require 'zlib' module BarkestCore ## # Contains a SQL definition to create a single table, view, function, or procedure. # # SQL source is not validated, however simple checks are made to ensure that only # one DDL statement is present unless you are creating a procedure in which case this # check is skipped. # # To reference another object in your definition, prefix @Z~ to the beginning of the # object name. For instance 'SELECT * FROM @Z~my_table' could be expanded to # 'SELECT * FROM zz_barkest_core_my_table'. # # Function return types are grabbed as well so you know if your function is returning # a table or an integral type. class MsSqlDefinition InvalidDefinition = EmptyDefinition = MissingCreateStatement = ExtraDDL = UnmatchedBracket = UnclosedQuote = UnmatchedComment = MissingReturnType = attr_accessor :name_prefix attr_reader :command, :name, :type, :definition, :version, :return_type, :source_location def initialize(raw_sql, source = '', default_timestamp = 0) @source_location = source.to_s @return_type = :table # the default. functions can be different. procedures can be iffy since they may or may not return a result set. @command = 'CREATE' if default_timestamp.is_a?(String) default_timestamp = Time.utc_parse(default_timestamp) end if default_timestamp.is_a?(Date) default_timestamp = (default_timestamp.strftime('%Y%m%d') + '0000').to_i elsif default_timestamp.is_a?(Time) default_timestamp = "#{default_timestamp.year.to_s.rjust(4,'0')}#{default_timestamp.month.to_s.rjust(2,'0')}#{,'0')}#{default_timestamp.hour.to_s.rjust(2,'0')}#{default_timestamp.min.to_s.rjust(2,'0')}".to_i end default_timestamp = 0 unless default_timestamp.is_a?(Fixnum) ts_regex = /^--\s*(?\d{4})-?(?\d{2})-?(?\d{2})\s*(?:(?
\d{2}):?(?\d{2})?)?\s*$/ timestamp = nil raw_sql = raw_sql.to_s.lstrip # strip leading comment lines. while raw_sql[0...2] == '--' || raw_sql[0...2] == '/*' if raw_sql[0...2] == '--' # trim off the first line. first_line,_,raw_sql = raw_sql.partition("\n").map {|v| v.strip} raw_sql ||= '' unless timestamp if (ts = ts_regex.match(first_line)) timestamp = "#{ts['YR']}#{ts['MON']}#{ts['DAY']}#{ts['HR'] || '00'}#{ts['MIN'] || '00'}".to_i end end else # find the first */ sequence in the string. comment_end = raw_sql.index('*/') raise UnmatchedComment, 'raw_sql starts with "/*" sequence with no matching "*/" sequence' unless comment_end # find the last /* sequence before that. comment_start = raw_sql.rindex('/*', comment_end) # remove this comment raw_sql = (raw_sql[0...comment_start].to_s + raw_sql[(comment_end + 2)..-1].to_s).lstrip end end timestamp ||= default_timestamp raise EmptyDefinition, 'raw_sql contains no data' if raw_sql.blank? # first line should be CREATE VIEW|FUNCTION|PROCEDURE "XYZ" # or ALTER TABLE "XYZ" regex = /^(?:(?ALTER)\s+(?TABLE)|(?CREATE)\s+(?TABLE|VIEW|FUNCTION|PROCEDURE))\s+["\[]?(?[A-Z][A-Z0-9_]*)["\]]?\s+(?.*)$/im match = regex.match(raw_sql) raise MissingCreateStatement, 'raw_sql must contain a "CREATE|ALTER VIEW|FUNCTION|PROCEDURE" statement' unless match @command = match['CMD'].upcase @type = match['TYPE'].upcase @name = match['NAME'] @definition = match['DEFINITION'].strip # we're going to test the definition loosely. # so first we'll get rid of all valid literals and comments. # this will leave behind mangled invalid SQL, but we can use it to determine if there are any simple issues. # all removed components are replaced by single spaces to