# encoding: UTF-8 unless defined? ASCIIDOCTOR_PROJECT_DIR $: << File.dirname(__FILE__); $:.uniq! require 'test_helper' end context 'Path Resolver' do context 'Web Paths' do def setup @resolver = Asciidoctor::PathResolver.new end test 'target with absolute path' do assert_equal '/images', @resolver.web_path('/images') assert_equal '/images', @resolver.web_path('/images', '') assert_equal '/images', @resolver.web_path('/images', nil) end test 'target with relative path' do assert_equal 'images', @resolver.web_path('images') assert_equal 'images', @resolver.web_path('images', '') assert_equal 'images', @resolver.web_path('images', nil) end test 'target with hidden relative path' do assert_equal '.images', @resolver.web_path('.images') assert_equal '.images', @resolver.web_path('.images', '') assert_equal '.images', @resolver.web_path('.images', nil) end test 'target with path relative to current directory' do assert_equal './images', @resolver.web_path('./images') assert_equal './images', @resolver.web_path('./images', '') assert_equal './images', @resolver.web_path('./images', nil) end test 'target with absolute path ignores start path' do assert_equal '/images', @resolver.web_path('/images', 'foo') assert_equal '/images', @resolver.web_path('/images', '/foo') assert_equal '/images', @resolver.web_path('/images', './foo') end test 'target with relative path appended to start path' do assert_equal 'assets/images', @resolver.web_path('images', 'assets') assert_equal '/assets/images', @resolver.web_path('images', '/assets') #assert_equal '/assets/images/tiger.png', @resolver.web_path('tiger.png', '/assets//images') assert_equal './assets/images', @resolver.web_path('images', './assets') assert_equal '/theme.css', @resolver.web_path('theme.css', '/') assert_equal '/css/theme.css', @resolver.web_path('theme.css', '/css/') end test 'target with path relative to current directory appended to start path' do assert_equal 'assets/images', @resolver.web_path('./images', 'assets') assert_equal '/assets/images', @resolver.web_path('./images', '/assets') assert_equal './assets/images', @resolver.web_path('./images', './assets') end test 'target with relative path appended to url start path' do assert_equal 'http://www.example.com/assets/images', @resolver.web_path('images', 'http://www.example.com/assets') end # enable if we want to allow web_path to detect and preserve a target URI #test 'target with file url appended to relative path' do # assert_equal 'file:///home/username/styles/asciidoctor.css', @resolver.web_path('file:///home/username/styles/asciidoctor.css', '.') #end # enable if we want to allow web_path to detect and preserve a target URI #test 'target with http url appended to relative path' do # assert_equal 'http://example.com/asciidoctor.css', @resolver.web_path('http://example.com/asciidoctor.css', '.') #end test 'normalize target' do assert_equal '../images', @resolver.web_path('../images/../images') end test 'append target to start path and normalize' do assert_equal '../images', @resolver.web_path('../images/../images', '../images') assert_equal '../../images', @resolver.web_path('../images', '..') end test 'normalize parent directory that follows root' do assert_equal '/tiger.png', @resolver.web_path('/../tiger.png') assert_equal '/tiger.png', @resolver.web_path('/../../tiger.png') end test 'uses start when target is empty' do assert_equal 'assets/images', @resolver.web_path('', 'assets/images') assert_equal 'assets/images', @resolver.web_path(nil, 'assets/images') end test 'posixifies windows paths' do assert_equal '/images', @resolver.web_path('\\images') assert_equal '../images', @resolver.web_path('..\\images') assert_equal '/images', @resolver.web_path('\\..\\images') assert_equal 'assets/images', @resolver.web_path('assets\\images') assert_equal '../assets/images', @resolver.web_path('assets\\images', '..