require "metanorma-standoc" require "nokogiri" require "pp" module Asciidoctor module ISO class Converter < Standoc::Converter def extract_text(node) return "" if node.nil? node1 = Nokogiri::XML.fragment(node.to_s) node1.xpath("//link | //locality").each(&:remove) ret = "" node1.traverse { |x| ret += x.text if x.text? } ret end # ISO/IEC DIR 2, 12.2 def foreword_style(node) return if @novalid style_no_guidance(node, extract_text(node), "Foreword") end # ISO/IEC DIR 2, 14.2 def scope_style(node) return if @novalid style_no_guidance(node, extract_text(node), "Scope") end # ISO/IEC DIR 2, 13.2 def introduction_style(node) return if @novalid r = requirement_check(extract_text(node)) style_warning(node, "Introduction may contain requirement", r) if r end # ISO/IEC DIR 2, 16.5.6 def definition_style(node) return if @novalid r = requirement_check(extract_text(node)) style_warning(node, "Definition may contain requirement", r) if r end # ISO/IEC DIR 2, 16.5.7 # ISO/IEC DIR 2, 25.5 def example_style(node) return if @novalid style_no_guidance(node, extract_text(node), "Example") style(node, extract_text(node)) end # ISO/IEC DIR 2, 24.5 def note_style(node) return if @novalid style_no_guidance(node, extract_text(node), "Note") style(node, extract_text(node)) end # ISO/IEC DIR 2, 26.5 def footnote_style(node) return if @novalid style_no_guidance(node, extract_text(node), "Footnote") style(node, extract_text(node)) end def style_regex(re, warning, n, text) (m = re.match(text)) && style_warning(n, warning, m[:num]) end # style check with a regex on a token # and a negative match on its preceding token def style_two_regex_not_prev(n, text, re, re_prev, warning) return if text.nil? arr = text.split(/\W+/) arr.each_index do |i| m = re.match arr[i] m_prev = ? nil : re_prev.match(arr[i - 1]) if !m.nil? && m_prev.nil? style_warning(n, warning, m[:num]) end end end def style(n, t) return if @novalid style_number(n, t) style_percent(n, t) style_abbrev(n, t) style_units(n, t) end # ISO/IEC DIR 2, 9.1 # ISO/IEC DIR 2, Table B.1 def style_number(n, t) style_two_regex_not_prev(n, t, /^(?-?[0-9]{4,}[,0-9]*)$/, %r{(\bISO|\bIEC|\bIEEE/)$}, "number not broken up in threes") style_regex(/\b(?[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)/i, "possible decimal point", n, t) style_regex(/\b(?billion[s]?)\b/i, "ambiguous number", n, t) end # ISO/IEC DIR 2, 9.2.1 def style_percent(n, t) style_regex(/\b(?[0-9.,]+%)/, "no space before percent sign", n, t) style_regex(/\b(?[0-9.,]+ \u00b1 [0-9,.]+ %)/, "unbracketed tolerance before percent sign", n, t) end # ISO/IEC DIR 2, 8.4 # ISO/IEC DIR 2, 9.3 def style_abbrev(n, t) style_regex(/(^|\s)(?!e\.g\.|i\.e\.) (?[a-z]{1,2}\.([a-z]{1,2}|\.))\b/ix, "no dots in abbreviations", n, t) style_regex(/\b(?ppm)\b/i, "language-specific abbreviation", n, t) end # leaving out as problematic: N J K C S T H h d B o E SI_UNIT = "(m|cm|mm|km|μm|nm|g|kg|mgmol|cd|rad|sr|Hz|Hz|MHz|Pa|hPa|kJ|"\ "V|kV|W|MW|kW|F|μF|Ω|Wb|°C|lm|lx|Bq|Gy|Sv|kat|l|t|eV|u|Np|Bd|"\ "bit|kB|MB|Hart|nat|Sh|var)".freeze # ISO/IEC DIR 2, 9.3 def style_units(n, t) style_regex(/\b(?[0-9][0-9,]*\s+[\u00b0\u2032\u2033])/, "space between number and degrees/minutes/seconds", n, t) style_regex(/\b(?[0-9][0-9,]*#{SI_UNIT})\b/, "no space between number and SI unit", n, t) style_non_std_units(n, t) end NONSTD_UNITS = { "sec": "s", "mins": "min", "hrs": "h", "hr": "h", "cc": "cm^3", "lit": "l", "amp": "A", "amps": "A", "rpm": "r/min" }.freeze # ISO/IEC DIR 2, 9.3 def style_non_std_units(n, t) NONSTD_UNITS.each do |k, v| style_regex(/\b(?[0-9][0-9,]*\s+#{k})\b/, "non-standard unit (should be #{v})", n, t) end end end end end