# These line gets substituted with the actual Config::CONFIG items location by extconf.rb PREFIX = notspecified BINDIR = $(PREFIX)/bin INSTALLDIR = $(PREFIX)/lib/ruby/shared/rubygems/defaults OLDINSTALLDIR = $(PREFIX)/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/defaults ifeq (true,$(shell test -x $(BINDIR)/jruby && echo true)) RAKE=$(BINDIR)/jruby -S rake else RAKE=rake endif build: .build-post .build-pre: .build-post: .build-impl build-exe build-exe: @if [ "$(findstring mingw, $(CONF))" ]; then \ ${MAKE} -f ${SUB_CONFMK} SUBPROJECTS=${SUBPROJECTS} jruby.exe jrubyw.exe; \ if [ -d ../jruby ]; then cp jruby.exe jrubyw.exe jruby.dll ../jruby/bin/; fi; \ if [ -d D:/work/jruby-dev/jruby ]; then cp jruby.exe jrubyw.exe jruby.dll D:/work/jruby-dev/jruby/bin/; fi; \ fi jruby.res: resources/jruby.rc windres $^ -O coff -o $@ jruby.exe: jrubyexe.cpp nbexecloader.h utilsfuncs.cpp utilsfuncswin.cpp jruby.res g++ $(CXXFLAGS) $^ -s -o $@ $(LDLIBSOPTIONS) -static jrubyw.exe: jrubyexe.cpp nbexecloader.h utilsfuncs.cpp utilsfuncswin.cpp jruby.res g++ $(CXXFLAGS) -DJRUBYW -mwindows $^ -s -o $@ $(LDLIBSOPTIONS) -static install: @if [ ! -f ./jruby ]; then echo "Please run 'make' first."; exit 1; fi @if [ x$(BINDIR) = xnotspecified/bin ]; then echo "Please define where to install by passing PREFIX=."; exit 1; fi @if [ ! -w $(BINDIR) ]; then echo "'$(BINDIR)' does not exist or cannot write to '$(BINDIR)'."; exit 1; fi @if [ -f $(BINDIR)/jruby -a ! -w $(BINDIR)/jruby ]; then echo "Cannot write to '$(BINDIR)/jruby'."; exit 1; fi cp ./jruby $(BINDIR)/jruby @if [ x$(PREFIX) = xnotspecified ]; then echo "Please define where to install by passing PREFIX=."; exit 1; fi @if [ ! -w $(INSTALLDIR) ]; then \ if [ ! -w $(OLDINSTALLDIR) ]; then \ echo "Neither '$(INSTALLDIR)' nor '$(OLDINSTALLDIR)' exist and are writable"; exit 1; \ else \ echo "cp ./lib/rubygems/defaults/jruby_native.rb $(OLDINSTALLDIR)"; \ cp ./lib/rubygems/defaults/jruby_native.rb $(OLDINSTALLDIR); \ fi; \ else \ echo "cp ./lib/rubygems/defaults/jruby_native.rb $(INSTALLDIR)"; \ cp ./lib/rubygems/defaults/jruby_native.rb $(INSTALLDIR); \ fi; test: $(RAKE) # Universal binary on OSX FAT_ARCHES=i386 ppc x86_64 fat: $(FAT_ARCHES) lipo -create $(foreach arch,$(FAT_ARCHES),build/unix/Darwin-$(arch)/jruby-launcher) -output jruby $(RAKE) $(FAT_ARCHES): $(MAKE) -f $(SUB_CONFMK) CND_PLATFORM=Darwin-$@ CFLAGS="-arch $@" build/unix/Darwin-$@/jruby-launcher clean: .clean-post .clean-pre: -rm -rf build/* .clean-post: .clean-impl rm -f *.exe *.res clobber: .clobber-post .clobber-pre: .clobber-post: .clobber-impl all: .all-post .all-pre: .all-post: .all-impl help: .help-post .help-pre: .help-post: .help-impl # Use the manually-maintained inc/*.mk makefiles. # Pass NETBEANS=true on the command-line to use NB's generated # nbproject/*.mk ifdef NETBEANS SUB_IMPLMK=nbproject/Makefile-impl.mk else SUB_IMPLMK=inc/Makefile-impl.mk SUB_CONFMK=inc/Makefile-rules.mk endif # include project implementation makefile include $(SUB_IMPLMK) # Pick conf based on OS. for mingw64, must manually override for now. ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT) CONF=mingw else CONF=unix endif ifdef NETBEANS SUB_CONFMK=nbproject/Makefile-${CONF}.mk endif