require 'jsonapi/resource_for' require 'jsonapi/association' require 'action_dispatch/routing/mapper' module JSONAPI class Resource include ResourceFor @@resource_types = {} attr_reader :object def initialize(object = create_new_object) @object = object end def create_new_object end def remove(context) @object.destroy end def create_has_many_link(association_type, association_key_value, context) association = self.class._associations[association_type] related_resource = self.class.resource_for(association.serialize_type_name).find_by_key(association_key_value, context) @object.send(association.serialize_type_name) << related_resource.object end def replace_has_many_links(association_type, association_key_values, context) association = self.class._associations[association_type] @object.send("#{association.key}=", association_key_values) end def replace_has_one_link(association_type, association_key_value, context) association = self.class._associations[association_type] @object.send("#{association.key}=", association_key_value) end def remove_has_many_link(association_type, key, context) association = self.class._associations[association_type] @object.send(association.serialize_type_name).delete(key) end def remove_has_one_link(association_type, context) association = self.class._associations[association_type] @object.send("#{association.key}=", nil) end def replace_fields(field_data, context) field_data[:attributes].each do |attribute, value| send "#{attribute}=", value end field_data[:has_one].each do |association_type, value| if value.nil? remove_has_one_link(association_type, context) else replace_has_one_link(association_type, value, context) end end if field_data[:has_one] field_data[:has_many].each do |association_type, values| replace_has_many_links(association_type, values, context) end if field_data[:has_many] end def save! rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid => e errors = [] e.record.errors.messages.each do |element| element[1].each do |message| errors.push( code: JSONAPI::VALIDATION_ERROR, status: :bad_request, title: "#{element[0]} - #{message}", detail: "can't be blank", path: "\\#{element[0]}")) end end raise end # Override this on a resource instance to override the fetchable keys def fetchable(keys, context = nil) keys end class << self def inherited(base) base._attributes = (_attributes || base._associations = (_associations || {}).dup base._allowed_filters = (_allowed_filters || type =$/, '').underscore base._type = type.pluralize.to_sym # If eager loading is on this is how all the resource types are setup # If eager loading is off some resource types will be initialized in # _resource_name_from_type @@resource_types[base._type] ||= end attr_accessor :_attributes, :_associations, :_allowed_filters , :_type def routing_options(options) @_routing_resource_options = options end def routing_resource_options @_routing_resource_options ||= {} end # Methods used in defining a resource class def attributes(*attrs) @_attributes.merge attrs attrs.each do |attr| attribute(attr) end end def attribute(attr) @_attributes.add attr define_method attr do @object.method(attr).call end unless method_defined?(attr) define_method "#{attr}=" do |value| @object.send "#{attr}=", value end unless method_defined?("#{attr}=") end def has_one(*attrs) _associate(Association::HasOne, *attrs) end def has_many(*attrs) _associate(Association::HasMany, *attrs) end def model_name(model) @_model_name = model.to_sym end def filters(*attrs) @_allowed_filters.merge(attrs) end def filter(attr) @_allowed_filters.add(attr.to_sym) end def key(key) @_key = key.to_sym end # Override in your resource to filter the updateable keys def updateable(keys, context = nil) keys end # Override in your resource to filter the createable keys def createable(keys, context = nil) keys end # Override this method if you have more complex requirements than this basic find method provides def find(filters, context = nil) includes = [] where_filters = {} filters.each do |filter, value| if _associations.include?(filter) if _associations[filter].is_a?(JSONAPI::Association::HasMany) includes.push(filter.to_sym) where_filters["#{filter}.