#! /usr/bin/env ruby # # check-sensor # # DESCRIPTION: # This plugin collects sensor data from an IPMI endpoint. # Output is in Graphite format. See the rubyipmi gem docs for # a more detailed explanation of how to find and use sensor names. # # OUTPUT: # metric data # # PLATFORMS: # Linux # # DEPENDENCIES: # gem: sensu-plugin # gem: ipmi # ipmitool or freeipmi package # # USAGE: # By default the check returns all sensors. If you want to check # just the IPMI temperature sensor on a power supply named # 't_in_ps0', you do the following. # # check-sensor.rb -u IPMI_USER -p IPMI_PASS -h -s t_in_ps0 # FQDN.ipmisensor.t_in_ps1 32.000 1416346692 # # NOTES: # Don't use passwords with characters that require escaping (e.g. !) # Test your IPMI endpoints first to verify any specified sensor names # and that your credentials are working before adding them to a Sensu # check. # # LICENSE: # Matt Mencel # Released under the same terms as Sensu (the MIT license); see LICENSE # for details. # require 'sensu-plugin/metric/cli' require 'rubyipmi' require 'socket' require 'timeout' class CheckSensor < Sensu::Plugin::Metric::CLI::Graphite option :scheme, description: 'Metric naming scheme, text to prepend to .$parent.$child', long: '--scheme SCHEME', default: "#{Socket.gethostname}.ipmisensor" option :sensor, description: 'IPMI sensor to gather stats for. Default is ALL', short: '-s SENSOR_NAME', long: '--sensor SENSOR_NAME', default: 'all' option :username, description: 'IPMI Username', short: '-u IPMI_USERNAME', long: '--username IPMI_USERNAME', required: true option :password, description: 'IPMI Password', short: '-p IPMI_PASSWORD', long: '--password IPMI_PASSWORD', required: true option :privilege, description: 'IPMI privilege level: CALLBACK, USER, OPERATOR, ADMINISTRATOR (defaults to USER)', short: '-v PRIVILEGE', long: '--privilege PRIVILEGE', default: 'USER', required: false option :host, description: 'IPMI Hostname or IP', short: '-h IPMI_HOST', long: '--host IPMI_HOST', required: true option :provider, description: 'IPMI Tool Provider (ipmitool OR freeipmi). Default is ipmitool.', short: '-i IPMI_PROVIDER', long: '--ipmitool IPMI_PROVIDER', default: 'ipmitool' option :timeout, description: 'IPMI connection timeout in seconds (defaults to 30)', short: '-t TIMEOUT', long: '--timeout TIMEOUT', default: 30 def conn timeout(config[:timeout].to_i) do Rubyipmi.connect(config[:username], config[:password], config[:host], config[:provider], privilege: config[:privilege]) end rescue Timeout::Error unknown 'Timeout during IPMI operation.' rescue => e unknown "An unknown error occured: #{e.inspect}" end def run # #YELLOW conn.sensors.list.each do |sensor| if config[:sensor] != 'all' next if sensor[1][:name] != config[:sensor] end name = sensor[1][:name] value = sensor[1][:value] if name !~ /^error_/ begin value = Float(value) output "#{config[:scheme]}.#{name}", value, Time.now.to_i rescue TypeError, ArgumentError 'Not numeric' # Not a numeric value - no point pushing as a metric end end end ok end end