require 'test_helper' class TestCaseTest < Cell::TestCase context "A TestCase" do setup do @test = BassistCell.class_eval do def play; render; end end end should "respond to #render_cell" do assert_equal "Doo", render_cell(:bassist, :play) end should "respond to #assert_selector with 3 args" do assert_selector "p", "Doo", "
y" end should "respond to #cell" do assert_kind_of BassistCell, cell(:bassist) assert !cell(:bassist).respond_to?(:opts) end should "respond to #cell with a block" do assert_respond_to cell(:bassist) { def opts; @opts; end }, :opts end should "respond to #cell with options and block" do assert_equal({:topic => :peace}, cell(:bassist, :topic => :peace) { def opts; @opts; end }.opts) end context "#view_assigns" do should "be emtpy when nothing was set" do render_cell(:bassist, :play) assert_equal({}, view_assigns) end should "return the instance variables from the last #render_cell" do BassistCell.class_eval do def sleep @duration = "8h" end end render_cell(:bassist, :sleep) assert_equal({:duration => "8h"}, view_assigns) end should "return the instance variables from the last #render_cell accepting options" do BassistCell.class_eval do def run @duration = @opts[:duration] end end render_cell(:bassist, :run, :duration=> "8h") assert_equal("8h", assigns(:duration)) end end context "in declarative tests" do should "respond to TestCase.tests" do self.class.tests BassistCell assert_equal BassistCell, self.class.controller_class end should "infer the cell name" do class SingerCell < Cell::Base end class SingerCellTest < Cell::TestCase end assert_equal SingerCell, end context "with invoke" do setup do self.class.tests BassistCell end should "provide #invoke" do assert_equal "Doo", invoke(:play) end should "provide #last_invoke" do assert_equal nil, last_invoke assert_equal "Doo", invoke(:play) assert_equal "Doo", last_invoke end should "provide #invoke accepting opts" do #assert_equal "Doo", invoke(:play) end should "provide assert_select" do invoke :play assert_select "a", 0 end end end end end