require "ftools" module PoolParty module CloudResourcer def plugin_directory(*args) args = ["/plugins"] if args.empty? args.each {|arg| Dir["#{arg}/*/*.rb"].each {|f| require f rescue "" }} end # Store block def store_block(&block) @store_block ||= block end # Set instances with a range def instances(arg) if arg.is_a?(Range) minimum_instances arg.first maximum_instances arg.last end end def full_keypair_path unless keypair_path raise"Keypair cannot be found") else ::File.expand_path(keypair_path) end end def keypair_path keypair_paths.each do |path| possible_keypair_basenames.each do |base| full_path = ::File.join( File.expand_path(path), "#{base}#{keypair}") return full_path if ::File.exists?(full_path) end end return nil end def full_keypair_name keypair_paths.each do |path| possible_keypair_basenames.each do |base| full_path = ::File.join( File.expand_path(path), "#{base}#{keypair}") return "#{base}#{keypair}" if ::File.exists?(full_path) end end return nil end def remote_keypair_path ::File.join( keypair_paths.last, "#{possible_keypair_basenames.first}#{keypair}" ) end def new_keypair_path ::File.join( keypair_paths.first, "#{possible_keypair_basenames.first}#{keypair}" ) end def possible_keypair_basenames [ "id_rsa-", "" ] end def keypair_paths [ Base.base_keypair_path, Base.base_config_directory, Base.remote_storage_path ] end # Set the parent on the resource def set_parent(pare, sink_options=true) unless pare == self @parent = pare # Add self as a service on the parent pare.add_service(self) if pare.respond_to?(:add_service) # Take the options of the parents configure(pare.options) if pare.respond_to?(:options) && sink_options end end def number_of_resources arr = do |n, r| r.size end {|n,r| r.size}.inject(0){|sum,i| sum+=i} end def parent @parent ||= nil end end end