# # Class used to parse an Infocom-style transcript and automatically # generate a map. This can be used to automatically map a game as # you play it. # # This code is based on Perl code by Dave Chapeskie, used in IFM, # albeit it has been enhanced to handle multi-line commands, room stub # exits and oneway exits, objects parsing and the ability to parse # transcripts as they are being spit out. # class TranscriptReader TRANSCRIPT = /^(?:Start of a transcript of|Here begins a transcript of interaction with (.*)|Here begins a transcript of interaction with)/ # PROMPT = /^>\s*/ LOOK = /^l(ook)?/i UNDO = /^undo$/i RESTART = /^restart$/i RESTORE = /^restore$/i IGNORE = /transcript/i OTHERS = /^(read|inventory$|i$)/i UNSCRIPT = /^unscript$/i BLANK = /^\s*$/ TAKE = /^(take|get)\s+(a\s+|the\s+)?(.*)/i DROP = /^(drop|leave)\s+()/i STARTUP = /(^[A-Z]+$|Copyright|\([cC]\)\s*\d|Trademark|Release|Version|[Ss]erial [Nn]umber|Written by)/ DARKNESS = /^dark(ness)?$|^in the dark$|^a dark place$|^It is pitch black|^It is too dark to see anything|^You stumble around in the dark/i DEAD = /(You die|You have died|You are dead)/i YES = /^y(es)/i THEN = /\bthen\b/i # Compass direction command -> direction mapping. DIRMAP = { "n" => 0, "north" => 0, "ne" => 1, "northeast" => 1, "e" => 2, "east" => 2, "southeast" => 3, "se" => 3, "south" => 4, "s" => 4, "southwest" => 5, "sw" => 5, "west" => 6, "w" => 6, "northwest" => 7, "nw" => 7 } ODIRMAP = {"up" => 1, "u" => 1, "down" => 2, "d" => 2, "in" => 3, "out" => 4, 'enter' => 3, 'exit' => 4 } DIR_REX = '(' + DIRMAP.keys.join('|') + '|' + ODIRMAP.keys.join('|') + ')' GO = /^((walk|run|go|drive|jump)\s+)?#{DIR_REX}[.,\s]*\b/i # Direction list in order of positioning preference. DIRLIST = [ 0, 4, 2, 6, 1, 3, 5, 7 ] # No exit replies NO_EXIT = [ /\byou\scan't\sgo\sthat\sway\b/i, /\byou\scan't\sgo\sin\sthat\sdirection\b/i, /\bdoorways\slead\s/i, /\bthat's\sa\swall\b/i, /\bno\sexit\b/i, /\bthere's\s+nowhere\s+to\s+go\s+in\sthat\s+direction\b/i, /\bthere's\s+nothing\s+in\s+that\s+direction\b/i, /\bblocks?\sthe\sway/i, /\byou\scan\sonly\sgo\s/i, /\byou\scan\sgo\sonly\s/i, /\bimpenetrable\b/i, /\bbars\syour\sway/i, /\bthere's\s.*in\s(?:your|the)\sway/i ] # Closed exit replies CLOSED_EXIT = [ /door\s+is\s+closed/i, ] # remove things like (on the bed) from short room name PREPOSITION = "(?:in|on|under|behind|inside|along|\w+ing)" NAME_REMOVE = /(\s+\(#{PREPOSITION}\s+.+\)|,\s+#{PREPOSITION}\s+[^\,\.]+)/ # not a room name if it has any of this. NAME_INVALID = /--|[:;\*\[\]\|\+\=!\.\?\000<>]/ # Salutations and other words with periods that can appear as name of room SALUT = '(Mr|Mr?s|Miss|Jr|Sr|St|Dr|Ave|Inc)' SALUTATIONS = /\b#{SALUT}\./ # Maximum length of room name. Otherwise, a sentence we ignore. NAME_MAXWORDS = 20 # word list that may be uncapitalized in room name NAME_UNCAP = /^(?:of|on|to|with|by|a|in|the|at|under|through|near)$/i # Default room description recognition parameters. DESC_MINWORDS = 20 # Ignore these words when matching words in description # To avoid cases, like: An open gate vs. A closed gate DESC_IGNORE = /(?:an|a|open(ed)?|closed?)/i RESTORE_OK = /\b(Okay|Ok|completed?|Restored)\b/ ## THE = '(?:the|an|a|your|some of the|some)\s+' ## Regex to eliminate articles from get/take replies. ARTICLE = /^#{THE}/i ## Possible nessages indicating get/take succeeded TAKE_OBJ = '([\w\d\-\'\s]+)' TAKE_FROM = '(?:\s+(?:up|from|out)\s+.*)$' TAKE_ALIAS = '(?:grab|pick\s+up|pick|pilfer|take(?:\s+up)?)' TAKE_OK = [ /\btaken\b/i, /you\s+have\s+now\s+(?:got\s+)?(?:#{THE})?#{TAKE_OBJ}#{TAKE_FROM}/i, /you\s+have\s+now\s+(?:got\s+)?