require 'forwardable' require 'just_chess/square' module JustChess # = Square Set # # A collection of Squares with useful filtering functions class SquareSet extend Forwardable # New objects can be instantiated by passing in a hash with squares. # They can be square objects or hashes. # # @param [Array] squares # An array of squares, each with x and y co-ordinates and a piece. # # ==== Example: # # Instantiates a new Square Set #{ # squares: [ # { x: 1, y: 0, piece: { player_number: 1, direction: 1, king: false }} # ] # }) def initialize(squares: ) @squares = if squares.all? { |s| s.instance_of?(Hash) } { |s| } elsif squares.all? { |s| s.instance_of?(Square) } squares else raise ArgumentError, "all squares must have the same class" end end # @return [Array] The squares in the set. attr_reader :squares def_delegator :squares, :find def_delegator :squares, :size def_delegator :squares, :any? def_delegator :squares, :all? def_delegator :squares, :none? def_delegator :squares, :include? def_delegator :squares, :map def_delegator :squares, :empty? # Concat two SquareSets together # # @param [SquareSet] other # the second SquareSet # # @return [SquareSet] # ==== Example: # # Concat two SquareSets together # square_set + other def +(other) _squares = squares + other.squares _squares) end # Remove squares from one SquareSet from another # # @param [SquareSet] other # the second SquareSet # # @return [SquareSet] # ==== Example: # # Remove squares from one SquareSet # square_set - other def -(other) _squares = squares - other.squares _squares) end # Push a Square onto a SquareSet # # @param [Square] square # the square being pushed on # # @return [SquareSet] # ==== Example: # # Push a Square onto a SquareSet # square_set << square def <<(square) _squares = squares << square _squares) end # Find the intersection of Squares between sets # # @param [SquareSet] other # the second SquareSet # # @return [SquareSet] # ==== Example: # # Find the intersection of Squares # square_set & other def &(other) select { |square| other.include?(square) } end # Filter the squares with a block and behaves like Enumerable#select. # It returns a SquareSet with the filtered squares. # # @return [SquareSet] def select(&block) _squares = _squares) end # Find the square with the matching unique identifier # # @param [Fixnum] id # the unique identifier. # # @return [Square] # ==== Example: # # Find the square with id 4 # square_set.find_by_id(4) def find_by_id(id) find { |s| == id } end # Find the square with the matching x and y co-ordinates # # @param [Fixnum] x # the x co-ordinate. # # @param [Fixnum] y # the y co-ordinate. # # @return [Square] # ==== Example: # # Find the square at 4,2 # square_set.find_by_x_and_y(4, 2) def find_by_x_and_y(x, y) find { |s| s.x == x && s.y == y } end # Find the square with the matching piece identifier # # @param [Fixnum] piece_id # the unique identifier of the piece. # # @return [Square] # ==== Example: # # Find the square with a piece of id 4 # square_set.find_by_piece_id(4) def find_by_piece_id(piece_id) find { |s| s.piece && == piece_id } end # Find the square occupied by the player's king # # @param [Fixnum] player_number # the number of the player # # @return [Square] # ==== Example: # # Find the square occupied by player 2's king # square_set.find_king_for_player(2) def find_king_for_player(player_number) find { |s| s.piece && s.piece.is_a?(JustChess::King) && s.occupied_by_player?(player_number) } end # Returns squares between a and b. # Only squares that are in the same diagonal will return squares. # # @param [Square] a # a square. # # @param [Square] b # another square. # # @return [SquareSet] # # ==== Example: # # Get all squares between square_a and square_b # square_set.between(square_a, square_b) def between(a, b) vector =, b) if vector.diagonal? || vector.orthogonal? point_counter = a.point direction = vector.direction _squares = [] while point_counter != b.point point_counter = point_counter + direction square = find_by_x_and_y(point_counter.x, point_counter.y) if square && square.point != b.point _squares.push(square) end end else _squares = [] end _squares) end # Find all squares within distance of square # # @param [Square] square # the originating square # # @param [Fixnum] distance # the specified distance from the square # # @return [SquareSet] # ==== Example: # # Get all squares within 2 squares