ensure that the remaining components are separate from # each other. test_sql = match['DEFINITION'] .gsub(/\s+/,' ') # condense whitespace .split(/(?:(?:'[^']*')|(?:"[^"]*")|(?:\[[^\[\]]*\]))/m).join(' ') # remove all quoted literals '', "", and [] .split(/--[^\r\n]*/).join(' ') # remove all single-line comments # remove all multi-line comments # the regex will find matches for all of the innermost multi-line comments. regex = /\/\*(?:(?:[^\/\*])|(?:\/[^\*]))*\*\//m # so we go through removing them until there are no longer any matches. while regex.match(test_sql) test_sql = test_sql.split(regex).join(' ') end # now we can test for a number of missing items nice and easily. raise UnmatchedBracket, 'raw_sql contains an opening bracket with no closing bracket' if test_sql.include?('[') raise UnmatchedBracket, 'raw_sql contains a closing bracket with no opening bracket' if test_sql.include?(']') raise UnclosedQuote, 'raw_sql contains an unclosed string literal' if test_sql.include?("'") raise UnclosedQuote, 'raw_sql contains an unclosed ANSI quoted literal' if test_sql.include?('"') raise UnmatchedComment, 'raw_sql contains a "/*" sequence with no matching "*/" sequence' if test_sql.include?('/*') raise UnmatchedComment, 'raw_sql contains a "*/" sequence with no matching "/*" sequence' if test_sql.include?('*/') unless type == 'PROCEDURE' # and finally we can test for extra DDL. # only the initial CREATE statement is allowed. regex = /\s(create|alter|drop|grant)\s/im if (match = regex.match(test_sql)) raise ExtraDDL, "raw_sql contains a #{match[1]} statement after the initial CREATE statement" end end # and for functions, get the return type. if type == 'FUNCTION' regex = /\sRETURNS\s+(?:@[A-Z][A-Z0-9_]*\s+)?(?[A-Z][A-Z0-9_()]*)\s/im match = regex.match(@definition) raise MissingReturnType, 'raw_sql seems to be missing the RETURNS statement for the function.' unless match rtype = match['TYPE'].downcase rsize = 0 if rtype.include?('(') rtype,_,rsize = rtype.partition('(') rsize = rsize.partition(')')[0].to_i end @return_type = case rtype when 'bit' :boolean when 'int', 'integer', 'bigint', 'smallint', 'tinyint' :integer when 'decimal', 'numeric', 'money', 'smallmoney' :decimal when 'float', 'real' :float when 'date', 'datetime', 'datetime2', 'time', 'smalldatetime', 'datetimeoffset' :time when 'char', 'varchar', 'text', 'nchar', 'nvarchar', 'ntext', 'binary', 'varbinary', 'image' :string else rtype.to_sym end end # set the version. @version = timestamp.to_s.ljust(12, '0') + Zlib.crc32(@definition).to_s(16).ljust(8,'0').upcase end def prefixed_name prefix = name_prefix.to_s return name if prefix == '' return name if name.index(prefix) == 0 prefix + name end def is_create? command == 'CREATE' end def update_sql "#{command} #{type} \"#{prefixed_name}\"\n#{definition.gsub('@Z~',name_prefix)}" end def drop_sql "DROP #{type} \"#{prefixed_name}\"" end def grant_sql(user_name) sel_exec = if type == 'PROCEDURE' 'EXECUTE' elsif type == 'FUNCTION' && return_type != :table 'EXECUTE' elsif type == 'TABLE' 'SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE' else 'SELECT' end "GRANT VIEW DEFINITION,#{sel_exec} ON \"#{prefixed_name}\" TO \"#{user_name}\"" end def to_s "#{type} #{name}" end def ==(other) return false unless other.is_a?(MsSqlDefinition) return false unless == name return false unless other.type == type return false unless other.definition == definition true end end end