# LazyRecord [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/msimonborg/lazy_record/badges/gpa.svg)](https://codeclimate.com/github/msimonborg/lazy_record) LazyRecord writes a bunch of boilerplate code for your POROs, similarly to what you'd expect ActiveRecord to do for your database-backed objects. This project is an attempt to understand and explore dynamic programming techniques in Ruby, and demystify some of the Rails magic. Maybe someone will find it useful. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'lazy_record' ``` And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install lazy_record ## Usage All objects that inherit from `LazyRecord::Base` get block syntax added to their `#initialize` method. ```ruby class Thing < LazyRecord::Base end thing = Thing.new { |t| puts t.class.superclass } # LazyRecord::Base # => # ``` Alternatively, if you want to inherit from another class, you can mix in the `LazyRecord::BaseModule` and get all the same results. ```ruby class Thing include LazyRecord::BaseModule end thing = Thing.new { |t| puts t.class.superclass } # Object # => # ``` Every LazyRecord object is assigned an auto-incrementing ID after initialization. IDs reset when the program is terminated. Use `lr_attr_accessor` like you would use `attr_accessor`. You'll get hash syntax in your `#intialize` method for attribute setting. ```ruby class Thing < LazyRecord::Base lr_attr_accessor :stuff, :junk end thing = Thing.new stuff: 'stuff' do |t| t.junk = 'junk' end # => # ``` Validate presence of attributes with `lr_validates` like you would with ActiveRecord. Failed validations will return false and the ID will not be incremented. More validation options coming in the future. ```ruby class Thing < LazyRecord::Base lr_attr_accessor :stuff, :junk lr_validates :stuff, presence: true end thing = Thing.new junk: 'junk' ArgumentError stuff must be given # # => false ``` Use `lr_has_many` to set up associated collections of another class. `lr_belongs_to` will be added in a future update. ```ruby class Whatever < LazyRecord::Base end class Thing < LazyRecord::Base lr_attr_accessor :stuff, :junk lr_validates :stuff, presence: true lr_has_many :whatevers end whatever = Whatever.new # => # thing = Thing.new do |t| t.stuff = 'stuff' t.whatevers << whatever end # => # thing.whatevers # => #]> ``` Use `lr_scope` and `#where` to create class scope methods and query objects. Works just like ActiveRecord scopes, including scope chaining. Only since it is all Ruby and no SQL, use `==` as the comparison operator. ```ruby class Whatever < LazyRecord::Base lr_attr_accessor :party_value, :sleepy_value lr_scope :big_party, -> { where('party_value > 10') } lr_scope :low_sleepy, -> { where('sleepy_value < 10') } end class Thing < LazyRecord::Base lr_attr_accessor :stuff, :junk lr_validates :stuff, presence: true lr_has_many :whatevers end Whatever.new party_value: 12, sleepy_value: 12 Whatever.new party_value: 13, sleepy_value: 3 Whatever.new party_value: 4, sleepy_value: 11 Whatever.new party_value: 3, sleepy_value: 5 thing = Thing.new do |t| t.stuff = 'stuff' t.whatevers = Whatever.all end # => # thing.whatevers.big_party # => #, #]> thing.whatevers.low_sleepy # => #, #]> thing.whatevers.big_party.low_sleepy # => #]> Whatever.low_sleepy # => #, #]> Whatever.where('id == 1') # => # ``` You can also use hash syntax and block syntax with `.where`. Block syntax will yield each object in the collection to the block for evaluation. ```ruby Whatever.where { |w| w.sleepy_value > 5 } # => #, #]> Whatever.where { |w| w.sleepy_value == w.party_value } # => #]> ``` When using hash syntax can be a value, an expression, or a Proc object. ```ruby Whatever.where party_value: 12 # => #]> Whatever.where party_value: 7 + 6, sleepy_value: 3 # => #]> num = 6 Whatever.where party_value: -> { num * 2 } # => #]> ``` Use `lr_method` for an alternative API for defining short instance methods. Can use lambda syntax or string syntax. Best for quick one-liners. If the method references `self` of the instance, either explicitly or implicitly, it needs to use the string syntax, since anything passed into the lambda will be evaluated in the context of the Class level scope. ```ruby class Whatever < LazyRecord::Base lr_attr_accessor :party_value, :sleepy_value, :right lr_scope :big_party, -> { where('party_value > 10') } lr_scope :low_sleepy, -> { where('sleepy_value < 10') } end class Thing < LazyRecord::Base lr_attr_accessor :stuff, :junk lr_validates :stuff, presence: true lr_has_many :whatevers lr_method :speak, -> (string) { puts string } lr_method :add_whatever, 'right', 'whatevers << Whatever.new(right: right)' end thing = Thing.new stuff: 'stuff' thing.speak "I'm a thing" # I'm a thing # => nil thing.add_whatever(true) # => [#] thing.whatevers # => #]> ``` ## Development After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment. There is an `example` directory with some LazyRecord classes defined. To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`. To release a new version, update the version number in `version.rb`, and then run `bundle exec rake release`, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the `.gem` file to [rubygems.org](https://rubygems.org). ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/msimonborg/lazy_record. ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).