require 'singleton'
require 'fake_web/ext/net_http'
require 'fake_web/registry'
require 'fake_web/response'
require 'fake_web/responder'
require 'fake_web/stub_socket'
require 'fake_web/utility'
module FakeWeb
# Returns the version string for the copy of FakeWeb you have loaded.
VERSION = '1.3.0'
# Resets the FakeWeb Registry. This will force all subsequent web requests to
# behave as real requests.
def self.clean_registry
# Enables or disables real HTTP connections for requests that don't match
# registered URIs.
# If you set FakeWeb.allow_net_connect = false and subsequently try
# to make a request to a URI you haven't registered with #register_uri, a
# NetConnectNotAllowedError will be raised. This is handy when you want to
# make sure your tests are self-contained, or want to catch the scenario
# when a URI is changed in implementation code without a corresponding test
# change.
# When FakeWeb.allow_net_connect = true (the default), requests to
# URIs not stubbed with FakeWeb are passed through to Net::HTTP.
# If you assign a +String+, +URI+, or +Regexp+ object, unstubbed requests
# will be allowed if they match that value. This is useful when you want to
# allow access to a local server for integration testing, while still
# preventing your tests from using the internet.
def self.allow_net_connect=(allowed)
case allowed
when String, URI, Regexp
@allow_all_connections = false
@allow_all_connections = allowed
# Enable pass-through to Net::HTTP by default.
self.allow_net_connect = true
# Returns +true+ if requests to URIs not registered with FakeWeb are passed
# through to Net::HTTP for normal processing (the default). Returns +false+
# if an exception is raised for these requests.
# If you've assigned a +String+, +URI+, or +Regexp+ to
# FakeWeb.allow_net_connect=, you must supply a URI to check
# against that filter. Otherwise, an ArgumentError will be raised.
def self.allow_net_connect?(uri = nil)
if Registry.instance.passthrough_uri_map.any?
raise ArgumentError, "You must supply a URI to test" if uri.nil?
# This exception is raised if you set FakeWeb.allow_net_connect =
# false and subsequently try to make a request to a URI you haven't
# stubbed.
class NetConnectNotAllowedError < StandardError; end;
# This exception is raised if a Net::HTTP request matches more than one of
# the stubs you've registered. To fix the problem, remove a duplicate
# registration or disambiguate any regular expressions by making them more
# specific.
class MultipleMatchingURIsError < StandardError; end;
# call-seq:
# FakeWeb.register_uri(method, uri, options)
# Register requests using the HTTP method specified by the symbol +method+
# for +uri+ to be handled according to +options+. If you specify the method
# :any, the response will be reigstered for any request for +uri+.
# +uri+ can be a +String+, +URI+, or +Regexp+ object. +options+ must be either
# a +Hash+ or an +Array+ of +Hashes+ (see below), which must contain one of
# these two keys:
# :body::
# A string which is used as the body of the response. If the string refers
# to a valid filesystem path, the contents of that file will be read and used
# as the body of the response instead. (This used to be two options,
# :string and :file, respectively. These are now deprecated.)
# :response::
# Either a Net::HTTPResponse, an +IO+, or a +String+ which is used
# as the full response for the request.
# The easier way by far is to pass the :response option to
# +register_uri+ as a +String+ or an (open for reads) +IO+ object which
# will be used as the complete HTTP response, including headers and body.
# If the string points to a readable file, this file will be used as the
# content for the request.
# To obtain a complete response document, you can use the +curl+ command,
# like so:
# curl -i >
# which can then be used in your test environment like so:
# FakeWeb.register_uri(:get, "", :response => "")
# See the Net::HTTPResponse
# documentation[]
# for more information on creating custom response objects.
# +options+ may also be an +Array+ containing a list of the above-described
# +Hash+. In this case, FakeWeb will rotate through each response. You can
# optionally repeat a response more than once before rotating:
# :times::
# The number of times this response will be used before moving on to the
# next one. The last response will be repeated indefinitely, regardless of
# its :times parameter.
# Two optional arguments are also accepted:
# :status::
# Passing :status as a two-value array will set the response code
# and message. The defaults are 200 and OK, respectively.
# Example:
# FakeWeb.register_uri(:get, "", :body => "Go away!", :status => [404, "Not Found"])
# :exception::
# The argument passed via :exception will be raised when the
# specified URL is requested. Any +Exception+ class is valid. Example:
# FakeWeb.register_uri(:get, "", :exception => Net::HTTPError)
# If you're using the :body response type, you can pass additional
# options to specify the HTTP headers to be used in the response. Example:
# FakeWeb.register_uri(:get, "", :body => "Hello", :content_type => "text/plain")
# You can also pass an array of header values to include a header in the
# response more than once:
# FakeWeb.register_uri(:get, "", :set_cookie => ["name=value", "example=1"])
def self.register_uri(*args)
case args.length
when 3
when 2
Registry.instance.register_uri(:any, *args)
raise"wrong number of arguments (#{args.length} for 3)")
# call-seq:
# FakeWeb.response_for(method, uri)
# Returns the faked Net::HTTPResponse object associated with +method+ and +uri+.
def self.response_for(*args, &block) #:nodoc: :yields: response
case args.length
when 2
Registry.instance.response_for(*args, &block)
when 1
Registry.instance.response_for(:any, *args, &block)
raise"wrong number of arguments (#{args.length} for 2)")
# call-seq:
# FakeWeb.registered_uri?(method, uri)
# Returns true if a +method+ request for +uri+ is registered with FakeWeb.
# Specify a method of :any to check against all HTTP methods.
def self.registered_uri?(*args)
case args.length
when 2
when 1
Registry.instance.registered_uri?(:any, *args)
raise"wrong number of arguments (#{args.length} for 2)")
# Returns the request object from the last request made via Net::HTTP.
def self.last_request
def self.last_request=(request) #:nodoc:
@last_request = request
def self.print_missing_http_method_deprecation_warning(*args)
method = caller.first.match(/`(.*?)'/)[1]
new_args = { |a| a.inspect }.unshift(":any")
new_args.last.gsub!(/^\{|\}$/, "").gsub!("=>", " => ") if args.last.is_a?(Hash)
$stderr.puts "Deprecation warning: FakeWeb requires an HTTP method argument (or use :any). Try this:"
$stderr.puts " FakeWeb.#{method}(#{new_args.join(', ')})"
$stderr.puts "Called at #{caller[1]}"