# frozen_string_literal: true require 'yaml' require 'hashie/mash' require 'chamber/errors/environment_conversion' module Chamber module Filters class EnvironmentFilter ### # Internal: Allows the existing environment to be injected into the passed in # hash. The hash that is passed in is *not* modified, instead a new hash is # returned. # # This filter will also do basic value conversions from the environment # variable string to the data type defined in the YAML. For example if the # YAML value is `true`, then the conversion knows it's a Boolean. If there's # an environment varible which should override that value, it will look to see # if it is a `String` of 'true', 'false', 't', 'f', 'yes', or 'no' and perform # the appropriate conversion of that value into a Boolean. # # This will work for: # # * Booleans # * Integers # * Floats # * Arrays # # For the Arrays, it will convert the environment value by parsing the string # as YAML. Whatever the parsed value ends up being, *must* be an Array. # # Examples: # # ### # # Injects the current environment variables # # # ENV['LEVEL_ONE_1_LEVEL_TWO_1'] = 'env value 1' # ENV['LEVEL_ONE_1_LEVEL_TWO_2_LEVEL_THREE_1'] = 'env value 2' # # EnvironmentFilter.execute( # level_one_1: { # level_two_1: 'value 1', # level_two_2: { # level_three_1: 'value 2' } } ) # # # => { # 'level_one_1' => { # 'level_two_1' => 'env value 1', # 'level_two_2' => { # 'level_three_1' => 'env value 2', # } # # ### # # Can do basic value conversions based on the raw data # # # ENV['LEVEL_ONE_1_LEVEL_TWO_1'] = '1' # ENV['LEVEL_ONE_1_LEVEL_TWO_2_LEVEL_THREE_1'] = '[1, 2, 3]' # # EnvironmentFilter.execute( # level_one_1: { # level_two_1: 4, # level_two_2: { # level_three_1: [4, 5, 6] } } ) # # # => { # 'level_one_1' => { # 'level_two_1' => 1, # 'level_two_2' => { # 'level_three_1' => [1, 2, 3], # } # # ### # # Can inject environment variables if said variables are prefixed # # # ENV['PREFIX_LEVEL_TWO_1'] = 'env value 1' # ENV['PREFIX_LEVEL_TWO_2'] = 'env value 2' # # EnvironmentFilter.execute({ # level_two_1: 'value 1', # level_two_2: 'value 2' # }, # ['prefix']) # # # => { # 'level_two_1' => 'env value 1', # 'level_two_2' => 'env value 2', # } # # def self.execute(options = {}) new(options).__send__(:execute) end attr_accessor :data, :secure_key_token def initialize(options = {}) self.data = options.fetch(:data) self.secure_key_token = /\A#{Regexp.escape(options.fetch(:secure_key_prefix))}/ end protected def execute(settings = data, parent_keys = []) with_environment( settings, parent_keys, lambda do |key, value, environment_keys| { key => execute(value, environment_keys) } end, lambda do |key, value, environment_key| { key => convert_environment_value(environment_key, ENV[environment_key], value) } end, ) end private def with_environment(settings, parent_keys, hash_block, value_block) environment_hash = Hashie::Mash.new settings.each_pair do |key, value| environment_key = key.to_s.gsub(secure_key_token, '') environment_keys = parent_keys.dup.push(environment_key) if value.respond_to? :each_pair environment_hash.merge!(hash_block.call(key, value, environment_keys)) else environment_key = environment_keys.join('_').upcase environment_hash.merge!(value_block.call(key, value, environment_key)) end end environment_hash end # rubocop:disable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity, Metrics/PerceivedComplexity def convert_environment_value(environment_key, environment_value, settings_value) return settings_value unless environment_value return if %w{___nil___ ___null___}.include?(environment_value) case settings_value.class.name when 'TrueClass', 'FalseClass' case environment_value.downcase when 'false', 'f', 'no', 'off', '0' false when 'true', 't', 'yes', 'on', '1' true else fail ArgumentError, "Invalid value for Boolean: #{environment_value}" end when 'Float' Float(environment_value) when 'Time' Time.iso8601(environment_value) when 'Array' YAML.safe_load(environment_value).tap do |parsed_value| unless parsed_value.is_a?(Array) fail ArgumentError, "Invalid value for Array: #{environment_value}" end end when 'Integer' Integer(environment_value) else environment_value end rescue ArgumentError raise Chamber::Errors::EnvironmentConversion, <<~HEREDOC We attempted to convert '#{environment_key}' from '#{environment_value}' to a '#{settings_value.class.name}'. Unfortunately, this did not go as planned. Please either verify that your value is convertable or change the original YAML value to be something more generic (like a String). For more information, see https://github.com/thekompanee/chamber/wiki/Environment-Variable-Coercions HEREDOC end # rubocop:enable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity, Metrics/PerceivedComplexity end end end