of square_a # square_set.in_range(square_a, 2) def in_range(square, distance) select { |s|, s).magnitude.abs <= distance } end # Find all squares at distance of square # # @param [Square] square # the originating square # # @param [Fixnum] distance # the specified distance from the square # # @return [SquareSet] # ==== Example: # # Get all squares at 2 squares from square_a # square_set.at_range(square_a, 2) def at_range(square, distance) select { |s|, s).magnitude.abs == distance } end # Find all squares in the y direction of square # # @param [Square] square # the originating square # # @param [Fixnum] direction_y # the direction, either up (-1) or down (1) # # @return [SquareSet] # ==== Example: # # Get all squares up from square_a # square_set.in_direction(square_a, -1) def in_direction(square, direction_y) select { |s|, s).direction.y == direction_y } end # Find all squares orthogonal from square # # @param [Square] square # the originating square # # @return [SquareSet] # ==== Example: # # Get all squares orthogonal from square_a # square_set.orthogonal(square_a) def orthogonal(square) select { |s|, s).orthogonal? } end # Find all squares diagonal from square # # @param [Square] square # the originating square # # @return [SquareSet] # ==== Example: # # Get all squares diagonal from square_a # square_set.diagonal(square_a) def diagonal(square) select { |s|, s).diagonal? } end # Find all squares orthogonal or diagonal from square # # @param [Square] square # the originating square # # @return [SquareSet] # ==== Example: # # Get all squares orthogonal or diagonal from square_a # square_set.orthogonal_or_diagonal(square_a) def orthogonal_or_diagonal(square) select { |s|, s).orthogonal_or_diagonal? } end # Find all squares not orthogonal or diagonal from square # # @param [Square] square # the originating square # # @return [SquareSet] # ==== Example: # # Get all squares not orthogonal or diagonal from square_a # square_set.not_orthogonal_or_diagonal(square_a) def not_orthogonal_or_diagonal(square) select { |s|, s).not_orthogonal_or_diagonal? } end # Find all squares without pieces on them. # # @return [SquareSet] def unoccupied select { |s| s.unoccupied? } end # Takes a player number and returns all squares occupied by the player # # @param [Fixnum] player_number # the player's number. # # @return [SquareSet] def occupied_by_player(player_number) select { |s| s.occupied_by_player?(player_number) } end # Takes a player number and returns all squares occupied by the opponent of the player # # @param [Fixnum] player_number # the player's number. # # @return [SquareSet] def occupied_by_opponent(player_number) select { |s| s.occupied_by_opponent?(player_number) } end # Takes a player number and returns all squares unoccupied or occupied by the opponent of the player # # @param [Fixnum] player_number # the player's number. # # @return [SquareSet] def unoccupied_or_occupied_by_opponent(player_number) select { |s| s.unoccupied? || s.occupied_by_opponent?(player_number) } end # Find all squares occupied by a piece of a particular type # # @param [Class] piece_type # the class of the piece. # # @return [SquareSet] def occupied_by_piece(piece_type) select { |s| s.piece && s.piece.is_a?(piece_type) } end # Find all squares occupied by a piece not of a particular type # # @param [Class] piece_type # the class of the piece. # # @return [SquareSet] def excluding_piece(piece_type) select { |s| s.piece && !s.piece.is_a?(piece_type) } end # Returns destination from the origin that have a clear path # # @param [Square] origin # the originating square. # # @param [SquareSet] square_set # the board position. # # @return [SquareSet] def unblocked(origin, square_set) select { |destination| square_set.between(origin, destination).all?(&:unoccupied?) } end # Returns all squares with pieces that haven't moved # # @return [SquareSet] def unmoved select { |s| s.piece && s.piece.has_not_moved? } end # Returns all squares threatened by the specified player # # @param [Fixnum] player_number # the player's number. # # @param [GameState] game_state # the current game state. # # @return [SquareSet] def threatened_by(player_number, game_state) _squares = occupied_by_player(player_number).map do |s| s.piece.capture_squares(s, game_state).squares end.flatten.uniq _squares) end # serializes the squares as a hash # # @return [Hash] def as_json end end end