(?:#{THE})?#{TAKE_OBJ}/i, /you\s+#{TAKE_ALIAS}\s+(?:#{THE})?#{TAKE_OBJ}#{TAKE_FROM}/i, /you\s+#{TAKE_ALIAS}\s+(?:#{THE})?#{TAKE_OBJ}/i, /you\s+now\s+have\s+(?:got\s+)?(?:#{THE})?#{TAKE_OBJ}/i, /you\s+pick\s+up\s+(?:#{THE})?#{TAKE_OBJ}/i, /you\s+are\s+now\s+holding\s+(?:#{THE})?#{TAKE_OBJ}/i, ] IT = /^(it|them)$/i @@win = nil ## Change this to non-nil to print out debugging info @@debug = nil def debug(*msg) if @@debug $stdout.puts msg end end IDENTIFY_BY_DESCRIPTION = 0 IDENTIFY_BY_SHORTNAME = 1 SHORTNAME_CLASSIC = 0 SHORTNAME_CAPITALIZED = 1 SHORTNAME_MOONMIST = 2 SHORTNAME_WITNESS = 3 SHORTNAME_ADRIFT = 4 SHORTNAME_ALL_CAPS = 5 attr_reader :shortName attr_accessor :identify, :map def shortName=(x) @shortName = x if x == SHORTNAME_ADRIFT @prompt = /^[a-z]/ else @prompt = /^>\s*/ end end # # Handle a take action # def take(move, objs) return unless @here if @here.objects != '' and @here.objects[-1,1] != "\n" @here.objects << "\n" end objs.each { |cmd, dummy, obj| next if not obj or not move[:reply] objlist = obj.split(',') o = objlist[0] if objlist.size == 1 and o != 'all' # ignore 'get up' next if cmd == 'get' and (o == 'up' or o == 'off') o = @last_obj if o =~ IT next if not o if move[:reply][0] =~ /^\((.*)\)$/ nobj = $1 words = nobj.split(/\s+/) if words.size < 7 # Acclaration, like: # > get mask # (the brown mask) # Taken. o = nobj else # too big of an aclaration... probably something like # (putting the xxx in your bag to make room) end end o.sub!(ARTICLE, '') status = move[:reply].to_s TAKE_OK.each { |re| if status =~ re then obj = $1 || o obj = o if obj =~ /\b(it|them)\b/ @last_obj = obj # Take succeeded, change object o if not @objects.has_key?(obj) and not @here.objects =~ /\b#{obj}\b/ @here.objects << obj << "\n" @objects[obj] = 1 end break end } else # Handle multiple objects move[:reply].each { |reply| o, status = reply.split(':') next if not status next if o.split(' ').size > 6 # ignore if too many words o.sub!(ARTICLE, '') TAKE_OK.each { |re| if status =~ re then if o and not @objects.has_key?(o) and not @here.objects =~ /\b#{o}\b/ @here.objects << o << "\n" @objects[o] = 1 end @last_obj = o break end } } end } @here.objects.squeeze("\n") end # # Add a new room to the automapper # def add(room) @rooms << room end # # Remove some rooms from the automap knowledge (user removed these manually) # def remove(rooms) rooms.each { |r| @rooms.delete(r) } end # # Given a room description, parse it to try to find out all exits # from room. # DIRS = { # SWD added variants used in e.g. YAGWAD 'north-east' => 1, 'south-east' => 3, 'south-west' => 5, 'north-west' => 7, # Usual directions 'north' => 0, 'northeast' => 1, 'east' => 2, 'southeast' => 3, 'south' => 4, 'southwest' => 5, 'west' => 6, 'northwest' => 7, } # SWD: hack: the variants with dashes must come first # (so that regexes matches 'north-east' in preference to 'north'), # so we manually prepend their names. The duplication is harmless, # it just makes the regexes slightly slower in the non-match case. DIR = '(' + DIRS.keys.join('\b|') + ')' OR = '(?:and|or)' EXITS_REGEX = [ # paths lead west and north /(run|bears|lead|wander|winds|go|continues)\s+#{DIR}\s+#{OR}\s+#{DIR}\b/i, # to the east or west /to\s+the#{DIR}\s+#{OR}\s+(to\s+the\s+)?#{DIR}\b/i, # You can go south /you\s+can\s+go#{DIR}\b/i, # to the east /to\s+the\s+#{DIR}\b/i, # east-west corridor /[\.