module Scales module Worker class Worker attr_reader :app attr_reader :type attr_reader :pool attr_reader :status def initialize(type = Application::Rails) @type, @app, @status, @pool = type,,"localhost"), [] at_exit{ @status.stop! } end def parse(job) Job.to_env(job) end def process!(job) env = parse(job) id = env[''] @status.took_request_from_queue!(env) begin response = response.last.close if response.last.respond_to?(:close) [id, Response.to_job(id, response)] rescue Exception => e [id, [500, {}, e.to_s]] end end def post_process!(job) env = parse(job) while path = Thread.current[:post_process_queue].pop request = Path.to_env(path, env) begin response = response.last.close if response.last.respond_to?(:close) rescue Exception => e puts e end end end # Wait for a request, process it, publish the response and exit def process_request! job = Thread.current[:redis_blocking].brpop(Scales::Storage::REQUEST_QUEUE, 0).last id, response = nil, nil Thread.current[:post_process_queue] = [] id, response = process!(job) post_process!(job) @status.put_response_in_queue!(response) Thread.current[:redis_nonblocking].publish(Scales::Storage::RESPONSE_CHANNEL, JSON.generate(response)) [id, response] end def start_pool!(size = Scales.config.worker_threads) Thread.abort_on_exception = true size.times do @pool << do Thread.current[:redis_blocking] = Scales::Storage::Sync.new_connection! Thread.current[:redis_nonblocking] = Scales::Storage::Sync.new_connection! loop do begin process_request! rescue Exception => e @status.logger.error(e.to_s) raise e if Scales.env == "test" end end end end sleep end # Loop the processing of requests def work! @status.start! puts "Environment: #{Scales.env}".green puts "Application: #{}".green puts "Path: #{Dir.pwd}".green puts "Log Path: #{@status.log_path}".green puts "Threads: #{Scales.config.worker_threads}".green puts "Redis: #{}:#{Scales.config.port}/#{Scales.config.database}".green begin start_pool! rescue Interrupt => e puts "Goodbye".green end end end end end