\\images\\..') end test 'URL encode spaces in path' do assert_equal 'assets%20and%20stuff/lots%20of%20images', @resolver.web_path('lots of images', 'assets and stuff') end end context 'System Paths' do JAIL = '/home/doctor/docs' def setup @resolver = Asciidoctor::PathResolver.new end test 'prevents access to paths outside of jail' do result, warnings = redirect_streams do |_, err| [(@resolver.system_path '../../../../../css', %(#{JAIL}/assets/stylesheets), JAIL), err.string] end assert_equal %(#{JAIL}/css), result assert_includes warnings, 'path has illegal reference to ancestor of jail' result, warnings = redirect_streams do |_, err| [(@resolver.system_path '/../../../../../css', %(#{JAIL}/assets/stylesheets), JAIL), err.string] end assert_equal %(#{JAIL}/css), result assert_includes warnings, 'path has illegal reference to ancestor of jail' result, warnings = redirect_streams do |_, err| [(@resolver.system_path '../../../css', '../../..', JAIL), err.string] end assert_equal %(#{JAIL}/css), result assert_includes warnings, 'path has illegal reference to ancestor of jail' end test 'throws exception for illegal path access if recover is false' do begin @resolver.system_path('../../../../../css', "#{JAIL}/assets/stylesheets", JAIL, :recover => false) flunk 'Expecting SecurityError to be raised' rescue SecurityError end end test 'resolves start path if target is empty' do assert_equal "#{JAIL}/assets/stylesheets", @resolver.system_path('', "#{JAIL}/assets/stylesheets", JAIL) assert_equal "#{JAIL}/assets/stylesheets", @resolver.system_path(nil, "#{JAIL}/assets/stylesheets", JAIL) end test 'resolves start path if target is dot' do assert_equal "#{JAIL}/assets/stylesheets", @resolver.system_path('.', "#{JAIL}/assets/stylesheets", JAIL) assert_equal "#{JAIL}/assets/stylesheets", @resolver.system_path('./', "#{JAIL}/assets/stylesheets", JAIL) end test 'treats absolute target as relative when jail is specified' do assert_equal "#{JAIL}/assets/stylesheets", @resolver.system_path('/', "#{JAIL}/assets/stylesheets", JAIL) assert_equal "#{JAIL}/assets/stylesheets/foo", @resolver.system_path('/foo', "#{JAIL}/assets/stylesheets", JAIL) assert_equal "#{JAIL}/assets/foo", @resolver.system_path('/../foo', "#{JAIL}/assets/stylesheets", JAIL) end test 'allows use of absolute target or start if resolved path is sub-path of jail' do assert_equal "#{JAIL}/my/path", @resolver.system_path("#{JAIL}/my/path", '', JAIL) assert_equal "#{JAIL}/my/path", @resolver.system_path("#{JAIL}/my/path", nil, JAIL) assert_equal "#{JAIL}/my/path", @resolver.system_path('', "#{JAIL}/my/path", JAIL) assert_equal "#{JAIL}/my/path", @resolver.system_path(nil, "#{JAIL}/my/path", JAIL) assert_equal "#{JAIL}/my/path", @resolver.system_path('path', "#{JAIL}/my", JAIL) end test 'uses jail path if start path is empty' do assert_equal "#{JAIL}/images/tiger.png", @resolver.system_path('images/tiger.png', '', JAIL) assert_equal "#{JAIL}/images/tiger.png", @resolver.system_path('images/tiger.png', nil, JAIL) end test 'raises security error if start is not contained within jail' do begin @resolver.system_path('images/tiger.png', '/etc', JAIL) flunk 'Expecting SecurityError to be raised' rescue SecurityError end begin @resolver.system_path('.', '/etc', JAIL) flunk 'Expecting SecurityError to be raised' rescue SecurityError end end test 'resolves absolute directory if jail is not specified' do assert_equal '/usr/share/stylesheet.css', @resolver.system_path('/usr/share/stylesheet.css', '/home/dallen/docs/assets/stylesheets') end test 'resolves ancestor directory of start if jail is not specified' do assert_equal '/usr/share/stylesheet.css', @resolver.system_path('../../../../../usr/share/stylesheet.css', '/home/dallen/docs/assets/stylesheets') end test 'resolves absolute path if start is absolute and target is relative' do assert_equal '/usr/share/assets/stylesheet.css', @resolver.system_path('assets/stylesheet.css', '/usr/share') end test 'resolves absolute UNC path if start is absolute and target is relative' do assert_equal '//QA/c$/users/asciidoctor/assets/stylesheet.css', @resolver.system_path('assets/stylesheet.css', '//QA/c$/users/asciidoctor') end test 'resolves relative