\s+]#{DIR}[\/-]#{DIR}\s+(passage|corridor)/i, # East is the postoffice /\b#{DIR}\s+is/i, # Directly north /\bDirectly\s+#{DIR}/i, # continues|lies|etc... east /(runs|bears|leads|heads|opens|winds|continues\s+on|continues|branches|lies|wanders|bends|curves)\s+#{DIR}\b/i, /(running|leading|heading|opening|branching|lying|wandering|looking|bending)\s+#{DIR}\b/i, ] # passage westwards # gap in the northeast corner EXITS_SPECIAL = { /four\s+directions/i => [0, 2, 4, 6], /four\s+compass\s+points/i => [0, 2, 4, 6], /all\s+directions/i => [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], } def parse_exits(r, desc) return if not desc exits = [] # Now, start searching for stuff # First try the special directions... EXITS_SPECIAL.each { |re, dirs| if desc =~ re exits += dirs break end } # If that failed, start searching for exits if exits.empty? EXITS_REGEX.each { |re| matches = desc.scan(re) next if matches.empty? matches.each { |arr| arr.each { |m| next unless DIRS[m] exits << DIRS[m] } } } end exits.uniq! # Add a 'stub' for the new connection exits.each { |exit| next if r[exit] begin c = @map.new_connection( r, exit, nil ) c.dir = Connection::AtoB debug "\tADDED STUB #{c}" rescue ConnectionError end } end def parse_line(line) return unless line @map.mutex.synchronize do _parse_line(line) end if @map.kind_of?(FXMap) @map.clear_selection @here.selected = true if @here @map.create_pathmap @map.zoom = @map.zoom @map.center_view_on_room(@here) if @here @map.draw end end def _parse_line(line) @moves.clear # # Read all commands # loop do line.sub!(@prompt, '') if @prompt.to_s =~ />/ line.chop! line.sub!(/\s+$/, '') cmd = line # Read reply reply = [] while line = @f.gets break if line =~ @prompt line.chop! line.sub!(/\s+$/,'') reply << line end if cmd =~ UNDO if @moves.size < 2 @here = nil # out of moves, no clue where we are else @moves.pop end else move = { } # Replace all 'THEN' in command for periods cmd.sub!(THEN, '.') # and all ANDs for commas cmd.sub!(/\band\b/i,',') # and multiple periods for just one cmd.sub!(/\s*\.+\s*/, '.') move[:cmd] = cmd move[:reply] = reply @moves << move end break if not line end # Step 2 @restart = false tele = nil @moves.each { |move| cmd = move[:cmd] next if cmd =~ IGNORE or cmd =~ OTHERS if cmd =~ UNSCRIPT tele = 1 @here = nil next end if @restart and cmd =~ YES @here = nil else @restart = false tele = nil end if cmd =~ RESTART @restart = true tele = 1 end if cmd =~ RESTORE if move[:reply].join() =~ RESTORE_OK @here = nil tele = 1 else next end end name = nil desc = '' roomflag = false desc_gap = false startup = false rooms = [] move[:reply].each { |r| tele = 1 if r =~ DEAD if r =~ STARTUP # Dealing with a startup message, such as: # MY GAME # Copyright (C) 1984 ComputerQuest # We skip the whole thing until the next blank line debug "#{r} skipped due to startup" startup = true desc = '' name = nil roomflag = false desc_gap = false @here = nil tele = 1 next end next if startup and r !~ BLANK startup = false if not roomflag and r !~ BLANK and n = room_name(r) debug "Found room #{n}" roomflag = true desc_gap = false name = n desc = '' next end if not desc_gap and roomflag and r =~ BLANK and desc == '' desc_gap = true next end if roomflag and r !~ BLANK desc << r << "\n" next end if r =~ BLANK and roomflag if desc.count("\n") == 1 and desc =~ /\?$/ # A "What next?" type of prompt, not a room description desc = '' end if desc == '' desc = nil else desc.gsub!