require 'rubygems' require 'net/ssh' module PoolParty module Remote include ::PoolParty::Pinger def target_host(dns_or_ip=nil) dns_or_ip ? @target_host=dns_or_ip : @target_host end # Simply shell out and call ssh, simple, reliable and fewest dependencies, but slow def simplest_run_remote(host=target_host, command=[], extra_ssh_ops={}) command = command.compact.join(' && ') if command.is_a? Array cmd = "ssh #{host} #{ssh_options(extra_ssh_ops)} '#{command}'" puts "\n--------------------------------\nrunning_remote:\n #{cmd}\n" puts %x{#{cmd}} end def run_remote( hst, cmds ) netssh hst, cmds end def ssh_into(inst, extra_ssh_ops={}) ip = ((inst.respond_to?(:has_key) && inst.has_key?(:ip)) || inst.respond_to?(:ip)) ? inst.ip : inst cmd = extra_ssh_ops.delete(:cmd) if extra_ssh_ops.has_key?(:cmd) Kernel.system("ssh #{ssh_options(extra_ssh_ops)} #{ip}%s" % [cmd ? " #{cmd}" : ""]) end def ssh_options(opts={}) o = {"-i" => keypair.full_filepath, "-l" => user, "-o" =>"StrictHostKeyChecking=no" }.merge(opts) o.collect{ |k,v| "#{k} #{v}"}.join(' ') end def rsync( source_path, destination_path, rsync_opts=['-v -a'] ) dputs "rsync -e 'ssh #{ssh_options}' #{rsync_opts.join(' ')} #{source_path} root@#{target_host}:#{destination_path}" out = %x{ rsync -e 'ssh #{ssh_options}' #{rsync_opts.join(' ')} #{source_path} root@#{target_host}:#{destination_path} } puts out if debugging? end # Run commands on the local machine, i.e. your laptop, not the server def run_local(commands) commands.each do |cmd| puts `#{cmd}` end end def commands @commands ||= end # TODO: make extendable multithreaded version def execute!(cmds=commands) netssh( [cmds.compact.join(' && ')], :host=>target_host, :user=>'root') # commands.each {|c| run_remote(c, target_host) } end def netssh(cmds=[], opts={}) user = opts.delete(:user) || 'root' #user rescue 'root' host = opts.delete(:host) || target_host ssh_options_hash = {:keys => [keypair.full_filepath], :auth_methods => 'publickey', :paranoid => false, :timeout => 3.minutes, :user => user }.merge(opts) # ssh_options_hash[:verbose]=:debug if debugging? puts "connecting to ssh with options = #{ssh_options_hash.inspect}" Net::SSH.start(host, user, ssh_options_hash) do |ssh| cmds.each do |command| $stderr.print command if debugging ssh.exec!(command) do |ch, stream, data| if stream == :stdout print data else $stderr.print "#{host} stderr => #{data}" end end end end end ########################################################################################## # TODO: Delete deprecated commands below here def rsync_storage_files_to_command(remote_instance) #TODO: rsync_to_command("#{Default.storage_directory}/", Default.remote_storage_path, remote_storage_path) if remote_instance "#{rsync_command} #{Default.storage_directory}/ #{remote_instance.ip}:#{Default.remote_storage_path}" if remote_instance end # rsync a file to a node. By default to the master node. def rsync_to_command(source, target=source, remote_instance=master) "#{rsync_command} #{source} #{remote_instance.ip}:#{target}" end def run_command_on_command(cmd="ls -l", remote_instance=nil) vputs "Running #{cmd} on #{ == %x[hostname].chomp ? "self (master)" : "#{}"}" (remote_instance.nil? || == %x[hostname].chomp) ? %x[#{cmd}] : "#{ssh_command(remote_instance)} '#{cmd}'" end def ssh_command(remote_instance) "#{ssh_string} #{remote_instance.ip}" end # Generic commandable strings def ssh_string (["ssh"] << ssh_array).join(" ") end # Array of ssh options # Includes StrictHostKeyChecking to no # Ssh with the user in Base # And including the keypair_path # "-l '#{Default.user}'", def ssh_array ["-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no", "-l #{Default.user}", '-i "'+full_keypair_path+'"'] end def scp_array ["-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no", '-i "'+full_keypair_path+'"'] end def rsync_command "rsync -azP --exclude cache -e '#{ssh_string} -l #{Default.user}'" end def remote_ssh_array ["-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no", "-l '#{Default.user}'", '-i "'+remote_keypair_path+'"'] end def remote_ssh_string (["ssh"] << remote_ssh_array).join(" ") end def remote_rsync_command "rsync -azP --exclude cache -e '#{remote_ssh_string}'" end def scp_to_command(source, dest=target, remote_instance=master) #TODO: check if source is Directory and add -r if it is "scp #{source} #{remote_instance.ip}:#{dest} #{scp_array.join(' ')}" end # Rsync a file or directory to a node. Rsync to master by default def rsync_to(source, target=source, num=0) str = "#{rsync_to_command(source, target, get_instance_by_number( num ))}" dputs "Running: #{str}" verbose ? Kernel.system(str) : hide_output {Kernel.system str} end # Rsync command to the instance def rsync_storage_files_to(instance=nil) hide_output {Kernel.system "#{rsync_storage_files_to_command(instance)}" if instance} end # Take the rsync command and execute it on the system # if there is an instance given def run_command_on(cmd, instance=nil) Kernel.system "#{run_command_on_command(cmd, instance)}" end # Ssh into the instance given # def ssh_into(instance) # cmd = "#{ssh_command(instance)}" # vputs "Running #{cmd}" # Kernel.system cmd if instance # end # Find the instance by the number given # and then ssh into the instance def ssh_into_instance_number(num=0) ssh_into( get_instance_by_number( num ) ) end # Run command on the instance by the number def run_command_on_instance_number(cmd="ls -l", num=0) run_command_on(cmd, get_instance_by_number( num ) ) end end end