require 'spec_helper' describe Bolognese::Metadata, vcr: true do context "write metadata as schema_org" do it "journal article" do input = "10.7554/eLife.01567" subject = input, from: "crossref") json = JSON.parse(subject.schema_org) expect(json["@id"]).to eq("") expect(json["citation"].length).to eq(25) expect(json["citation"].first).to eq("@id"=>"", "@type"=>"CreativeWork") expect(json["funding"]).to eq([{"name"=>"SystemsX", "@type"=>"Organization"}, {"name"=>"EMBO", "@type"=>"Organization", "@id"=>""}, {"name"=>"Swiss National Science Foundation", "@type"=>"Organization", "@id"=>""}, {"name"=>"University of Lausanne", "@type"=>"Organization", "@id"=>""}]) end it "maremma JSON" do input = "" subject = input, from: "codemeta") json = JSON.parse(subject.schema_org) expect(json["@id"]).to eq("") expect(json["@type"]).to eq("SoftwareSourceCode") expect(json["name"]).to eq("Maremma: a Ruby library for simplified network calls") expect(json["author"]).to eq("name"=>"Martin Fenner", "givenName"=>"Martin", "familyName"=>"Fenner", "@type"=>"Person", "@id"=>"") end it " JSON" do input = "" subject = input, from: "datacite") json = JSON.parse(subject.schema_org) expect(json["@id"]).to eq("") expect(json["name"]).to eq("Analysis Tools for Crossover Experiment of UI using Choice Architecture") expect(json["license"]).to eq("") end it " JSON isReferencedBy" do input = "" subject = input, from: "datacite") json = JSON.parse(subject.schema_org) expect(json["@id"]).to eq("") expect(json["@reverse"]).to eq("citation"=>{"@id"=>""}) end it " JSON IsSupplementTo" do input = "" subject = input, from: "datacite") json = JSON.parse(subject.schema_org) expect(json["@id"]).to eq("") expect(json["@reverse"]).to eq("isBasedOn"=>{"@id"=>""}) end it "rdataone" do input = fixture_path + 'codemeta.json' subject = input, from: "codemeta") json = JSON.parse(subject.schema_org) expect(json["@id"]).to eq("") expect(json["@type"]).to eq("SoftwareSourceCode") expect(json["name"]).to eq("R Interface to the DataONE REST API") expect(json["author"]).to eq([{"name"=>"Matt Jones", "givenName"=>"Matt", "familyName"=>"Jones", "@type"=>"Person", "@id"=>""}, {"name"=>"Peter Slaughter", "givenName"=>"Peter", "familyName"=>"Slaughter", "@type"=>"Person", "@id"=>""}, {"name"=>"University Of California, Santa Barbara", "@type"=>"Organization"}]) expect(json["version"]).to eq("2.0.0") end it "Funding" do input = "" subject = input, from: "datacite") json = JSON.parse(subject.schema_org) expect(json["@id"]).to eq("") expect(json["hasPart"].length).to eq(25) expect(json["hasPart"].first).to eq("@type"=>"CreativeWork", "@id"=>"") expect(json["funding"]).to eq("@type" => "Award", "funder" => {"@type"=>"Organization", "@id"=>"", "name"=>"European Commission"}, "identifier" => "654039", "name" => "THOR – Technical and Human Infrastructure for Open Research", "url" => "") end it "Funding OpenAIRE" do input = "" subject = input, from: "datacite") json = JSON.parse(subject.schema_org) expect(json["@id"]).to eq("") expect(json["funding"]).to eq("@type" => "Award", "funder" => {"@type"=>"Organization", "@id"=>"", "name"=>"European Commission"}, "identifier" => "246686") end end end