Capistrano::Configuration.instance(true).load do set :juggernaut_config, "#{current_path}/config/juggernaut.yml" set :juggernaut_pid, "#{current_path}/tmp/pids/" set :juggernaut_log, "#{current_path}/log/juggernaut.log" namespace :juggernaut do # =============================================================== # PROCESS MANAGEMENT # =============================================================== desc "Starts the juggernaut push server" task :start, :roles => :app do puts "Starting juggernaut push server" try_sudo "juggernaut -c #{juggernaut_config} -d --pid #{juggernaut_pid} --log #{juggernaut_log}" end desc "Stops the juggernaut push server" task :stop, :roles => :app do puts "Stopping juggernaut push server" try_sudo "juggernaut -c #{juggernaut_config} -k * --pid #{juggernaut_pid} --log #{juggernaut_log}" end desc "Restarts the juggernaut push server" task :restart, :roles => :app do juggernaut.stop juggernaut.start end # =============================================================== # FILE MANAGEMENT # =============================================================== desc "Copies the shared/config/juggernaut yaml to release/config/" task :copy_config, :roles => :app do try_sudo "ln -s #{shared_path}/config/juggernaut.yml #{release_path}/config/juggernaut.yml" end desc "Displays the juggernaut log from the server" task :tail, :roles => :app do stream "tail -f #{shared_path}/log/juggernaut.log" end end # =============================================================== # TASK CALLBACKS # =============================================================== after "deploy:update_code", "juggernaut:copy_config" # copy juggernaut.yml on update code after "deploy:restart" , "juggernaut:restart" # restart juggernaut on app restart end