# frozen_string_literal: true require 'json' require 'msgpack' require 'datadog/tracing/utils' module Datadog module Tracing module Transport # Adds serialization functions to a {Datadog::TraceSegment} class SerializableTrace attr_reader \ :trace def initialize(trace) @trace = trace end # MessagePack serializer interface. Making this object # respond to `#to_msgpack` allows it to be automatically # serialized by MessagePack. # # This is more efficient than doing +MessagePack.pack(span.to_hash)+ # as we don't have to create an intermediate Hash. # # @param packer [MessagePack::Packer] serialization buffer, can be +nil+ with JRuby def to_msgpack(packer = nil) # As of 1.3.3, JRuby implementation doesn't pass an existing packer trace.spans.map { |s| SerializableSpan.new(s) }.to_msgpack(packer) end # JSON serializer interface. # Used by older version of the transport. def to_json(*args) trace.spans.map { |s| SerializableSpan.new(s).to_hash }.to_json(*args) end end # Adds serialization functions to a {Datadog::Span} class SerializableSpan attr_reader \ :span def initialize(span) @span = span @trace_id = Tracing::Utils::TraceId.to_low_order(span.trace_id) end # MessagePack serializer interface. Making this object # respond to `#to_msgpack` allows it to be automatically # serialized by MessagePack. # # This is more efficient than doing +MessagePack.pack(span.to_hash)+ # as we don't have to create an intermediate Hash. # # @param packer [MessagePack::Packer] serialization buffer, can be +nil+ with JRuby # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize def to_msgpack(packer = nil) packer ||= MessagePack::Packer.new number_of_elements_to_write = 10 if span.stopped? packer.write_map_header(number_of_elements_to_write + 2) # Set header with how many elements in the map packer.write('start') packer.write(time_nano(span.start_time)) packer.write('duration') packer.write(duration_nano(span.duration)) else packer.write_map_header(number_of_elements_to_write) # Set header with how many elements in the map end # DEV: We use strings as keys here, instead of symbols, as # DEV: MessagePack will ultimately convert them to strings. # DEV: By providing strings directly, we skip this indirection operation. packer.write('span_id') packer.write(span.id) packer.write('parent_id') packer.write(span.parent_id) packer.write('trace_id') packer.write(@trace_id) packer.write('name') packer.write(span.name) packer.write('service') packer.write(span.service) packer.write('resource') packer.write(span.resource) packer.write('type') packer.write(span.type) packer.write('meta') packer.write(span.meta) packer.write('metrics') packer.write(span.metrics) packer.write('error') packer.write(span.status) packer end # rubocop:enable Metrics/AbcSize # JSON serializer interface. # Used by older version of the transport. def to_json(*args) to_hash.to_json(*args) end # Used for serialization # @return [Integer] in nanoseconds since Epoch def time_nano(time) time.to_i * 1000000000 + time.nsec end def to_hash span.to_hash.merge(trace_id: @trace_id) end # Used for serialization # @return [Integer] in nanoseconds since Epoch def duration_nano(duration) (duration * 1e9).to_i end end end end end