target relative to current directory if start is empty' do pwd = File.expand_path(Dir.pwd) assert_equal "#{pwd}/images/tiger.png", @resolver.system_path('images/tiger.png', '') assert_equal "#{pwd}/images/tiger.png", @resolver.system_path('images/tiger.png', nil) assert_equal "#{pwd}/images/tiger.png", @resolver.system_path('images/tiger.png') end test 'resolves relative hidden target relative to current directory if start is empty' do pwd = File.expand_path(Dir.pwd) assert_equal "#{pwd}/.images/tiger.png", @resolver.system_path('.images/tiger.png', '') assert_equal "#{pwd}/.images/tiger.png", @resolver.system_path('.images/tiger.png', nil) end test 'resolves and normalizes start with target is empty' do pwd = File.expand_path Dir.pwd assert_equal '/home/doctor/docs', (@resolver.system_path '', '/home/doctor/docs') assert_equal '/home/doctor/docs', (@resolver.system_path nil, '/home/doctor/docs') assert_equal %(#{pwd}/assets/images), (@resolver.system_path nil, 'assets/images') result, warnings = redirect_streams do |_, err| [(@resolver.system_path '', '../assets/images', JAIL), err.string] end assert_equal %(#{JAIL}/assets/images), result assert_includes warnings, 'path has illegal reference to ancestor of jail' end test 'posixifies windows paths' do assert_equal "#{JAIL}/assets/css", @resolver.system_path('..\\css', 'assets\\stylesheets', JAIL) end test 'resolves windows paths when file separator is backlash' do @resolver.file_separator = '\\' assert_equal 'C:/data/docs', (@resolver.system_path '..', 'C:\\data\\docs\\assets', 'C:\\data\\docs') result, warnings = redirect_streams do |_, err| [(@resolver.system_path '..\\..', 'C:\\data\\docs\\assets', 'C:\\data\\docs'), err.string] end assert_equal 'C:/data/docs', result assert_includes warnings, 'path has illegal reference to ancestor of jail' result, warnings = redirect_streams do |_, err| [(@resolver.system_path '..\\..\\css', 'C:\\data\\docs\\assets', 'C:\\data\\docs'), err.string] end assert_equal 'C:/data/docs/css', result assert_includes warnings, 'path has illegal reference to ancestor of jail' end test 'should calculate relative path' do filename = @resolver.system_path('part1/chapter1/section1.adoc', nil, JAIL) assert_equal "#{JAIL}/part1/chapter1/section1.adoc", filename assert_equal 'part1/chapter1/section1.adoc', @resolver.relative_path(filename, JAIL) end test 'should resolve relative path to filename if does not share common root with base directory' do filename = '/docs/partials' base_dir = '/home/user/docs' result = @resolver.relative_path filename, base_dir assert_equal filename, result end test 'should resolve relative path relative to base dir in unsafe mode' do base_dir = fixture_path 'base' doc = empty_document :base_dir => base_dir, :safe => Asciidoctor::SafeMode::UNSAFE expected = ::File.join base_dir, 'images', 'tiger.png' actual = doc.normalize_system_path 'tiger.png', 'images' assert_equal expected, actual end test 'should resolve absolute path as absolute in unsafe mode' do base_dir = fixture_path 'base' doc = empty_document :base_dir => base_dir, :safe => Asciidoctor::SafeMode::UNSAFE actual = doc.normalize_system_path 'tiger.png', '/etc/images' assert_equal '/etc/images/tiger.png', actual end end context 'Helpers' do test 'rootname should return file name without extension' do assert_equal 'master', Asciidoctor::Helpers.rootname('master.adoc') assert_equal 'docs/master', Asciidoctor::Helpers.rootname('docs/master.adoc') end test 'rootname should file name if it has no extension' do assert_equal 'master', Asciidoctor::Helpers.rootname('master') assert_equal 'docs/master', Asciidoctor::Helpers.rootname('docs/master') end test 'UriSniffRx should detect URIs' do assert Asciidoctor::UriSniffRx =~ 'http://example.com' assert Asciidoctor::UriSniffRx =~ 'https://example.com' assert Asciidoctor::UriSniffRx =~ '' end test 'UriSniffRx should not detect an absolute Windows path as a URI' do assert Asciidoctor::UriSniffRx !~ 'c:/sample.adoc' assert Asciidoctor::UriSniffRx !~ 'c:\\sample.adoc' end end end