#{_associations[filter].primary_key}"] = value else where_filters["#{_associations[filter].key}"] = value end else where_filters[filter] = value end end resources = [] _model_class.where(where_filters).includes(includes).each do |object| resources.push end return resources end def find_by_key(key, context = nil) obj = _model_class.where({_key => key}).first if obj.nil? raise end end def verify_create_params(object_params, context = nil) verify_params(object_params, createable(_updateable_associations | _attributes.to_a), context) end def verify_update_params(object_params, context = nil) verify_params(object_params, updateable(_updateable_associations | _attributes.to_a), context) end def verify_params(object_params, allowed_params, context) # push links into top level param list with attributes in order to check for invalid params if object_params[:links] object_params[:links].each do |link, value| object_params[link] = value end object_params.delete(:links) end verify_permitted_params(object_params, allowed_params) checked_attributes = {} checked_has_one_associations = {} checked_has_many_associations = {} object_params.each do |key, value| param = key.to_sym association = _associations[param] if association.is_a?(JSONAPI::Association::HasOne) checked_has_one_associations[param.to_sym] = resource_for(association.serialize_type_name).verify_key(value, context) elsif association.is_a?(JSONAPI::Association::HasMany) keys = [] value.each do |value| keys.push(resource_for(association.serialize_type_name).verify_key(value, context)) end checked_has_many_associations[param.to_sym] = keys else checked_attributes[param] = value end end return { attributes: checked_attributes, has_one: checked_has_one_associations, has_many: checked_has_many_associations } end def verify_filters(filters, context = nil) verified_filters = {} filters.each do |filter, raw_value| verified_filter = verify_filter(filter, raw_value, context) verified_filters[verified_filter[0]] = verified_filter[1] end verified_filters end def is_filter_association?(filter) filter == _serialize_as || _associations.include?(filter) end def verify_filter(filter, raw, context = nil) filter_values = [] filter_values += CSV.parse_line(raw) unless raw.nil? || raw.empty? if is_filter_association?(filter) verify_association_filter(filter, filter_values, context) else verify_custom_filter(filter, filter_values, context) end end # override to allow for key processing and checking def verify_key(key, context = nil) return key end # override to allow for custom filters def verify_custom_filter(filter, value, context = nil) return filter, value end # override to allow for custom association logic, such as uuids, multiple keys or permission checks on keys def verify_association_filter(filter, raw, context = nil) return filter, raw end # quasi private class methods def _updateable_associations associations = [] @_associations.each do |key, association| if association.is_a?(JSONAPI::Association::HasOne) || association.acts_as_set associations.push(key) end end associations end def _has_association?(type) @_associations.has_key?(type) end def _association(type) type = type.to_sym unless type.is_a?(Symbol) @_associations[type] end def _model_name @_model_name ||=$/, '') end def _serialize_as @_serialize_as ||= self._type end def _key @_key ||= :id end def _as_parent_key @_as_parent_key ||= "#{_serialize_as.to_s.singularize}_#{_key}" end def _allowed_filters !@_allowed_filters.nil? ? @_allowed_filters :[_key]) end def _resource_name_from_type(type) class_name = @@resource_types[type] if class_name.nil? class_name = type.to_s.singularize.camelize + 'Resource' @@resource_types[type] = class_name end return class_name end if RUBY_VERSION >= '2.0' def _model_class @model ||= Object.const_get(_model_name) end else def _model_class @model ||= _model_name.to_s.safe_constantize end end def _allowed_filter?(filter) _allowed_filters.include?(filter.to_sym) end def _validate_field(field) _attributes.include?(field) || _associations.key?(field) end private def _associate(klass, *attrs) options = attrs.extract_options! attrs.each do |attr| @_associations[attr] =, options) if @_associations[attr].is_a?(JSONAPI::Association::HasOne) key = @_associations[attr].key define_method key do @object.method(key).call end unless method_defined?(key) define_method "_#{attr}_object" do type_name = self.class._associations[attr].serialize_type_name resource_class = self.class.resource_for(type_name) if resource_class associated_object = @object.send attr return end end elsif @_associations[attr].is_a?(JSONAPI::Association::HasMany) key = @_associations[attr].key define_method key do @object.method(key).call end unless method_defined?(key) define_method "_#{attr}_objects" do type_name = self.class._associations[attr].serialize_type_name resource_class = self.class.resource_for(type_name) resources = [] if resource_class associated_objects = @object.send attr associated_objects.each do |associated_object| resources.push end end return resources end end end end def verify_permitted_params(params, allowed_param_set) params_not_allowed = [] params.keys.each do |key| param = key.to_sym params_not_allowed.push(param) unless allowed_param_set.include?(param) end raise if params_not_allowed.length > 0 end end end end