(/\n/, ' ') desc.strip! end rooms << { :name => name, :desc => desc, :tele => tele } roomflag = false desc_gap = false name = nil desc = '' tele = nil end } # Oops, there was no newline between room description and prompt and # we missed the last room. # This happens for example with Magnetic Scrolls transcripts. if name rooms << { :name => name, :desc => desc, :tele => tele } end if not rooms.empty? move[:rooms] = rooms move[:look] = true if cmd =~ LOOK move[:reply] = nil end } @moves.each { |move| cmd = move[:cmd] if objs = cmd.scan(TAKE) take(move, objs) end if not move[:rooms] # Check if a moving command failed if cmd =~ GO dir = $3 # See if a stub direction exits in that direction if @here and DIRMAP[dir] then dir = DIRMAP[dir] next unless @here[dir] if @here[dir].stub? # Check if reply was that there's no exit there. NO_EXIT.each { |re| if move[:reply][0] =~ re # If so, remove it... automapper got it wrong. Not an exit. @map.delete_connection(@here[dir]) break end } end # Check if there is a closed door if @here[dir] and @here[dir].type == Connection::FREE CLOSED_EXIT.each { |re| if move[:reply][0] =~ re # If so, flag it @here[dir].type = Connection::CLOSED_DOOR break end } end end end next end move[:rooms].each { |room| name = room[:name] debug "SECTION: #{@map.section}" debug "HERE IS: #{@here}" debug "CMD: #{cmd}" debug "ENDS AT: #{name}" desc = room[:desc].to_s desc.gsub!(/(\w)\s*\n/, '\1 ') line = move[:line] # If we teleported, try to find room if room[:tele] debug "\t ****TELEPORT TO #{name}****" @here = find_room(name, desc) debug "\t TO: #{@here}" end # Make sure the user has not deleted the current room from map # and that we are in the proper section. if @here found = false @map.sections.each_with_index { |sect, idx| if sect.rooms.include?(@here) found = true if idx != @map.section @map.fit @map.section = idx end break end } @here = nil if not found end # If it is a look command or we don't know where we are yet, # set current room. if move[:look] or not @here if move[:look] and name =~ DARKNESS @here = find_room(name, desc) if @here and not @here.darkness else @here = find_room(name, desc) end @here = new_room(move, name, desc) unless @here @here.selected = true next end cmd.sub!(GO, '') dir = $3 # Swallow everything until next command (separated by .) cmd.sub!(/.*\./, '') debug "MOVED IN DIRECTION: #{dir} CMD LEFT:#{cmd}" if not cmd debug "Oops... run out of commands." break end sect = @map.section # Otherwise, assume we moved in some way. Try to find the new room. if name =~ DARKNESS idx = DIRMAP[dir] || ODIRMAP[dir] # Moving to a dark room is special. We verify the exit to see # if it was already moving to a dark room (in which case it # becomes "there") or if it was moving to some other room (in # which case we flag it as dark and make it there) if idx and @here[idx] c = @here[idx] if c.roomA == @here b = c.roomB else b = c.roomA end if not b there = nil else if b.name !~ DARKNESS b.darkness = true end there = b end else # No connection yet, create dark room there = nil end else there = find_room(name, desc) end next if there == @here go = nil if DIRMAP[dir] dir = DIRMAP[dir] elsif ODIRMAP[dir] go = ODIRMAP[dir] debug "#{dir} move #{go}" dir = choose_dir(@here, there, go) else # special move --- teleport/death/etc. go = 0 dir = choose_dir(@here, there, go) end debug "MOVED IN DIR INDEX: #{dir}" @here.selected = false if not there # Unvisited -- new room @here = new_room(move, name, desc, dir, @here, go) else # Visited before -- new link if sect == @map.section # don't conn new_link(move, @here, there, dir, go) end @here = there end } } @moves.clear @map.fit if @map.kind_of?