# typed: strict # frozen_string_literal: true begin require "action_text" rescue LoadError return end module Tapioca module Dsl module Compilers # `Tapioca::Dsl::Compilers::ActionText` decorates RBI files for subclasses of # `ActiveRecord::Base` that declare [has_rich_text](https://edgeguides.rubyonrails.org/action_text_overview.html#creating-rich-text-content) # # For example, with the following `ActiveRecord::Base` subclass: # # ~~~rb # class Post < ApplicationRecord # has_rich_text :body # has_rich_text :title, encrypted: true # end # ~~~ # # this compiler will produce the RBI file `post.rbi` with the following content: # # ~~~rbi # # typed: strong # # class Post # sig { returns(ActionText::RichText) } # def body; end # # sig { params(value: T.nilable(T.any(ActionText::RichText, String))).returns(T.untyped) } # def body=(value); end # # sig { returns(T::Boolean) } # def body?; end # # sig { returns(ActionText::EncryptedRichText) } # def title; end # # sig { params(value: T.nilable(T.any(ActionText::EncryptedRichText, String))).returns(T.untyped) } # def title=(value); end # # sig { returns(T::Boolean) } # def title?; end # end # ~~~ class ActionText < Compiler extend T::Sig ConstantType = type_member { { fixed: T.class_of(::ActiveRecord::Base) } } sig { override.void } def decorate root.create_path(constant) do |scope| self.class.action_text_associations(constant).each do |name| reflection = constant.reflections.fetch(name) type = reflection.options.fetch(:class_name) name = reflection.name.to_s.sub("rich_text_", "") scope.create_method( name, return_type: type, ) scope.create_method( "#{name}?", return_type: "T::Boolean", ) scope.create_method( "#{name}=", parameters: [create_param("value", type: "T.nilable(T.any(#{type}, String))")], return_type: "T.untyped", ) end end end class << self extend T::Sig sig { params(constant: T.class_of(::ActiveRecord::Base)).returns(T::Array[String]) } def action_text_associations(constant) # Implementation copied from https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/31052d0e518b9da103eea2f79d250242ed1e3705/actiontext/lib/action_text/attribute.rb#L66 constant.reflect_on_all_associations(:has_one) .map(&:name).map(&:to_s) .select { |n| n.start_with?("rich_text_") } end sig { override.returns(T::Enumerable[Module]) } def gather_constants descendants_of(::ActiveRecord::Base) .reject(&:abstract_class?) .select { |c| action_text_associations(c).any? } end end end end end end