// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2011 Strobe Inc. and contributors. // Portions ©2008-2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. // License: Licensed under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== /** Renders and updates the HTML representation of SC.ButtonView. */ SC.BaseTheme.buttonRenderDelegate = SC.RenderDelegate.create({ name: 'button', /** Called when we need to create the HTML that represents the button. @param {SC.Object} dataSource the object containing the information on how to render the button @param {SC.RenderContext} context the render context instance */ render: function(dataSource, context) { var theme = dataSource.get('theme'), minWidth = dataSource.get('titleMinWidth'), toolTip = dataSource.get('displayToolTip'), view = dataSource.get('view'), isSelected = dataSource.get('isSelected'), isActive = dataSource.get('isActive'), isPopUpButton = NO, menu = view.get('menu'); if(menu) { isPopUpButton = YES; } var labelContent; context.setClass('icon', !!dataSource.get('icon') || 0); context.setClass('def', dataSource.get('isDefault') || 0); context.setClass('cancel', dataSource.get('isCancel') || 0); if (toolTip) { context.attr('title', toolTip); context.attr('alt', toolTip); } // addressing accessibility context.attr('aria-pressed', isActive); if(isPopUpButton) { context.attr('aria-haspopup', isPopUpButton.toString()); } // Specify a minimum width for the inner part of the button. minWidth = (minWidth ? "style='min-width: " + minWidth + "px'" : ''); context = context.push(""); // Create the inner label element that contains the text and, optionally, // an icon. context = context.begin('label').addClass('sc-button-label'); // NOTE: we don't add the label class names because button styles its own label. theme.labelRenderDelegate.render(dataSource, context); context = context.end(); context.push(""); if (dataSource.get('supportFocusRing')) { context.push('
', '
', '
', '
'); } }, /** Called when one or more display properties have changed and we need to update the HTML representation with the new values. @param {SC.Object} dataSource the object containing the information on how to render the button @param {SC.RenderContext} jquery the jQuery object representing the HTML representation of the button */ update: function(dataSource, jquery) { var theme = dataSource.get('theme'), isSelected = dataSource.get('isSelected'), isActive = dataSource.get('isActive'), view = dataSource.get('view'), menu = view.get('menu'), isPopUpButton = NO; if(menu) { isPopUpButton = YES; } if (dataSource.get('isActive')) jquery.addClass('active'); if (dataSource.get('isDefault')) jquery.addClass('default'); if (dataSource.get('isCancel')) jquery.addClass('cancel'); if (dataSource.get('icon')) jquery.addClass('icon'); // addressing accessibility jquery.attr('aria-pressed', isActive); if(isPopUpButton) { jquery.attr('aria-haspopup', isPopUpButton.toString()); } theme.labelRenderDelegate.update(dataSource, jquery.find('label')); } });