(FXMap) end end def find_room(name, desc) case @identify when IDENTIFY_BY_DESCRIPTION return find_room_by_desc(name, desc) when IDENTIFY_BY_SHORTNAME return find_room_by_name(name, desc) end end def find_room_by_name(name, desc) bestscore = 0 best = nil @map.sections.each_with_index { |sect, idx| sect.rooms.each { |room| score = 0 score += 1 if room.name == name if score == 1 and desc and room.desc # We have a description... # Try exact description match first score += 100 if room.desc == desc # Try substring match score += 50 if room.desc.index(desc) # If we have a room where both name and desc match, # we get a better score than just description only. # This is to help, for example, Trinity, where two rooms have # the exact description but different name. score += 1 if room.name == name and score > 0 # If still no luck, try first N words if score == 1 dwords = room.desc.split(' ') words = desc.split(' ') match = true count = 0 0.upto(desc.size) { |i| # Ignore some words (like open/close, which may just mean # some doors changed state) next if words[i] =~ DESC_IGNORE if words[i] != dwords[i] if count < DESC_MINWORDS match = false break else next end end count += 1 } score += count if match end end next if score <= bestscore bestscore = score best = [room, idx] } } return nil if not best # Make sure we are in the right section if best[1] != @map.section @map.fit @map.section = best[1] end if desc and (not best[0].desc or best[0].desc == '') best[0].desc = desc end return best[0] end def find_room_by_desc(name, desc) bestscore = 0 best = nil @map.sections.each_with_index { |sect, idx| sect.rooms.each { |room| score = 0 if desc and room.desc # We have a description... # Try exact description match first score += 100 if room.desc == desc # Try substring match score += 50 if room.desc.index(desc) # If we have a room where both name and desc match, # we get a better score than just description only. # This is to help, for example, Trinity, where two rooms have # the exact description but different name. score += 1 if room.name == name and score > 0 # If still no luck, try first N words if score == 0 dwords = room.desc.split(' ') words = desc.split(' ') match = true count = 0 0.upto(desc.size) { |i| # Ignore some words (like open/close, which may just mean # some doors changed state) next if words[i] =~ DESC_IGNORE if words[i] != dwords[i] if count < DESC_MINWORDS match = false break else next end end count += 1 } score += count if match and room.name == name end else # Just the name, not so good score += 1 if room.name == name end next if score <= bestscore bestscore = score best = [room, idx] } } return nil if not best # Make sure we are in the right section if best[1] != @map.section @map.fit @map.section = best[1] end if desc and (not best[0].desc or best[0].desc == '') best[0].desc = desc end return best[0] end def room_name(line) case @shortName when SHORTNAME_ALL_CAPS return room_name_all_caps(line) when SHORTNAME_CAPITALIZED return room_name_classic(line, false) when SHORTNAME_MOONMIST return room_name_moonmist(line) when SHORTNAME_WITNESS return room_name_witness(line) else return room_name_classic(line, true) end end def capitalize_room(line) words = line.split(' ') words.each_with_index { |w, idx| if idx > 0 and w =~ NAME_UNCAP w.downcase! else w.capitalize! end } return words.join(' ') end def room_name_alan(line) return false if line !~ /^[^.]+\.$/ line.sub!(/\.$/, '') return room_name_classic(line, true) end def room_name_witness(line) if line =~ /^You\sare\s(?:now\s)?(?:[io]n\s)?(?:#{THE})?([\w'\d\s\-_]+)\.$/ return false if $1 =~ /own feet/ return $1 elsif line =~ /^\(([\w\d\s_]+)\)$/ return $1 else return false end end def room_name_moonmist(line) return false if line =~ /^\(You are not holding it.\)$/ if line =~ /^\(You\sare\s(?:now\s)?