
Class Index [+]



This class handles operands that are property attributes. They are addressed by attribute ID and scenario index. The expression provides the property reference.

Public Class Methods

new(attribute, scenario) click to toggle source
     # File lib/LogicalOperation.rb, line 183
183:     def initialize(attribute, scenario)
184:       @scenarioIdx = scenario
185:       super
186:     end

Public Instance Methods

eval(expr) click to toggle source

To evaluate a property attribute we use the Query mechanism to retrieve the value.

     # File lib/LogicalOperation.rb, line 190
190:     def eval(expr)
191:       query = expr.query
192:       query.scenarioIdx = @scenarioIdx
193:       query.attributeId = @operand1
194:       query.process
195:       # The logical expressions are mostly about comparing values. So we use
196:       # the sortableResult of the Query. This creates some challenges for load
197:       # values, as the user is not accustomed to the internal representation
198:       # of those.
199:       # Convert nil results into empty Strings if necessary
200:       query.result || ''
201:     end
to_s(query) click to toggle source

Dumps the LogicalOperation as String. If query is nil, the variable names are shown, otherwise their values.

     # File lib/LogicalOperation.rb, line 205
205:     def to_s(query)
206:       if query
207:         query.process
208:         query.to_s
209:       else
210:         "#{@scenarioIdx}.#{@operand1}"
211:       end
212:     end

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