoke connection_proc only once" do @db.pool.hold {|c| c.should == 1234568} @db.pool.hold {|c| c.should == 1234568} end specify "should convert an Exception into a RuntimeError" do db = => true) do raise Exception end proc {db.pool.hold {|c|}}.should raise_error(RuntimeError) end end context "A database" do setup do Sequel::Database.single_threaded = false end teardown do Sequel::Database.single_threaded = false end specify "should be either single_threaded? or multi_threaded?" do db = => true) db.should be_single_threaded db.should_not be_multi_threaded db = => 1) db.should_not be_single_threaded db.should be_multi_threaded db = db.should_not be_single_threaded db.should be_multi_threaded Sequel::Database.single_threaded = true db = db.should be_single_threaded db.should_not be_multi_threaded db = => 4) db.should be_single_threaded db.should_not be_multi_threaded end end