(?:[io]n\s)?(?:#{THE})?([\w'\d\s\-_]+)\.\)$/ return capitalize_room( $1 ) else return false end end # # Determine if line corresponds to a room name # def room_name_classic(line, all_capitals = true) # Check if user/game has created a room with that name already return line if find_room(line, nil) # We have a room if we match darkness return line if line =~ DARKNESS # Remove unwanted stuff line (on the bed) line.sub!(NAME_REMOVE, '') # Check if user/game has created a room with that name already return line if find_room(line, nil) # Remove periods from salutations line.sub!(SALUTATIONS, '\1') # quick check for invalid format return false if line =~ NAME_INVALID # Qucik check for word characters return false unless line =~ /\w/ # Check if we start line with uncapitalized words or symbols return false if line =~ /^[ a-z\/\\\-\(\)']/ # Check if line holds only capitalized words or several spaces together # or a quote or a 1) line. If so, not a room. return false if line =~ /^[A-Z\d,\.\/\-"'\s]+$/ or line =~ /\s\s/ or line =~ /^".*"$/ or line =~ /^"[^"]+$/ or line =~ /^\d+\)/ # Check word count (if too many, not a room) words = line.split(' ') return false if words.size > NAME_MAXWORDS return false if not all_capitals and words.size > 6 # If not, check all words of 4 chars or more are capitalized # and that there are no 3 or more short letter words together # (which means a diagram) num = 0 words.each { |w| return false if all_capitals and w =~ /^[a-z]/ and w !~ NAME_UNCAP if w.size <= 2 num += 1 return false if num > 2 else num = 0 end } # Restore period to salutations line.sub!(/\b#{SALUT}\b/, '\1.') # Okay, it is a room. return line end # # Determine if line corresponds to a room name # def room_name_all_caps(line) # Check if user/game has created a room with that name already return line if find_room(line, nil) # We have a room if we match darkness return line if line =~ DARKNESS # Remove unwanted stuff line (on the bed) line.sub!(NAME_REMOVE, '') # Check if user/game has created a room with that name already return line if find_room(line, nil) # Remove periods from salutations line.sub!(SALUTATIONS, '\1') # quick check for invalid format return false if line =~ NAME_INVALID # Qucik check for word characters return false unless line =~ /\w/ # Check if we start line with uncapitalized words or symbols return false if line =~ /^[ a-z\/\\\-\(\)']/ # Check if line holds only capitalized words or several spaces together # or a quote or a 1) line. If so, not a room. return false if line =~ /^[a-z\d,\.\/\-"'\s]+$/ or line =~ /\s\s/ or line =~ /^".*"$/ or line =~ /^"[^"]+$/ or line =~ /^\d+\)/ # Check word count (if too many, not a room) words = line.split(' ') return false if words.size > NAME_MAXWORDS # If not, check all words of 4 chars or more are capitalized # and that there are no 3 or more short letter words together # (which means a diagram) num = 0 words.each { |w| if w.size <= 2 num += 1 return false if num > 2 else num = 0 end } # Restore period to salutations line.sub!(/\b#{SALUT}\b/, '\1.') # Okay, it is a room. return line end # # Create a new room # def new_room( move, name, desc, dir = nil, from = nil, go = nil ) b = nil dark = false if not from debug "FROM undefined. Increase section #{name}" @section += 1 @map.new_section if @section >= @map.sections.size r = @map.new_room(0, 0) r.name = name else darkexits = [] if name =~ DARKNESS dark = true else dark = false if from[dir] # oops, we had a connection there. c = from[dir] b = c.opposite(from) if b and b.name =~ DARKNESS # Was it a dark room that is now lit? # if so, set dark flag and delete dark room @map.delete_connection(c) @map.delete_room_only(b) dark = true c = nil end end end x = from.x y = from.y dx, dy = Room::DIR_TO_VECTOR[dir] x += dx y += dy @map.shift(x, y, dx, dy) if not @map.free?