module Ruby2JS class Converter # (return # (int 1)) handle :return do |value=nil| if value put 'return '; parse value else put 'return' end end EXPRESSIONS = [ :array, :float, :hash, :int, :lvar, :nil, :send, :attr, :str, :sym, :dstr, :dsym, :cvar, :ivar, :zsuper, :super, :or, :and, :block, :const, :true, :false ] handle :autoreturn do |*statements| return if statements == [nil] block = statements.dup while block.length == 1 and block.first.type == :begin block = block.first.children.dup end return if block == [] if EXPRESSIONS.include? block.last.type block.push @ast.updated(:return, [block.pop]) elsif block.last.type == :if node = block.pop if node.children[1] and node.children[2] and EXPRESSIONS.include? node.children[1].type and EXPRESSIONS.include? node.children[2].type node = s(:return, node) else conditions = [[ node.children.first, node.children[1] ? s(:autoreturn, node.children[1]) : nil ]] while node.children[2] and node.children[2].type == :if node = node.children[2] conditions.unshift [ node.children.first, node.children[1] ? s(:autoreturn, node.children[1]) : nil ] end node = node.children[2] ? s(:autoreturn, node.children[2]) : nil conditions.each do |condition, cstatements| node = s(:if, condition, cstatements, node) end end block.push node elsif block.last.type == :case node = block.pop children = node.children.dup (1...children.length).each do |i| if children[i].type == :when gchildren = children[i].children.dup if !gchildren.empty? and EXPRESSIONS.include? gchildren.last.type gchildren.push s(:return, gchildren.pop) children[i] = children[i].updated(nil, gchildren) else end elsif EXPRESSIONS.include? children[i].type children[i] = children[i].updated(:return, [children[i]]) end end block.push node.updated(nil, children) elsif block.last.type == :lvasgn block.push s(:return, s(:lvar, block.last.children.first)) elsif block.last.type == :ivasgn block.push s(:return, s(:ivar, block.last.children.first)) elsif block.last.type == :cvasgn block.push s(:return, s(:cvar, block.last.children.first)) end if block.length == 1 parse block.first, @state else parse s(:begin, *block), @state end end end end