require 'spec_helper' describe Klomp::Connection do Given(:data) { frame(:connected) } Given(:server) { "" } Given(:options) { { "login" => "admin", "passcode" => "password", "logger" => logger } } Given(:socket) { double(TCPSocket, gets:data, write:nil, set_encoding:nil, close:nil) } Given(:logger) { double("Logger", error:nil, warn:nil, info:nil, debug:nil).as_null_object } Given(:subscriber) { double "subscriber", call:nil } Given(:thread) { double Thread } Given do IO.stub!(:select).and_return([[socket], [socket]]) TCPSocket.stub!(:new).and_return socket Thread.stub!(:new).and_return {|*args,&blk| thread.stub!(:block => blk); thread } Klomp::Sentinel.stub!(new: double("sentinel")) end context "new" do When { server, options } Then do socket.should have_received(:set_encoding).with('UTF-8').ordered socket.should have_received(:write).with(frame(:connect)).ordered socket.should have_received(:gets).with("\x00").ordered end end context "new with vhost" do Given(:server) { "virtual-host:" } When { server, options } Then do TCPSocket.should have_received(:new).with("", 61613) socket.should have_received(:write).with(frame(:connect_vhost)).ordered end end context "new with stomp:// URL" do Given(:server) { "stomp://admin:password@" } Given(:options) { {} } When { server, options } Then do TCPSocket.should have_received(:new).with("", 61613) socket.should have_received(:write).with(frame(:connect_vhost)).ordered end end context "new with connection error" do Given(:data) { frame(:auth_error) } When(:expect_connect) { expect { server, options } } Then { raise_error(Klomp::Error) } end context "publish" do Given(:connection) { server, options } When { connection.publish "/queue/greeting", "hello" } Then { socket.should have_received(:write).with(frame(:greeting)) } context "logs when logger level is debug" do Given(:logger) { double("Logger").as_null_object.tap {|l| l.stub!(debug?: true) } } Then { logger.should have_received(:debug) } end end context "subscribe" do Given!(:connection) { server, options } context "writes the subscribe message" do When { connection.subscribe "/queue/greeting", subscriber } Then { socket.should have_received(:write).with(frame(:subscribe)) } context "and logs when logger level is debug" do Given(:logger) { double("Logger").as_null_object.tap {|l| l.stub!(debug?: true) } } Then { logger.should have_received(:debug) } end end context "called twice writes to the socket only once" do When do connection.subscribe "/queue/greeting", subscriber connection.subscribe "/queue/greeting", double("another subscriber that replaces the first", call:nil) end Then { socket.should have_received(:write).with(frame(:subscribe)).once } end context "and accepts a block as the subscriber" do When { connection.subscribe("/queue/foo") { true } } Then { connection.subscriptions["/queue/foo"].call.should == true } end context "and accepts an object that responds to #call as the subscriber" do When { connection.subscribe("/queue/foo", subscriber) } Then { connection.subscriptions["/queue/foo"].should == subscriber } end context "and dispatches to the message callback" do When do connection.subscribe "/queue/greeting", subscriber socket.stub!(:gets).and_return frame(:message) connection.send :close! end Then do subscriber.should have_received(:call).with(an_instance_of(Klomp::Frames::Message)) end end context "does not dispatch if an error frame was read" do When do connection.subscribe "/queue/greeting", subscriber socket.stub!(:gets).and_return frame(:error) connection.send :close! end Then { subscriber.should_not have_received(:call) } Then { logger.should have_received(:warn) } end context "fails if neither a subscriber nor a block is given" do When(:expect_subscribe) { expect { connection.subscribe("/queue/greeting") } } Then { raise_error(Klomp::Error) } end context "fails if the subscriber does not respond to #call" do When(:expect_subscribe) { expect { connection.subscribe("/queue/greeting", double("subscriber")) } } Then { raise_error(Klomp::Error) } end context "subscriptions" do context "is not empty after subscribing" do When { connection.subscribe("/queue/greeting") { true } } Then { connection.subscriptions.length.should == 1 } context "and empty after unsubscribing" do When { connection.unsubscribe("/queue/greeting") } Then { connection.subscriptions.length.should == 0 } end end end end context "unsubscribe" do Given(:connection) { server, options } Given { connection.subscriptions["/queue/greeting"] = double "subscribers" } When { connection.unsubscribe "/queue/greeting" } Then { socket.should have_received(:write).with(frame(:unsubscribe)) } end context "disconnect" do Given!(:connection) { server, options } When { connection.disconnect } Then do socket.should have_received(:write).with(frame(:disconnect)) socket.should have_received(:close) end context "makes connection useless (raises error)" do Then { expect { connection.publish "/queue/greeting", "hello" }.to raise_error(Klomp::Error) } end end context "socket error on write causes connection to be disconnected" do Given!(:connection) { server, options } Given do socket.stub!(:write).and_raise"some socket error") end When(:expect_publish) { expect { connection.publish "/queue/greeting", "hello" } } Then do raise_error(SystemCallError) connection.should_not be_connected end context "and subsequent calls raise Klomp::Error" do Then do raise_error(SystemCallError) raise_error(Klomp::Error) end end context "and starts reconnect sentinel" do Then do raise_error(SystemCallError) Klomp::Sentinel.should have_received(:new).with(connection) end end end context "socket error on read causes connection to be disconnected" do Given!(:connection) { server, options } Given do thread.stub!(:raise).and_return {|e| raise e } socket.stub!(:gets).and_raise"some socket error") end When do connection.subscribe "/queue/greeting", subscriber end Then { connection.should_not be_connected } end context "reconnect" do Given!(:connection) { server, options } context "creates new socket" do Given { connection.disconnect } When { connection.reconnect } Then { connection.should be_connected } Then { logger.should have_received(:warn) } end context "has no effect if connection is already connected" do Given { socket.messages_received.clear } When { connection.reconnect } Then { connection.should be_connected } Then { socket.should_not have_received(:write) } end context "re-subscribes all subscriptions" do Given do connection.subscribe "/queue/greeting", subscriber thread.stub!(:raise) connection.disconnect socket.messages_received.clear end When { connection.reconnect } Then { socket.should have_received(:write).with(frame(:subscribe)) } end end end