class SlackSmartBot # helpadmin: ---------------------------------------------- # helpadmin: `bot stats` # helpadmin: `bot stats USER_NAME` # helpadmin: `bot stats exclude masters` # helpadmin: `bot stats from YYYY/MM/DD` # helpadmin: `bot stats from YYYY/MM/DD to YYYY/MM/DD` # helpadmin: `bot stats CHANNEL` # helpadmin: `bot stats CHANNEL from YYYY/MM/DD` # helpadmin: `bot stats CHANNEL from YYYY/MM/DD to YYYY/MM/DD` # helpadmin: `bot stats USER_NAME from YYYY/MM/DD to YYYY/MM/DD` # helpadmin: `bot stats CHANNEL USER_NAME from YYYY/MM/DD to YYYY/MM/DD` # helpadmin: `bot stats CHANNEL exclude masters from YYYY/MM/DD to YYYY/MM/DD` # helpadmin: `bot stats today` # helpadmin: `bot stats exclude COMMAND_ID` # helpadmin: To see the bot stats # helpadmin: You can use this command only if you are a Master admin user and if you are in a private conversation with the bot # helpadmin: You need to set stats to true to generate the stats when running the bot instance. # helpadmin: Examples: # helpadmin: _bot stats #sales_ # helpadmin: _bot stats @peter.wind_ # helpadmin: _bot stats #sales from 2019/12/15 to 2019/12/31_ # helpadmin: _bot stats #sales today_ # helpadmin: def bot_stats(dest, from_user, typem, channel_id, from, to, user, exclude_masters, exclude_command) require 'csv' if config.stats message = [] else message = ["You need to set stats to true to generate the stats when running the bot instance."] end save_stats(__method__) if config.masters.include?(from_user) and typem==:on_dm #master admin user if !File.exist?("#{config.stats_path}.#{"%Y-%m")}.log") message<<'No stats' else from = "#{"%Y-%m")}-01" if from == '' to = "#{"%Y-%m-%d")}" if to == '' from_short = from to_short = to from_file = from[0..3] + '-' + from[5..6] to_file = to[0..3] + '-' + to[5..6] from+= " 00:00:00 +0000" to+= " 23:59:59 +0000" rows = [] Dir["#{config.stats_path}.*.log"].sort.each do |file| if file >= "#{config.stats_path}.#{from_file}.log" or file <= "#{config.stats_path}.#{to_file}.log" CSV.foreach(file, headers: true, header_converters: :symbol, converters: :numeric) do |row| row[:date] = row[:date].to_s if !exclude_masters or (exclude_masters and !config.masters.include?(row[:user_name])) if user=='' or (user!='' and row[:user_id] == user) if exclude_command == '' or (exclude_command!='' and row[:command]!=exclude_command) if row[:bot_channel_id] == channel_id or channel_id == '' if row[:date] >= from and row[:date] <= to rows << row.to_h end end end end end end end end total = rows.size if exclude_masters message << 'Excluding master admins' end if exclude_command != '' message << "Excluding command #{exclude_command}" end if user!='' message << "Showing only user <@#{user}>" end if channel_id == '' message << "*Total calls*: #{total} from #{from_short} to #{to_short}" else message << "*Total calls <##{channel_id}>*: #{total} from #{from_short} to #{to_short}" end if total > 0 if channel_id == '' message << "*Channels*" channels = rows.bot_channel.uniq.sort channels.each do |channel| count = rows.count {|h| h.bot_channel==channel} message << "\t#{channel}: #{count} (#{(count.to_f*100/total).round(2)}%)" end end if user=='' message << "*Users*" users = rows.user_name.uniq.sort users.each do |user| count = rows.count {|h| h.user_name==user} message << "\t#{user}: #{count} (#{(count.to_f*100/total).round(2)}%)" end end message << "*Commands*" commands = rows.command.uniq.sort commands.each do |command| count = rows.count {|h| h.command==command} message << "\t#{command}: #{count} (#{(count.to_f*100/total).round(2)}%)" end message << "*Message type*" types = rows.type_message.uniq.sort types.each do |type| count = rows.count {|h| h.type_message==type} message << "\t#{type}: #{count} (#{(count.to_f*100/total).round(2)}%)" end message << "*Last activity*: #{rows[-1].date} #{rows[-1].bot_channel} #{rows[-1].type_message} #{rows[-1].user_name} #{rows[-1].command}" end end else message<<"Only Master admin users on a private conversation with the bot can see the bot stats." end respond "#{message.join("\n")}", dest end end