# typed: strict # frozen_string_literal: true module RubyLsp module Requests module Support class RuboCopDiagnostic extend T::Sig RUBOCOP_TO_LSP_SEVERITY = T.let( { info: Constant::DiagnosticSeverity::HINT, refactor: Constant::DiagnosticSeverity::INFORMATION, convention: Constant::DiagnosticSeverity::INFORMATION, warning: Constant::DiagnosticSeverity::WARNING, error: Constant::DiagnosticSeverity::ERROR, fatal: Constant::DiagnosticSeverity::ERROR, }.freeze, T::Hash[Symbol, Integer], ) # TODO: avoid passing document once we have alternative ways to get at # encoding and file source sig { params(document: Document, offense: RuboCop::Cop::Offense, uri: URI::Generic).void } def initialize(document, offense, uri) @document = document @offense = offense @uri = uri end sig { returns(T::Array[Interface::CodeAction]) } def to_lsp_code_actions code_actions = [] code_actions << autocorrect_action if @offense.correctable? code_actions << disable_line_action code_actions end sig { returns(Interface::Diagnostic) } def to_lsp_diagnostic Interface::Diagnostic.new( message: message, source: "RuboCop", code: @offense.cop_name, code_description: code_description, severity: severity, range: Interface::Range.new( start: Interface::Position.new( line: @offense.line - 1, character: @offense.column, ), end: Interface::Position.new( line: @offense.last_line - 1, character: @offense.last_column, ), ), data: { correctable: @offense.correctable?, code_actions: to_lsp_code_actions, }, ) end private sig { returns(String) } def message message = @offense.message message += "\n\nThis offense is not auto-correctable.\n" unless @offense.correctable? message end sig { returns(T.nilable(Integer)) } def severity RUBOCOP_TO_LSP_SEVERITY[@offense.severity.name] end sig { returns(T.nilable(Interface::CodeDescription)) } def code_description doc_url = RuboCopRunner.find_cop_by_name(@offense.cop_name)&.documentation_url Interface::CodeDescription.new(href: doc_url) if doc_url end sig { returns(Interface::CodeAction) } def autocorrect_action Interface::CodeAction.new( title: "Autocorrect #{@offense.cop_name}", kind: Constant::CodeActionKind::QUICK_FIX, edit: Interface::WorkspaceEdit.new( document_changes: [ Interface::TextDocumentEdit.new( text_document: Interface::OptionalVersionedTextDocumentIdentifier.new( uri: @uri.to_s, version: nil, ), edits: @offense.correctable? ? offense_replacements : [], ), ], ), is_preferred: true, ) end sig { returns(T::Array[Interface::TextEdit]) } def offense_replacements @offense.corrector.as_replacements.map do |range, replacement| Interface::TextEdit.new( range: Interface::Range.new( start: Interface::Position.new(line: range.line - 1, character: range.column), end: Interface::Position.new(line: range.last_line - 1, character: range.last_column), ), new_text: replacement, ) end end sig { returns(Interface::CodeAction) } def disable_line_action Interface::CodeAction.new( title: "Disable #{@offense.cop_name} for this line", kind: Constant::CodeActionKind::QUICK_FIX, edit: Interface::WorkspaceEdit.new( document_changes: [ Interface::TextDocumentEdit.new( text_document: Interface::OptionalVersionedTextDocumentIdentifier.new( uri: @uri.to_s, version: nil, ), edits: line_disable_comment, ), ], ), ) end sig { returns(T::Array[Interface::TextEdit]) } def line_disable_comment new_text = if @offense.source_line.include?(" # rubocop:disable ") ",#{@offense.cop_name}" else " # rubocop:disable #{@offense.cop_name}" end eol = Interface::Position.new( line: @offense.line - 1, character: length_of_line(@offense.source_line), ) # TODO: fails for multiline strings - may be preferable to use block # comments to disable some offenses inline_comment = Interface::TextEdit.new( range: Interface::Range.new(start: eol, end: eol), new_text: new_text, ) [inline_comment] end sig { params(line: String).returns(Integer) } def length_of_line(line) if @document.encoding == Constant::PositionEncodingKind::UTF16 line_length = 0 line.codepoints.each do |codepoint| line_length += 1 if codepoint > RubyLsp::Document::Scanner::SURROGATE_PAIR_START line_length += 1 end end line_length else line.length end end end end end end