Then /^the page should contain the text "([^\"]*)"$/ do |text| @page.text.should include text end Then /^the page should contain the html "([^\"]*)"$/ do |html| @page.html.should include html end Then /^the page should have the title "([^\"]*)"$/ do |title| @page.title.should include title end Then /^I should be able to wait for a block to return true$/ do @page.google_search_id @page.wait_until(10, "too long to display page") do @page.text.include? 'Success' end end When /^I handle the alert$/ do @msg = @page.alert do @page.alert_button end end When /^I handle the possible alert$/ do @msg = @page.alert do @page.alert_button_element.focus end end When /^I handle the alert that reloads the page$/ do @msg = @page.alert do @page.alert_button_that_reloads end end Then /^I should be able to get the alert\'s message$/ do @msg.should == "I am an alert" end Then /^I should be able to verify the popup didn\'t have a message$/ do @msg.should be_nil end When /^I handle the confirm$/ do @msg = @page.confirm(true) do @page.confirm_button end end When /^I handle the possible confirm$/ do @msg = @page.confirm(true) do @page.confirm_button_element.focus end end When /^I handle the confirm that reloads the page$/ do @msg = @page.confirm(true) do @page.confirm_button_that_reloads end end Then /^I should be able to get the confirm message$/ do @msg.should == 'set the value' end When /^I handle the prompt$/ do @msg = @page.prompt("Cheezy") do @page.prompt_button end end When /^I handle the possible prompt$/ do @msg = @page.prompt("Cheezy") do @page.prompt_button_element.focus end end Then /^I should be able to get the message and default value$/ do @msg[:message].should == "enter your name" @msg[:default_value].should == 'John Doe' end When /^I open a second window$/ do @page.open_window end When /^I open a third window$/ do @page.open_another_window end class SecondPage include PageObject end Then /^I should be able to attach to a page object using title$/ do @second_page = @second_page.attach_to_window(:title => "Success") @second_page.title.should == "Success" end Then /^I should be able to attach to a page object using url$/ do @second_page = @second_page.attach_to_window(:url => "success.html") @second_page.current_url.should include 'success.html' end Then /^I should be able to refresh the page$/ do @page.refresh end When /^I press the back button$/ do @page.back end When /^I press the forward button$/ do @page.forward end Then /^the page should have the expected title$/ do @page.should have_expected_title end Then /^the page should have the expected element$/ do @page.should have_expected_element end Then /^the page should not have the expected element$/ do class FakePage include PageObject expected_element :blah end have_expected_element end