(x, y) debug "+++ New Room #{name} from #{from}" r = @map.new_room(x, y) r.name = name r.darkness = dark if b and dark b.exits.each_with_index { |de, didx| next unless de @map.sections[@map.section].connections << de r[didx] = de if de.roomA == b de.roomA = r else de.roomB = r end } end c = nil if from[dir] # oops, we had a connection there. c = from[dir] b = c.roomB if c.stub? # Stub connection. Update it. debug "\tUPDATE #{c}" odir = (dir + 4) % 8 c.exitAtext = go if go c.type = Connection::SPECIAL if go == 0 c.roomB = r r[odir] = c debug "\tNOW IT IS #{c}" else # Probably a link that is complex # or oneway. Shift it to some other location shift_link(from, dir) c = nil end end if c == nil begin c = @map.new_connection( from, dir, r ) c.exitAtext = go if go c.type = Connection::SPECIAL if go == 0 c.dir = Connection::AtoB rescue Section::ConnectionError end end end parse_exits(r, desc) # Update room description r.desc = desc return r end def shift_link(room, dir) idx = dir + 1 idx = 0 if idx > 7 while idx != dir break if not room[idx] idx += 1 idx = 0 if idx > 7 end if idx != dir room[idx] = room[dir] room[dir] = nil # get position of other room ox, oy = Room::DIR_TO_VECTOR[dir] c = room[idx] if c.roomA == room b = c.roomB else b = c.roomA end x, y = [b.x, b.y] x -= ox y -= oy dx, dy = Room::DIR_TO_VECTOR[idx] @map.shift(x, y, -dx, -dy) else debug "Warning. Cannot shift connection." end end def new_link(move, from, to, dir, go) odir = (dir + 4) % 8 c = nil # If we have something in the from direction if from[dir] c = from[dir] debug "\tMOVE #{c} DIR: #{dir}" if c.stub? # Stub connection, fill it c.roomB = to c.exitAtext = go if go c.type = Connection::SPECIAL if go == 0 # we still need to check the destination to[odir]... if not to[odir] # nothing to do elsif to[odir].stub? @map.delete_connection(to[odir]) debug "\tREMOVE #{to[odir]}" else # this end cannot be deleted. we need to shift odir debug "\tCHOOSE NEW DIR for #{odir}" rgo = nil if go and go > 0 rgo = rgo % 2 == 0? go - 1 : go + 1 end odir = choose_dir(to, from, rgo, dir) @map.delete_connection(to[odir]) if to[odir] debug "\tSHIFTED DESTINATION TO EXIT #{odir}" end to[odir] = c elsif c.roomB == to # We already went this way. Nothing to do. debug "\tWE ALREADY PASSED THRU HERE" elsif c.roomA == to # We verified we can travel thru this connection in both # directions. Change its status to both. c.dir = Connection::BOTH debug "\tSECTION: #{@map.section}" debug "\tVERIFIED EXIT BOTH WAYS" else debug "\tOTHER" if c.roomA == from b = c.roomB if b.name =~ DARKNESS debug "*** REPLACING DARK ROOM ***" @map.delete_connection(c) to.darkness = true @map.delete_room(b) c = nil else if c.exitAtext != 0 # if it was an up/down/in/out dir, we shift it shift_link(from, dir) c = nil else # else, we really have a problem in the map debug "*** CANNOT AUTOMAP --- MAZE ***" dir = Room::DIRECTIONS[dir] @map.cannot_automap "Maze detected.