require 'git_utils' require 'master_manipulator' test_name 'CODEMGMT-42 - C59224 - Attempt to Deploy from Non-existent Git Remote' #Init env_path = on(master, puppet('config print environmentpath')).stdout.rstrip git_control_remote = '/does/not/exist' git_provider = ENV['GIT_PROVIDER'] || 'shellgit' r10k_config_path = get_r10k_config_file_path(master) r10k_config_bak_path = "#{r10k_config_path}.bak" #In-line files r10k_conf = <<-CONF cachedir: '/var/cache/r10k' git: provider: '#{git_provider}' sources: broken: basedir: "#{env_path}" remote: "#{git_control_remote}" CONF #Verification error_message_regex = /ERROR.*Unable to determine current branches for Git source 'broken'/ #Teardown teardown do step 'Restore Original "r10k" Config' on(master, "mv #{r10k_config_bak_path} #{r10k_config_path}") end #Setup step 'Backup Current "r10k" Config' on(master, "mv #{r10k_config_path} #{r10k_config_bak_path}") step 'Update the "r10k" Config' create_remote_file(master, r10k_config_path, r10k_conf) #Tests step 'Attempt to Deploy via r10k' on(master, 'r10k deploy environment', :acceptable_exit_codes => 1) do |result| assert_match(error_message_regex, result.stderr, 'Expected message not found!') end