require "roger_sassc/version" # The RogerSassc namespace module RogerSassc # Loading default bower_components here, # just as a little reward for using the default # but you can overwrite or append any path you like DEFAULT_LOAD_PATHS = ["bower_components"] class << self attr_accessor :load_paths # Add one or more paths to the array, # that will be given to libsass # in general load paths are only required # once a file is hard or impossible to reach by a relative path def append_path(*paths) @load_paths.push(*(paths.flatten)) end alias_method :append_paths, :append_path end end # Add some sensible paths, convention over configuration RogerSassc.load_paths = RogerSassc::DEFAULT_LOAD_PATHS.dup # Legacy Sass load_paths copy, this is mainly used in gems that # supply assets such as bourbon and neat RogerSassc.append_path(Sass.load_paths) if defined?(Sass.load_paths) # Load our custom SASSC functions require "roger_sassc/sassc/asset_functions" # The middleware and processor require "roger_sassc/middleware" require "roger_sassc/processor"