\n'#{from}' #{dir} leads to '#{c.roomB}',\nnot to this '#{to}'." self.stop return nil end end else debug "SHIFT LINK #{from} #{dir}" # We have a connection that turns. Move the link around shift_link(from, dir) c = nil end end end if not c and to[odir] c = to[odir] if c.stub? debug "\tREMOVE #{to[odir]} and REPLACE with #{c}" # Stub connection, fill it c.roomB = from # @map.delete_connection(from[dir]) if from[dir].stub? from[dir] = c c.dir = Connection::BtoA c.exitBtext = go if go c.type = Connection::SPECIAL if go == 0 elsif c.roomB == from c.exitBtext = go if go c.type = Connection::SPECIAL if go == 0 else # We need to change odir to something else rgo = nil if go and go > 0 rgo = go % 2 == 0? go - 1 : go + 1 end odir = choose_dir(to, from, rgo, dir) @map.delete_connection(to[odir]) if to[odir] and to[odir].stub? c = nil end end if not c # First, check all from exits that are AtoB to see if we have one # that goes to the room we want. from.exits.each_with_index { |e, idx| next unless e if e.roomA == to and e.dir == Connection::AtoB c = e from[idx] = nil end } if c # If so, make that connection go both ways and attach it to # current direction. from[dir] = c c.dir = Connection::BOTH c.exitAtext = go if go c.type = Connection::SPECIAL if go == 0 end end if not c # No link exists -- create new one. begin c = @map.new_connection( from, dir, to, odir ) c.exitAtext = go if go c.dir = Connection::AtoB rescue Section::ConnectionError end end return c end # Choose a direction to represent up/down/in/out. def choose_dir(a, b, go = nil, exitB = nil) # Don't add a new connection if we already have a normal connection # to the room and we are moving up/down/etc. if go rgo = go % 2 == 0? go - 1 : go + 1 debug "#{Connection::EXIT_TEXT[go]} <=> #{Connection::EXIT_TEXT[rgo]}" # First, check if room already has exit moving towards other room a.exits.each_with_index { |e, idx| next if not e roomA = e.roomA roomB = e.roomB if roomA == a and roomB == b e.exitAtext = go if e.exitBtext == rgo return idx elsif roomB == a and roomA == b e.exitBtext = go if e.exitAtext == rgo return idx end } end # We prefer directions that travel less... so we need to figure # out where we start from... if b x = b.x y = b.y else x = a.x y = a.y end if exitB dx, dy = Room::DIR_TO_VECTOR[exitB] x += dx y += dy end # No such luck... Pick a direction. best = nil bestscore = nil DIRLIST.each { |dir| # We prefer straight directions to diagonal ones inc = dir % 2 == 1 ? 10 : 14 score = 1000 # We prefer directions where both that dir and the opposite side # are empty. if (not a[dir]) or a[dir].stub? score += inc score += 4 if a[dir] #attaching to stubs is better end # rdir = (dir + 4) % 8 # score += 1 unless a[rdir] # Measure distance for that exit, we prefer shorter # paths dx, dy = Room::DIR_TO_VECTOR[dir] dx = (a.x + dx) - x dy = (a.y + dy) - y d = dx * dx + dy * dy score -= d next if bestscore and score <= bestscore bestscore = score best = dir } if not bestscore raise "No free exit for choose_dir" end return best end def stop @t.kill if @t end def destroy @t.kill if @t @f.close if @f GC.start end def properties(modal = false) require 'IFMapper/TranscriptDialogBox' if not @@win @@win = TranscriptDialogBox.new(self) else @@win.copy_from(self) end if modal @@win.execute end end def initialize(map, file) @shortName = 0 @prompt = /^>\s*/ @identify = 0 @f = nil @file = file @map = map @objects = {} @moves = [] @here = nil @section = -1 @last_obj = nil end # Step one user command at a time def step begin if @f.eof @map.status AUTOMAP_IS_WAITING_FOR_MORE_TEXT end parse_line(@f.gets) rescue => e $stderr.puts e $stderr.puts e.backtrace end end def start if not @f @f = File.open(@file, 'r') while line = @f.gets if @map.name =~ /^Empty Map/ and line =~ TRANSCRIPT if $1 @map.name = $1 else @map.name = @f.gets.strip end @map.name = capitalize_room(@map.name) end break if @prompt =~ line end parse_line(line) end @t = Thread.new { loop do self.step Thread.pass sleep 3 end } @t.run end end