import classic from "ember-classic-decorator"; import { classNames } from "@ember-decorators/component"; import { inject as service } from "@ember/service"; import Component from "@ember/component"; import { scheduleOnce, throttle } from "@ember/runloop"; import { bound } from "client-app/lib/decorators"; const MOVE_EVENTS = ["touchmove", "mousemove"]; const UP_EVENTS = ["touchend", "mouseup"]; const DOWN_EVENTS = ["touchstart", "mousedown"]; @classic @classNames("divider") export default class PanelResizer extends Component { @service events; resizing = false; didInsertElement() { super.didInsertElement(...arguments); // inspired by this.set("divider", document.querySelector(".divider")); for (const name of DOWN_EVENTS) { this.divider.addEventListener(name, this.dividerClickHandler); } scheduleOnce("afterRender", this, "initialDivideView"); } willDestroyElement() { super.willDestroyElement(...arguments); for (const name of DOWN_EVENTS) { this.divider.removeEventListener(name, this.dividerClickHandler); } } initialDivideView() { const amount = (localStorage && localStorage.logster_divider_bottom) || 300; const fromTop = window.innerHeight - parseInt(amount, 10); this.divideView(fromTop); } divideView(fromTop) { const height = window.innerHeight; const fromBottom = height - fromTop; if (fromTop < 100 || fromTop + 170 > height) { return; } = `${fromBottom - 5}px`;"panelResized", fromBottom); } @bound performDrag(e) { throttle(this, this.throttledPerformDrag, e, 25); } throttledPerformDrag(e) { if (this.resizing) { this.divideView( e.clientY || (e.touches && e.touches[0] && e.touches[0].clientY) ); } } @bound endDrag /* e */() { const overlay = document.getElementById("overlay"); if (overlay) { overlay.parentElement.removeChild(overlay); } this.set("resizing", false); if (localStorage) { localStorage.logster_divider_bottom = parseInt(, 10 ); } for (const name of MOVE_EVENTS) { document.removeEventListener(name, this.performDrag); } for (const name of UP_EVENTS) { document.removeEventListener(name, this.endDrag); } } @bound dividerClickHandler(e) { e.preventDefault(); // for disabling pull-down-to-refresh on mobile const overlay = document.createElement("DIV"); = "overlay"; document.body.appendChild(overlay); this.set("resizing", true); for (const name of MOVE_EVENTS) { document.addEventListener(name, this.performDrag); } for (const name of UP_EVENTS) { document.addEventListener(name, this.endDrag); } } }